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Insured Declared Value in Car Insurance & How to Calculate Vehicle IDV Value?

What is IDV in Car Insurance?

We know there are terms in insurance that are difficult to understand but are extremely important to be acquainted with, one such term is IDV. The full form of IDV in insurance is ‘Insured Declared Value.’

IDV in car insurance refers to the current market value of your car. In other words, it is the amount your car would receive in today’s market. 

This IDV in car insurance helps your insurer, a.k.a us determine your claim amounts correctly during claim payments. Additionally, it also helps us determine the right premium price for your car insurance.


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Let’s understand with the help of an example,

Say you buy a new car for ₹10 lakhs, so your IDV at the time of purchase will be ₹10 lakhs since your car is new. 

However, as your car gets older, its value starts depreciating, resulting in a lower IDV. So, let’s say that after two years, your car’s worth is ₹6 lakhs; its IDV will also be ₹6 lakhs as per IDV calculator which considers various factors.

Also, remember that if you manage to sell your car for ₹7 lakhs, your car’s IDV will still be ₹6 lakhs. This means that IDV value is the amount at which your car is valued and not the value at which you can sell the car.

Why is IDV Important in Car Insurance?

IDV Value Calculator for Car Insurance

What is the Role of Depreciation in IDV Calculation?

Car Depreciation Rate

Depreciation is calculated based on the car depreciation rate, given in the table below:

Age of the Car Depreciation Rate 
6 months and below  5% 
6 months to 1 year  15% 
1 year to 2 years  20% 
2 years to 3 years  30% 
3 years to 4 years  40% 
4 years to 5 years  50% 
Above 5 years  IDV mutually decided by the insurance provider and policyholder 

How Does IDV Affect Your Car Insurance Premium?

What Factors Help Determine Your Car's IDV?

  • Age of the Car: Since the IDV represents the market value of your car, the age of your car is extremely important to help determine the right IDV. The older your car is, the lesser will be its IDV and vice versa. 
  • Manufacturer Make and Model of the Vehicle: The make and model of your car is directly related to your IDV. For example; a car like a Lamborghini Veneno will have a higher IDV than that of an Aston Martin One due to the difference in their make and model.
  • City Registration Details: Your car registration details are available on your registration certificate. Also, the city where your car is registered has an impact on its insured declared value. The IDV of your car in a metro city may be less than its IDV in a tier-II city.
  • Standard Depreciation (As per Indian Motor Tariff): Your car’s value depreciates from the moment you drive it out of the showroom– and the percentage of its depreciation increases with each year. This too ultimately affects your IDV.

How to Choose the Right IDV for your Vehicle?

Explain It Like I'm Five!

We're making insurance so simple, now even 5-year-olds can understand it.

Imagine you own a cool toy car. One day, you decide to find out how much money you would get if you sold it to your uncle. Your uncle looks at your toy closely and sees it's made of plastic, metal, and rubber, and considers how long you have been playing with it. Based on this, your uncle offers to give you ₹200 for the car. So, in this case, ₹200 is your toy car’s IDV. 

This IDV amount is the compensation you will get for the current value of your toy car if it's stolen or damaged.

FAQs about IDV in Car Insurance