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Everything about Influenza Vaccine: Benefits & Dosage

Influenza or flu is a severe respiratory infection coming from the influenza virus. Almost every year, there is an outbreak of influenza.

Are you concerned about catching this infection? This article will give you a detailed guide about an influenza vaccine and how it can help you in the long run!

What Is Influenza Vaccine?

An influenza vaccine can boost your immune system and protect you from getting infected by the four common influenza viruses. Healthcare practitioners advice most people, particularly kids, to take this vaccine mandatorily.

As the name suggests, the influenza vaccine protects you from developing an influenza infection. Initially, the flu seems like a common cold, with symptoms like a runny nose, sore throat, sneezing and coughing. However, in time, influenza intensifies to develop headaches, shortness of breath, fatigue, eye pain, vomiting, and diarrhoea.

Influenza vaccine forms antibodies within about two weeks of the vaccination. These antibodies strengthen your immune system to fight against the influenza virus. As flu is often considered a seasonal disease, it is ideal for getting an influenza vaccine by the end of October. Two types of vaccines are commonly available.

  • Inactivated influenza vaccine (IIV) 
  • Live attenuated influenza vaccine (LAIV)

Apart from that, many countries use trivalent vaccines, including influenza A (H3N2), pandemic A (H1N1) and 1 of 2 influenza B lineage viruses. Therefore, children need to take these vaccines at the earliest to avoid getting infected in future.

What Are the Benefits of Influenza Vaccine?

The benefits of an influenza vaccine are as follows.

  • It helps to reduce the risks of influenza by 40% - 60%. 
  • A 2021 study shows this vaccine helps to reduce the chances of reducing the risks of death by flu or infection by 26%-31%. 
  • This vaccine reduces the risks of being admitted to the ICU by 82%, as a 2018 study revealed. 
  • The effects of the influenza vaccine can also lower the chances of cardiac diseases. 
  • Moreover, it reduces the chances of respiratory infections among pregnant women.

Who Should Get the Influenza Vaccine?

According to the Centres for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), anyone over six months can take this vaccine. However, it is mandatory for the higher-risk groups, including the following.

1. Kids and infants

Kids between the age group of 6 months and four years should get this vaccine. Infants are at high risk of exposure to this disease since their immune system is still developing. Therefore, parents should take this vaccine once the children are over six months of age.

2. Older adults

People aged 65 years or more should also get this vaccine. As they get older, their immune system starts falling apart. As a result, they are most likely to get infected by the influenza vaccine during the seasonal periods. This vaccine can protect them from getting influenza.

3. Pregnant women

Pregnant women are also at risk of getting this disease. Doctors, therefore, suggest they take this vaccine. Even if you are not pregnant but planning to soon, you should go for this vaccine. Moreover, women that recently gave birth should also take this vaccine.

4. People with weak immunity

People with a more fragile immune system from other medicines or illnesses should take this vaccine. They are naturally more prone to getting influenza during the peak seasons. Taking this vaccine will help them avoid the infection.

5. People with chronic conditions

Both adults and children with chronic conditions should take this vaccine. Such conditions can include diabetes and asthma. These have chances of inviting influenza.

6. High-risk groups

If your family members suffer from influenza or take care of a patient, you belong to a high-risk group. If the patients include children younger than five years old, you should consider getting an influenza vaccine.

Who Should Avoid Getting an Influenza Vaccine?

The influenza vaccine can be suitable for anyone. However, this vaccine is not ideal for the following conditions in rare cases.

  • Researchers suggest babies under six months of age avoid this vaccine. While it might not be harmful, it will be pointless. The vaccine will not work for them. 
  • If a child has a severe allergy to thimerosal, a standard influenza vaccine can be harmful. You will have to request the doctor for a thimerosal-free vaccine in this case.
  • Individuals who are suffering from an egg allergy, particularly with symptoms more severe than hives, should not take the vaccine at supermarkets or drugstores and go to the doctor's office.

What Are the Side Effects of Influenza Vaccine?

Now, you must be curious to know about the side effects of the influenza vaccine. Usually, this vaccine comes without any such major issues. However, you might face the following mild side effects after getting this vaccine.

  • Redness and soreness on the injection site
  • Slight swelling on the skin
  • Headache 
  • Fever 
  • Nausea 
  • Muscle pain 
  • Fatigue 

These are the usual side effects of the influenza vaccine. You should contact your physician and take suitable medicines to avoid these issues.

Therefore, an influenza vaccine is essential for protecting you from catching the influenza virus and getting infected. As this article observed, children and infants should take this vaccine after six months of age. This vaccine can also help you avoid other viral infections and disorders, apart from controlling influenza.

Frequently Asked Questions

How long does the influenza vaccine protect you?

The effects of the influenza vaccine start from two weeks after you receive it. Its protection lasts for around 6-8 months.

What happens if you get the flu shot twice in the same season?

Usually, medical practitioners recommend people take the flu vaccine about four weeks apart. It is not harmful if you are an adult and take two shots in the same season. However, it might not be as helpful.