EEG, or an electroencephalogram, is a test that measures the brain’s electrical activity. The test uses small metal discs called electrodes attached to the scalp. This test can help diagnose any issues with brain cell communication by evaluating the electrical impulses.
If you want to know more about an EEG test, consider going through the following sections, which detail the meaning, procedure, uses and risks of the test.
An electroencephalogram tracks the brave waves pattern. As mentioned above, the machine does this through the small metal discs called electrodes attached to the person's scalp. These electrodes help analyse the electrical impulses in the brain and send signals to the machine that records the data.
The impulses recorded through the test look like wavy lines with valleys and perks. The structure of these lines helps doctors determine whether there are any abnormalities with brain function.
To fully understand what is an EEG test, you must also know its types. Read on to know more:
Before undergoing the procedure of EEG, consider following these steps:
Note that your doctor may ask you to sleep as little as possible the night before you take the test. You might also receive sedatives to help you relax before the test.
The following points mention what happens during an EEG test:
If you are wondering what is an EEG test used to diagnose, read the following points:
Further, another purpose of EEG is to detect any brain activity in coma patients.
If you want to know what is an EEG test, you should be well aware of the risks the procedure may carry.
Usually, the EEG test is a painless procedure. However, if you have epilepsy, you might have a small risk of having a seizure during the test. Note that the technicians are equipped to handle your condition in this case.
The technician will remove the electrodes from your scalp once the test is over.
You can carry on with your usual activities. If you are under sedation, the drug will stay in your system for a short period of time. This indicates that you might require someone to take you back home. You must take it easy and refrain from driving until the medication wears off.