What is the Best Time to Buy Term Insurance?

When is the Best Time to Buy Term Life Insurance?

When is the Ideal Age to Buy Term Insurance?

In Your 20s

In Your 30s

In Your 40s

In Your 50s and Beyond


In Your 20s: The Best Time to Start

Buying term insurance in your 20s is often the best decision for several reasons:


Lower Premiums: Premiums are calculated based on your age and health. When you are young and generally in good health, insurance companies view you as a low-risk applicant, resulting in lower premiums.


Future-Proofing: Investing early in term insurance ensures your family's financial security for longer.


Tax Benefits: If you have just started earning, the tax benefits on term insurance premiums under Section 80C of the Income Tax Act can be a significant advantage.


In Your 30s: Still a Good Time

By the time you reach your 30s, your financial responsibilities typically increase. You may have a spouse, children, a home loan, or other liabilities. Buying term insurance at this stage is crucial to protect your dependents.


Affordable Premiums: While premiums are slightly higher than in your 20s, they are still affordable.


Adequate Coverage: At this stage, you can opt for a higher sum assured to cover your growing financial obligations.


In Your 40s: It's Never Too Late

In your 40s, your responsibilities may peak with significant financial commitments like children's education and mortgage payments.


Higher Premiums: While premiums increase as you age, the peace of mind term insurance makes it a worthwhile investment.


Health Considerations: If you are in good health, you can still secure a reasonably priced term plan. However, any pre-existing conditions may lead to higher premiums or exclusions.


In Your 50s and Beyond: Limited Options

While buying term insurance in your 50s or 60s is still possible, options become limited, and premiums are significantly higher.


Shorter Policy Tenures: Insurers often offer shorter coverage periods to older applicants.


Higher Risks: Age-related health issues could lead to declined applications or restrictive policies.

Life Milestones that Signal It's Time to Buy Term Insurance

While age is a crucial factor, certain life events should trigger your decision to purchase term insurance:

old couple

Senior Citizens and People About to Retire

While buying term insurance late in life isn't ideal, it's crucial for those without a life insurance budget to get one when their child starts earning. This step ensures post-retirement financial stability and adds a protection layer for your spouse in case of unfortunate events.

newly wed couple

Married Couples Planning for Children

Many consider this phase of life the best time to buy life insurance as individuals are at their peak income potential. Moreover, getting a term plan with life coverage close to 10 times the annual income ensures the child and spouse experience no financial distress, even if they need to confront a medical emergency.

working professional

Working Professionals

Financial advisors suggest these individuals purchase life insurance early as they start contributing to their family's income. At the beginning of their career, the average salary is also low; thus, it is considered the appropriate age to plan for future financial security. On top of everything, you get to reduce taxable income.

home loan debt

Taking on a Mortgage or Large Debt

When you take on significant debt, particularly a home loan, term insurance becomes crucial as it prevents your family from inheriting your debt burden to ensure your loved ones can maintain their current lifestyle.

meditating businessman

Starting a Business

Entrepreneurs should consider term insurance to protect their families from business-related debts. It provides working capital for business continuity and ensures business partners have funds to buy out their share.

Factors to Consider When Deciding the Right Time to Buy Term Insurance?

Common Mistakes to Avoid When Timing Your Purchase

Understanding when not to buy is just as important as knowing when to buy:

Waiting for the Perfect Time

There is rarely a perfect time to buy insurance. Waiting too long can result in higher premiums, decreased insurability, missed opportunities for long-term savings, and the risk of being uninsured when needed most.

Delaying Due to Current Health Issues

Some people wait to buy insurance until their health improves. This is risky because health conditions might worsen, new health issues could develop, premiums will increase with age, and you might become uninsurable.

Postponing Because You Are Single

Being single doesn't mean you don't need insurance. Consider future insurability protection, ageing debts, final expenses and the benefit of locking in low rates.

Why is Term Insurance an Important Part of Your Life?

FAQs about the Best Time to Buy Term Insurance

Can I hold multiple term insurance plans?

Yes, any Indian citizen can possess more than one insurance policy from the same insurer or different companies. People generally purchase multiple-term plans to reduce the risk of a claim rejection and benefit from additional riders.

What is the maximum age limit of term insurance?

As medical science continues to advance, human life expectancy has also improved from earlier. Consequently, life insurance providers have elevated the upper age limit for term plans. People over 60 years of age can also now opt for buying specialised term plans for senior citizens. Many insurers provide life coverage to individuals until they reach 70-75 years of age.

When should you add accidental coverage to your basic life coverage?

Suppose you must travel a lot by road, rail or airway for work purposes. Chances are significant that there can be an unfortunate event during a trip. Thus, you may opt for an additional accidental cover to ensure your family gets extra protection by adding a little extra to the base premium.

Am I too young to buy term insurance at 25?

No, you are definitely not too young. Age 25 is an ideal age to buy term insurance. You will secure the lowest premium rates that remain fixed throughout the policy term, get easier approval due to better health, and have access to longer coverage periods. Starting early means significant lifetime savings and comprehensive protection.

Should I wait until I get married to buy term insurance?

No, don't wait for marriage to buy term insurance. Even when single, you might have dependent family members or debts to cover. Buying early lowers premiums for life and protects your future insurability, regardless of when you start a family.

Is it too late to buy term insurance at 45 years?

No, it's never too late to buy term insurance. While premiums will be higher than if purchased earlier, you can still get substantial coverage up to age 65 or 70. The best part is at 45, you have a clear picture of your financial obligations and can choose appropriate coverage.

Will my premiums increase if I wait another year to buy?

Yes, premiums increase by 8-10% each year you age. A policy costing 12,000 annually at age 30 might cost 13,500 at age 31. This increase is permanent throughout the policy term, making early purchases financially beneficial.

I have some health issues, should I wait until they improve to buy term insurance?

No, you should not wait for health improvements before buying insurance. Current conditions might be covered with loading charges, but waiting risks developing worse issues that could make you uninsurable. Secure coverage while conditions are stable and documented rather than risking future complications.

How does my current age affect the maximum policy term available?

Age directly impacts available policy terms. Younger buyers (25-30) can access 35-40 year terms, while those over 45 might be limited to 20-25 years. Earlier purchase provides.



  • This is an informative article provided on 'as is' basis for awareness purpose only and not intended as a professional advice. The content of the article is derived from various open sources across the Internet. Digit Life Insurance is not promoting or recommending any aspect in the article or its correctness. Please verify the information and your requirement before taking any decisions.
  • All the figures reflected in the article are for illustrative purposes. The premium for Coverage that one buys depends on various factors including customer requirements, eligibility, age, demography, insurance provider, product, coverage amount, term and other factors
  • Tax Benefits, if applicable depend on the Tax Regime opted by the individual and the applicable tax provision. Please consult your Tax consultant before making any decision.

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