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Benefits of Morning Walk

Walking in the morning every day and making it a routine can have a fantastic effect on your mental and physical health.

As per the American Heart Association, your life expectancy increases by 2 hours for every 1 hour of brisk walking. If you are interested to know about the benefits of an early morning walk, keep reading!

What Are the Benefits of Morning Walk?

The following is a list of benefits of walking daily in the morning -  

  • Diminishes the risk of cancer, diabetes, stroke and heart disease
  • Lowers your blood pressure
  • Reduces your chances of dementia and enhances memory
  • Increases energy
  • Controls weight gain
  • Boosts your emotional and mental health.

To get good health, devote at least 30 minutes to your early morning walk daily.

What Are the Top Health Benefits of Morning Walk?

Walking is a great mode of exercise and is an easy way of improving health. There are plenty of benefits of walking in the morning.

  • Improves immunity – Daily walks reduce the risk of catching flu or cold. Proponents at Harvard Health believe that adults walking 3 to 5 times a week for 30 minutes could achieve improved health and overall well-being. Besides, individuals opting for regular morning walk may experience comparatively milder symptoms when developing an illness.
  • Eases joints – Several individuals may experience a squelching sound while walking. The compression and movement while walking open the joints to get fluids. As a result, more nutrients and oxygen circulate into the joints, making you feel better.
  • Blood circulation – Walking leads to an increase in heart rate and lowering of blood pressure. It enhances blood circulation and improves heart health with time. By walking 2 miles every day, your chances of stroke are reduced.
  • Enhances muscles – One of the benefits of morning walk is that it helps to tone your abdominal muscles and legs. Strong muscles improve your motions and overall strength.
  • Prevents Alzheimer’s – As per the University of Pittsburgh, when a normal adult walks for 6 miles per week, his chances of Alzheimer’s reduce by 50%. Consistent  brief walks have great effects on your body and mind.

What Are Some Lifestyle Benefits of Morning Walk?

Here are some of the positive changes a daily morning walk is likely to bring in your life-

  • Enhances mood – According to a study by Iowa State University, walking for at least 12 minutes daily boosts your mood. Regular walks can also diminish mild and moderate stages of depression.
  • Clears mind – When you walk, your brain functions better. People who walk daily develop better cognitive skills than the rest. Often, people like to walk while they are trying to solve a problem or think about something.
  • Improves mental health – When you walk, the body releases certain hormones that improve your emotional health. The hormones are -
    • Serotonin - helps to sleep
    • Dopamine - reduces depression and stress
    • Estrogen - reduces symptoms of menopause in women
    • Testosterone - enhances muscle mass and strength in men.

It is crucial that you make your walking schedule realistic. You can try to walk 30 minutes per day or as is suitable for your health and body. You can gradually increase your timing or distance of the walk.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the benefits of morning walk for skin?

Regular morning walks boost the body’s blood circulation and oxygen supply, helping to avoid acne, pimples and other skin issues. The activity also slows down your ageing cycle and makes your skin glow over time.

Does morning walk help lose weight?

If you walk at a moderate speed for around 30 minutes, you may burn about 150 calories. Regular walks, combined with strength training and a balanced diet, can effectively reduce your weight.

What are the benefits of morning walk for diabetes?

People having diabetes can get the following benefits from walking -

  • Walking prevents the accumulation of blood sugar in the bloodstream. That’s because the muscles soak in blood sugar on a walk. It helps control blood glucose level.
  • Regular walks help to burn calories, which, in turn, diminish health risks.
  • Diabetes can be a cause of heart disease. Walking daily helps maintain health of cardiovascular muscles and prevent heart problems.