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Health Benefits of Cycling

Cycling is one of the most versatile workouts to keep you active and shape a healthy lifestyle, both physically and mentally. To those already a part of the cycling world, the benefits of cycling are crystal clear.

What Are the Health Benefits of Cycling?

There are several health benefits of cycling. Some of which are as follows -

Cycling Helps You Lose Weight – Cycling can be the best alternative for individuals wishing to lose weight but finding the gym boring. Cycling is an excellent way of workout that helps strengthen bones, tone the muscles, and reduce weight.

Here are five things to watch out for if you're cycling in order to lose weight –

  • The time that you spend pedalling is crucial if you're willing to attain weight loss by cycling. Cycling for one hour can help individuals burn 500 calories. Therefore, riding a bicycle regularly and following a healthy diet can help you can lose around 500 grams on a weekly basis. Nevertheless, you should keep in mind that every person has a different metabolism and choose the time accordingly.
  • Riding a bike daily in the morning before you have breakfast can be one of the best ways to lose fat. Studies claim that riding a bicycle with an empty stomach can aid in burning fat 20% faster and effectively.
  • Challenge yourself by riding that extra mile! You can opt to increase the extent of your ride as an excellent way to reduce belly fat.
  • Riding a bicycle on a slope burns more calories and helps you lose weight faster.
  • Cycling in the proper posture, speed and grip are essential if you want to reduce kilos.

Cycling Can Help You Increase Your Stamina - Stamina is the ability to sustain a physical or mental effort for a long time. Whether it is a friendly sprinting challenge or keeping up with your colleagues on a weekend ride, the path to get there is the same.

One of the many benefits of cycling daily is the increase in stamina and endurance. Riding a bicycle regularly increases the cardiovascular system's load, forcing it to become stronger and last longer.

Cycling Builds Muscles - Muscle building is one of the benefits of cycling. Riding a bicycle is a total body workout. This means that it helps in building muscles, particularly around glutes, quads, hamstrings and calves.

Benefits of Cycling Daily

Cycling is a low impact aerobic exercise. This means that the heart, blood vessels and lungs, all get a workout. Regular cycling offers a wealth of benefits. Some of which are as follows –

  • Increased cardiovascular fitness
  • Improved joint mobility
  • Improved immune system
  • Decreased stress-level
  • Increased muscle strength and flexibility
  • Reduced anxiety and depression

Things to Remember While Cycling

Though there are numerous benefits of riding a cycle, there are certain things one should always keep in mind while cycling. Some of which are as follows –

  • Never leave your house for cycling without a helmet.
  • It is important to keep the body hydrated and fuelled while riding a bicycle, as longer rides use up a lot of energy. The best policy is to leave the house with two full water bottles and snacks.
  • Always wear bicycling gloves to protect your hand from calluses and blisters and also from the impact caused by falls.
  • Drink a minimum one bottle of fluid every hour. Plus, have 30-60 grams of carbohydrate per hour while riding. This helps in keeping the energy levels high.

Therefore, there are many benefits of cycling. It is a fun, healthy and low-impact workout for all age groups. Furthermore, cycling is easy to fit into your daily routine by riding to shops, work, school or park.

Frequently Asked Questions

How much cycling is good for a day?

Cycling for at least 30 minutes every day is considered to be ideal.

What is the best time for cycling?

Ideally, morning cycle rides are considered to be the best.