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Yoga for Thyroid: 15 Best Yoga Asanas to Improve Thyroid Health

Several yoga asanas or poses stimulate the flow of blood in the thyroid glands in our body. This helps in reversing hyperthyroidism and hypothyroidism.

Keep reading the entire article to know the 15 best yoga for improving thyroid health!

What Are the Best Yoga Exercises for Improving Thyroid Health?

Some of the best yoga poses for improving thyroid health are –

1. Sarvangasana or Shoulder Stand

Sarvangasana is referred to as the “Queen of Asanas’. The inverted pose revitalizes blood flow to the glands present in the upper body and regulates metabolism. Moreover, the way the chin is tucked into your chest benefits thyroid functions in the human body. Thus, this is one of the best yoga asanas for improving thyroid health.

2. Halasana or Plow Pose

Plow Pose, referred to as Halasana in Sanskrit, is an inverted yoga asana that strengthens, stretches and relaxes your body. This asana stretches the neck and thus stimulates the thyroid and pituitary glands. However, individuals suffering from hyperthyroidism should not perform this yoga asana as thyroid hormones are secreted during this pose.

3. Matsyasana or Fish Pose

When it comes to yoga poses for improving thyroid health, Matsyasana is one of the best asanas for reversing hypothyroidism. It involves stretching the throat and neck, which stimulates the thyroid glands. This pose increases the blood flow in the thyroid glands and is beneficial for individuals suffering from hypothyroidism.

4. Viparita Karani or Inverted Lake Pose

Viparita Karani or Inverted Lake Pose stimulates blood flow to the thyroid glands and regulates thyroid functioning. Moreover, it helps in curing insomnia, relieving stress and fighting anxiety.

5. Janu Shirasana or One-legged Forward Bend

Janu Shirasana or One-legged Forward Bend provides an optimal spinal stretch. It helps in toning the shoulders, massages the abdominal organs and reduces fatigue and anxiety. This pose also regulates the thyroid health of a body.

6. Marjaryasana or Cat-cow Pose

The fluid motion involved in Marjaryasana or Cat-cow Pose stimulates the thyroid glands in the human body. Drawing the chin to your chest and then exposing the throat chakra encourages blood flow in this area.

7. Navasana or Boat Pose

The way your neck is positioned during a Navasana or Boat Pose has a positive effect on the thyroid glands in the human body. It tones the muscles of the abdomen and strengthens the lower back.

8. Ustrasana or Camel Pose

Ustrasana or Camel Pose is one of the beneficial yoga asanas to improve thyroid health. The stretching of the neck involved in this pose increases the blood circulation in thyroid glands and thus stimulates the thyroid. This asana also helps people suffering from asthma.

9. Bhujangasana or Cobra Pose

Bhujangasana or Cobra Pose involves the stretching of the throat and neck region. This increases blood circulation and further stimulates thyroid functioning. It is helpful for people suffering from hypothyroidism.

10. Urdhva Dhanurasana or Upward Bow (Wheel) Pose

Urdhva Dhanurasana or Upward Bow (Wheel) Pose stimulates the flow of energy to the thyroid glands in our body. It also increases the flow of oxygen in the lungs and thus helps relieve asthma.

11. Shavasana or Corpse Pose

Shavasana or Corpse Pose can be a challenging yoga pose for improving thyroid health as it involves lying in stillness for an extended period. This pose stimulates the thyroid by increasing blood circulation, and it also helps to reverse hypothyroidism.

12. Setubandhasana or Bridge Pose

Setubandhasana, or the bridge pose, is a beneficial yoga pose for improving thyroid health. It involves stretching the neck and thus encourages blood circulation in the thyroid glands.

13. Shishu Asana or Child Pose

Shishu Asana or the Child Pose involves stretching the ankle, thighs, and hips. This type of yoga pose helps in the treatment of hyperthyroidism.

14. Surya Namashkar or Sun Salutation

Surya Namashkar, or Sun Salutation, consists of twelve asanas. These asanas help to cure one of the most worrisome signs of hypothyroidism – weight gain.

15. Salamba Sirshasana or Supported Headstand Pose

Salamba Sirshasana or Supported Headstand Pose is one of the most advanced yoga asanas for thyroid health . It stimulates the human body's thyroid glands and the pineal and brain's pituitary glands.

How Effective Is Yoga for Thyroid Patients?

Yoga is a type of exercise that reduces an individual's stress levels. There is circumstantial evidence that increased stress can lead to thyroid problems in the human body. A study in 2017 found out that yoga reduces stress levels and improves the well-being of a person. Certain yoga asanas are considered to balance out hyperthyroidism and hypothyroidism.

A small study was conducted in 2014, and a conclusion was drawn that yoga leads to improved thyroid functions.

Yet another study conducted in the year 2016 proved that six months of yoga leads to improved cholesterol levels and TSH (Thyroid Stimulating Hormones) levels. Hence, the need for thyroid replacement therapy for women suffering from hypothyroidism reduced considerably.

When Should Thyroid Patients Avoid Doing Yoga?

People usually practise yoga to stay stress-free and avoid conditions like poor blood circulation, lower back pain, arthritis, etc. Though yoga is safe for everyone, there are certain exceptions.

  • Women should not practise yoga during their menses.
  • Individuals should not do yoga when their mind is in a state of stress.
  • Individuals with low-muscle strength should stay careful while doing yoga.
  • People suffering from osteoporosis should avoid doing yoga.
  • Individuals who have knee, neck, hip and back pain should not practise yoga.
  • People leading a sedentary lifestyle should avoid certain yoga asanas as they are at risk of several injuries.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can yoga cure hyperthyroidism?

No, yoga cannot cure any type of thyroid imbalance. However, yoga should be used as a preventative therapy for thyroid imbalance.

Can yoga cure thyroid permanently?

Yoga keeps the thyroid glands healthy; however, yoga cannot cure thyroid permanently.