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How to Drive a Truck: A Step-by-Step Guide
Trucks are vehicles designed to move goods and specialised payloads by roads. They are generally large in size, configuration and power. Trucks are always people's first choice when they want to transport their belongings from one place to another.
Keep reading to know how to drive a truck!
How to Drive a Truck?
Here is a step-by-step process on how to operate a truck for beginners -
Step 1 – Check that the gear stick is in neutral, then press the clutch with your left foot until it touches the truck's floor.
Step 2 – To ignite, turn on the key. Make sure that emergency or parking brakes are not used.
Step 3 – Press the brake using your right foot. Move the gear stick and put it on first gear.
Step 4 – Then slowly remove the right foot. Your truck should move a little.
Step 5 – Release the pressure on the clutch slowly with the left foot. The truck will start to roll forward.
Step 6 – Start pressing the accelerator lightly while releasing pressure from the clutch.
Step 7 – Once you release the clutch completely, press the accelerator only using your right foot. Truck will move in first gear. Shift the gear stick to second gear once you feel enough speed build-up.
Step 8 – To shift to second gear, remove your foot from the accelerator and press the clutch using your left foot. Then move the gear stick to the second gear. Once done, release the clutch and press the accelerator using the right foot. Repeat the same process to continue building up speed.
Basic mechanism for driving different types of trucks like shift stick, moving, and pickup truck remains same as mentioned above.
What Are the Safety Measures While Driving a Truck?
Knowing how to drive a truck is useless if you don't see the safety measures while driving it. Someone with no idea of the safety measures might incur a hospital's significant expenditure. Here are some points one should keep in mind while driving a truck –
- Always keep your eyes on the road – A truck driver should always keep his/her eyes on the road to avoid any mishaps.
- Maintain a safe distance – A truck driver should maintain a safe distance from other vehicles on the road. A truck is such a large and heavy vehicle; it is dangerous for smaller vehicles to drive close to it.
- Check the mirror – While driving a truck, continuously check the mirror to be aware of your surroundings. This helps to avoid accidents.
- Check the weather report – Truck drivers should check the weather report before hitting the road. Extreme weather conditions can be one of the reasons for a road accident.
- Avoid traffic – As we know that trucks are large and heavy vehicles, they take extra space. Therefore, truck drivers should always try to avoid traffic.
- Don’t drink and drive – Consuming alcohol or drugs can turn out to be fatal. In such cases, never take charge of the steering.
After knowing how to drive a truck, keep these safety measures in mind to enjoy a smooth, comfortable and hassle-free ride.
Frequently Asked Questions
How hard is truck driving?
Driving a truck is not that difficult to learn. It depends on the training and how much you practice.
What is the best truck company in India?
Tata Motors is considered the most popular and trusted truck company in India.