Car Insurance with Tyre Protect Cover

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Tyre Protect Add-On Cover in Car Insurance: Meaning & Coverage Explained

Tyres are the shoes of your car and probably that one component that takes the most abuse. Apart from shouldering the entire weight of your vehicle and not to mention its occupants, tyres are subjected to all the abuse of varied road surfaces. And lest we say, considering the road conditions in India, you can only imagine the torture your tyres go through😊!

So, getting car insurance with tyre protection cover in a country with unforgiving road conditions makes complete sense! And here’s why:

Modern day car tyres don’t come cheap. The more expensive the car, the more expensive the tyres. Not to mention, our infamous potholes and broken roads, can damage the tyre when we can least expect it and can least afford it!

What is Covered & Not Covered?

By and large this ‘Add on’ policy that is valid for a maximum of 4 years covers:

  • Cost of replacing the damaged tyre with a new one.
  • Labour charges toward removing, refitting and rebalancing of the tyre.
  • Accidental loss or damage to tyre and tubes which would in turn make the tyre unfit for use. This includes scenarios such as bulge in tyre, bursting of tyre and damage/cut to the tyre.

Also, the amount of claim under this addon depends on the unused tread depth of the tyre, which is nothing but the measurement between the top of the tread rubber to the bottom of the tire's deepest grooves. This is to measure if the tyre has worn out too much.

Rest assured, with ‘Add on’ tyre protection you can do a whole lot more mile munching without worrying about a tyre crunching 😊!