Pay As You Drive Car Insurance

Perfect for people who drive less. Save up to 85% on your car insurance!

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Pay As You Drive (PAYD) Add-on Cover with Digit Car Insurance

Welcome to the future of car insurance – where you're in control of your coverage and your costs. Introducing Digit Car Insurance with the Pay-As-You-Drive Car add-on, with which if you drive less, you pay less!

We believe that driving less should lead to paying less, and with our innovative approach, you can save up to 85% on your car insurance, if you drive under 10,000 km/year. 

So, say goodbye to one-size-fits-all policies and hello to insurance that adapts to your lifestyle😎

What is the ‘Pay As You Drive’ Add-on Cover?

As the name suggests, the Pay As You Drive (PAYD) add-on is a cover you can opt for in your car insurance (when buying a comprehensive or own damage car insurance) if you drive less than 10,000 km/year. This gives you a discount on your own damage premium, of up to 85%, based on how much you drive in a year.

Launched in 2022, Digit Insurance was the first insurer to offer this feature!

While this was initially for those who drive less than 15,000 km/year, we are now upping the game by offering even further discounts for people who drive less than 10,000 km/year. 😎 

Note: Pay As You Drive add-on cover has been filed as Digit Private Car Pay As You Drive with Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority (IRDA) with UIN number IRDAN158RP0005V01201718/A0009V01202223

With Digit Car Insurance, If You Drive Less, You Pay Less!

How Does the Pay As You Drive Add-on Work?

If you’re thinking this will need some fancy declarations or a new-gen tech device to track your readings, you’re wrong. (You know we’re all about keeping things simple, right? 😉).

We tried to keep the approach super simple for you to get this discount. It is not based on your future driving behaviour, telematics or any app that will track your driving skills; rather we take into account the average kilometers driven by you per year.

This can be easily checked just by looking at your odometer reading and dividing that by how old your car is!

While buying your car insurance policy with us, we will ask you to take a video of your car and odometer reading (don’t worry, it’s all simple, and within the app). 

That’s it! 

This is how we will check if you drive less 😊

Difference between Comprehensive Car Insurance Policy and PAYD Cover

A car insurance policy is no doubt a great way to protect your car; however, you can always enhance its benefits using add-ons, like Pay As You Drive cover.

To know better, read here the difference between comprehensive car insurance policy and PAYD Cover. 

Features Pay as You Drive Cover Comprehensive Insurance
Benefit  PAYD is usage-based, allowing you to save up to 85% on your car insurance, if you drive under 10,000 km/year.  It is a complete insurance plan that protects your car from own damage and third-party liabilities.  
Premium  You have to pay the premium based on how much distance is covered by the car.  Its premium depends on various factors like the car’s make and model, age, location, add-ons, and Insured Declared Value (IDV). 
Customisation  The PAYD cover is customisable as you can select the plan as per your preferred distance slab. it allows you to insure your car based on your usage  In this, you can only customise the IDV and add-ons offered by your insurer.  
Claims  You can raise a claim till you are within the selected kilometers range.  You can raise a claim till your policy is active.  
Validity  Typically, PAYD cover’s validity is one year. However, it may differ from insurer to insurer.  There are multiple options available. You can choose if you have chosen a one-year policy, the policy’s duration will be one year, irrespective of the car’s usage. 

What are the Features of Pay As You Drive Add-on?

Here’s what you’ll get with the Pay as You Drive car insurance add-on.

Lower Premium

PAYD add-on rewards people who drive less with significantly lower premiums because the risk is reduced. Therefore, if you drive less, you pay less with PAYD, and you will have to pay a lower premium than a standard comprehensive or own damage policy.

More Savings

Standard car insurance charges premium based on various factors like car type, age, and location; however, PAYD saves you from all that. With PAYD add-on cover, you can save up to 85% on your own damage car insurance premium, since you only have to pay as per your car usage.

 Flexible Coverage

PAYD add-on allows you to tailor your insurance as per your driving habits. With PAYD you can choose a mileage range that is the most suitable as per your usage. So, with PAYD you get the flexibility as you can top-up the kilometers range if you feel you are about to cross the declared distance travelled.


Pay As You Drive add-on puts you in control of your car insurance costs, as by monitoring your driving patterns, you can customise the PAYD in the insurance policy based on the estimated distance to be covered by your insured car.


PAYD is offered as an add-on cover with standard car insurance policy. So, its validity also aligns with the validity of your insurance policy, which is generally one year. However, it can vary based on the plan you have opted for.

Who is it Perfect for?

How to Check if You Drive Less?

First things first, get into that driver’s seat and follow the below steps:

Step 1: In your car, look for a small rectangle usually containing five or six numbers near the speedometer. If your car is newer, it may be digital. If your car is older or less modern, it will be a physical or mechanical set of numbers. 
Step 2: Now, simply make a note of the number displayed. This is the number of kilometres your car driven in its life.

Step 3: Divide the number by how old your car is. For example, say your car reading is around 45,000 km and your car is 6 years old, then 45,000/6 years would be 7500 km. This means, your car is driven for an average of 7500 km/year.

And yeah, that's about it! That’s how you can find out how much you drive and if this car insurance with the pay-as-you-drive add-on could be perfect for you too! 
Check your kilometre reading today to check if you drive less too! 😊

What if the Declared Car Usage Limit is Exhausted?

If your insured car crosses the declared usage limit of 10,000 km, you will have to pay an additional premium if you want to add the kilometres.

Also, remember that if your car insurance policy expires or if you have covered the declared distance, you will not be covered under the PAYD cover policy.

FAQs about Pay As You Drive Car Insurance

What is Pay as You Drive insurance?

Pay as You Drive insurance is an add-on cover that allows you to pay car insurance premium based on the distance travelled, if it is within 10,000 km.

Do I need any documents to buy Pay As You Drive insurance plan?

With Digit, you will only need to provide your car details and upload some photos of your car’s odometer, ID proof for KYC process, and you are good to go.

Is getting PAYD insurance a good idea?

Yes, it is a good option for those who don’t drive their vehicle frequently, as PAYD insurance’s premium depends on the distance covered by the car.

When can I raise a claim under Pay As You Drive car insurance policy?

You can raise a claim under PAYD till your vehicle has travelled the distance within the usage limit mentioned in the policy, which is generally 10,000 km. If the limit is crossed, you might be asked to make a co-payment by the insurer.

Will any device be installed in my car if I get Pay As You Drive plan?

No, there is no need to install any device. Digit only requires photos of your odometer to avail the benefit under PAYD add-on cover.

Can I do a kilometres top-up under the PAYD add-on?

Yes, if under your current policy you have exceeded the opted range of kilometres, then you can top up as per your insurer’s terms and conditions.

How does Digit calculate the number of kilometres I’ve driven?

At Digit, we determine the distance travelled based on your odometer reading. We do not install any devices in your car for the same.