Bumper to Bumper Car Insurance

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Bumper to Bumper Car Insurance Cover: Meaning, Benefits & How it Works

Imagine! After months and months of planning, budgeting, inquiries, suggestions, you finally decide on buying the car of your dreams. After some anxious wait, you are handed the key to your brand-new car and you find yourself sitting in the driver’s seat, almost gliding on the road.

This out of the world feeling suddenly comes crashing down on you when you hear a dreadful sound of a crash. And almost lightheaded you realize it’s your car that’s been hit. Heart-breaking...a brand new out of the showroom car is now a second, in seconds.

This is where your car insurance comes in and if you’ve opted for the Bumper to Bumper insurance cover then there’s nothing like it; you can be stress-free in seconds and your brand-new car will be back to brand new with no loss!

What is Bumper to Bumper Insurance?

Bumper to Bumper cover usually comes as an 'Add-on' with a comprehensive car insurance policy with a little extra premium. Let’s first understand what Bumper to Bumper cover is.

Well, in a layman’s term it is a car insurance add-on that covers every inch of your car leaving certain engine damage, tires, batteries, and glass. This is your superhero that takes care of your car offering 100% coverage in an unfortunate event of car damage, unlike your regular car insurance policy.

It is also called as zero depreciation or Nil depreciation car insurance. This is because it leaves out the depreciation from the insurance cover, thus ensuring complete coverage.

This is specifically popular with those who are new car owners, who are finicky about even a small dent or scratch on their brand-new car and those who like to own high-end expensive cars with rare, expensive spare parts. These owners when asked to pay an extra premium for the 100% coverage, they find it a mere small price for their car’s protection.


Use: Car Insurance Calculator to calculate the premium of Car Insurance with Bumper to Bumper cover

Compare: Comprehensive Policy with and without Bumper to Bumper Cover

With Bumper to Bumper Cover Without Bumper to Bumper cover
Provides 100% coverage with Nil depreciation Provides coverage after depreciation
Little higher premium Standard policy premium
It does not cover vehicles 5 years old or above Old vehicles covered

The only catch here, of course, is that you pay a little higher premium when you opt for a Bumper to Bumper add-on with your comprehensive car policy. Although to win some you lose some, here you pay a higher premium and you get your peace of mind.

Consider these factors before choosing a Bumper to Bumper Insurance

Before you choose this cover, it is important that you consider the following factors:

The number of claims: The insurers limit the number of car insurance claims one can make in a year. It is done to limit the customers from filing a claim for every single dent. Therefore, it is important to check the number of claims your insurer provides.

Cost: Bumper to Bumper comes with a high premium because of an obvious reason, it offers complete coverage without considering depreciation. So, it charges a slightly higher premium than the comprehensive policy.

Available for new cars: It is primarily available for new and for cars up to 5 years old. It is cost-effective for customers too; as people don’t mind paying a little extra to protect their brand-new car.

Benefits of Bumper to Bumper Car Insurance

If your vehicle’s insurance is the normal insurance policy and your car suffers damage of about 15000 INR, you easily shell out about 50% of the amount from your pocket and only the rest is covered in your insurance policy after getting the depreciation market value of the parts damaged. Depreciation is the decrease in value due to decay or regular wear and tear of your vehicle.

This picture is quite dismaying, and this is exactly why a bumper-to-bumper cover is gaining popularity among masses over the regular vehicle insurance. Trustable insurance companies such as Digit Insurance offer their customers this Add on cover with the comprehensive policy to make the customers make the most of their policy.

Now if your vehicle’s insurance is zero depreciation insurance and your car suffers damage of 15000 INR, you will get total (100%) coverage for all fibre, rubber and metal parts without deduction of any depreciation.

Like any other lucrative offer, the policy with Bumper to Bumper cover also comes with its own set of boundaries.

What is not covered by Bumper to Bumper Insurance

  • If the age of your vehicle is 5 years or more, it will not be eligible for the cover
  • If any illegal or unethical involvement of the vehicle is reported, the insurance company will not process the claim made
  • Commercial use of a private vehicle
  • Certain engine damage, battery/tyre/ clutch plates/ bearings damage
  • If the driver was under drugs or alcohol influence during car damage
  • If the papers of the vehicle are incomplete
  • If the claim is not done as per the timeframe of the policy
  • Damage due to uninsured peril
  • Damage due to mechanical breakdown
  • Damage to items like accessories, gas kit and tires

FAQs about Bumper to Bumper Insurance

What will happen if you don't report an accident within 24 hours?

One must report an accident immediately, within the time window provided by your insurer. If you fail to do so, your car insurance claim may be rejected. 

Can I claim bumper-to-bumper insurance if I damage my own car in an accident?

Yes, a bumper-to-bumper cover in insurance only implies that depreciation won’t be accounted for during claim payouts. Your own damage will be covered for nonetheless. 

Somebody hit my car which was parked in the parking, will bumper to bumper insurance cover for my damages?

Yes, your own damages cover in your car insurance will cover for the damages. A bumper-to-bumper cover only ensures that depreciation won’t be accounted for during the claim payout.  

Is car bumper covered under car insurance?

Yes, your car bumper will be covered for if you’ve opted for comprehensive car insurance or own damages car insurance.