Medical Test Required for Term Insurance & Why they are Important?

Why are Medical Tests Important in Term Insurance?

Benefits of Medical Tests in Term Insurance

What are the Common Medical Tests in Term Insurance?

Here are some of the most common medical tests for term insurance in India:

S. No Test Description
1 Blood Tests Routine blood tests are necessary to assess your health conditions effectively. They can check glucose levels, thyroid, haemoglobin levels, and other parameters and determine any severe health issues early.
2 Urine Test Doctors can assess your health issues, like kidney function, diabetes, etc., by analysing your urine samples. This test also helps detect the presence of any potential health concerns.
3 CBC Test A CBC or complete blood count test helps assess your overall health conditions. It checks your blood count and detects issues like leukaemia, anaemia, infections, etc.
4 BMI BMI, or body mass index, is calculated by comparing an individual’s height and weight. It is an assessment of body mass that helps evaluate health conditions.
5 Blood Sugar Level This is among the basic medical tests needed for term insurance. A blood sugar test measures the accurate glucose amount in your blood. Thus, it helps determine whether the individual is diabetic or not.
6 Liver Function This test helps detect potential infections and issues in your liver, such as hepatitis, cirrhosis, alcohol-related issues, etc. Doctors determine the ailments after a thorough analysis of your blood protein count and enzyme levels.
7 Ultrasonography This test helps detect tumours and cysts at the initial stage. Doctors also suggest ultrasonography to check the condition of the major body organs.
8 Lipid Profile This test assesses various lipids in your blood and detects the ones containing abnormal cholesterol. If you have any cardiovascular issues, a lipid profile test will help detect them accurately.
9 Chest X-Ray A complete chest X-ray can help detect any issues related to your lungs, heart, and bones by using a radiation beam.

Factors Affecting Requirement of Medical Tests

What Do Medical Tests Cover?

What is the Process of Medical Test for Term Insurance Process

What are the Consequences of Avoiding Medical Tests?

Role of Medical Tests in Claim Settlement

What is a Video or Phone Medical Check-Up for Term Insurance?

FAQs about Medical Tests for Term Insurance

What is the purpose of a medical test in term insurance?

A medical test helps insurers evaluate your health risk, determine premium rates, and offer appropriate coverage based on your health condition.

How do medical tests impact the term insurance premium?

The results of medical tests can affect the premium you pay. Healthier individuals may receive lower premiums, while individuals with higher health risks may face higher premiums.

What types of medical tests are usually required for term insurance?

Depending on the applicant's age and lifestyle, common tests include blood and urine tests, BMI, liver function, and others.

Are there any term insurance plans that do not require medical tests?

Term insurance plans that do not require medical tests generally offer lower coverage. So, choose your term insurance policy carefully.

How do lifestyle choices affect the need for medical tests in term insurance?

Lifestyle choices such as smoking, alcohol consumption, or a sedentary lifestyle can increase the need for more extensive medical tests.

Can a term insurance policy be denied due to medical test results?

Yes, if the results indicate high-risk health conditions, the insurer may deny coverage or offer a policy with exclusions or higher premiums.

What happens if I avoid or skip the medical test when buying term insurance?

Avoiding the medical test when buying term insurance can lead to higher premiums, limited coverage, or even claim rejection in the future.

Will my insurer cover the cost of the medical tests?

In most cases, the insurance company bears the cost of the medical test, but this may vary by insurer.

How long does the medical test process take for term insurance approval?

The time required to complete your medical test procedure entirely depends on the type of tests your insurer asks you to undergo.

How do medical test results influence term plan claim settlements?

Medical test results are used to verify the policyholder's health status and ensure that the claim is processed accurately and promptly.



  • This is an informative article provided on 'as is' basis for awareness purpose only and not intended as a professional advice. The content of the article is derived from various open sources across the Internet. Digit Life Insurance is not promoting or recommending any aspect in the article or its correctness. Please verify the information and your requirement before taking any decisions.
  • All the figures reflected in the article are for illustrative purposes. The premium for Coverage that one buys depends on various factors including customer requirements, eligibility, age, demography, insurance provider, product, coverage amount, term and other factors
  • Tax Benefits, if applicable depend on the Tax Regime opted by the individual and the applicable tax provision. Please consult your Tax consultant before making any decision.

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