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10 Developmental Milestones of a 4 Month Old Baby

Reaching the 4 month milestone mark is exciting for babies and their parents. Your little one is becoming more aware of their surroundings at this age. They quickly develop motor skills, particularly in fortifying their limbs to toss and sit. They can also recognise and remember people and sounds, which leads to social interaction.
Read along to know how those achievements would relate to amendments in the child while making plans for the right way to help the child grow.
Table of Contents
What Most Babies Do by 4 Months?
By four months old, most babies meet certain developmental milestones. The baby can usually lift his head without any support, showing improvement in his neck muscles. Many start rolling from their stomachs to their back and can squat and prop themselves up on their elbows when on their stomachs.
They show improvement in their fine visuomotor coordination, trying to successfully reach for and hold some toys that are brought to their mouths. In general, all this time is very favourable for movement and exploration.
4 Month Milestones & Development Checklist
1. Physical/Movement Development Milestones for a 4 Month Old Baby

Physical Development Milestone for a 4 Month Old:
- They can steadily hate when held.
- They bring their mitts towards their jaws.
- They can elevate onto elbows and forearms while facing down.
- They may be capable of turning over onto their back.
- They can remain sitting in a prop and maintain their head vertically aligned.
- Their arms and legs might start to move and kick.
2. Visual and Hearing Milestones for a 4 Month Old Baby

Visual Milestones:
At four months, babies begin to exhibit impressive visual skills as their eyesight develops. Here are a few critical visual milestones:
- Recognising Familiar Faces: Babies can recognise and react to familiar faces by this age. When family members are within focus, they get animated.
- Improved Colour Vision: The four-month-old’s sense of colours is more advanced than a newborn's, and they can see basic bright colours above ordinary ones.
- Focusing on Nearby Objects: Babies can focus on objects that are 8 to 12 inches away, the typical distance during feeding or playtime.
- Interest in Patterns: Babies at this age are drawn to high-contrast patterns like colourful designs.
Hearing Milestones:
The hearing milestones in this age include crying or otherwise indicating that the baby has heard a sound and or can recognise some familiar voices.
- Recognising Voices: By reaching four months, infants can differentiate between the‘ familiar’ and ‘unfamiliar’ voices’ as they hear.
- Reacting to Music: The child may smile or settle when playing music. They love the rhythmic sounds and may even wave their arms and legs.
3. Smell and Touch Milestones for a 4 Month Old Baby

Smell Milestones:
All infants by the age of 4 months are beginning to use their sense of odour as a medium to discover the surroundings.
- Reaction to New Smells: As part of encouraging or discouraging their action, if the baby is exposed to new or intense smells, they may show interest or displeasure.
- Preference for Scent: At this age, babies are most often said to prefer their parent's or primary caregiver’s scent.
Touch Milestones:
The touch milestones of this period address babies' sensitivity to handling and manipulating objects to explore their environment.
- Responding to Gentle Touch: Babies react to gentle touch, such as stroking or cuddling, which can calm and comfort them.
- Grasping and Holding Objects: Babies gain better hand control and can hold onto toys or objects.
4. Sleep Milestones for a 4 Month Old Baby

4 Month Old Baby Sleeping Patterns:
- Longer Nighttime Sleep: At four months, babies often begin sleeping for longer stretches at night, typically 6-8 hours, helping establish a more predictable sleep routine.
- Daytime Napping Patterns: Babies develop a more regular nap schedule, with two to three naps, usually 30 minutes to 2 hours each.
Self-Soothing Techniques: Some babies begin self-soothing by sucking their thumb or holding a comfort object, helping them settle themselves back to sleep if they wake up.
5. Health Milestones for a 4 Month Old Baby

Below is a table with the ideal growth parameters for a 4 month old baby.
These values represent typical ranges, but individual variations can occur. Regular check-ups with a paediatrician will help ensure your baby is on track with their growth and health.
6. Feeding Milestones for a 4 Month Old Baby

Feeding Milestones for a 4 Month Old:
- Showing Hunger Cues: Babies become more adept at signalling hunger through actions like opening their mouths or making sucking motions.
- More Efficient Feeding: Babies begin to feed more efficiently, reducing the time needed for each feeding session. This reflects growing control and coordination during feedings.
- Interest in Watching Others Eat: At four months, babies may start watching others eat with curiosity, though they are not yet ready for solid foods.
- Beginning to Self-Regulate Intake: Babies can signal when they are full by turning away or losing interest in feeding.
7. Schedule and Routine Milestones for a 4 Month Old Baby

Here is a typical routine for a 4 month old:
8. Cognitive Milestones for a 4 Month Old Baby

Cognitive Milestones for a 4 Month Old:
- Object Exploration: As the child grows, the child is attracted to and touches things. Little hands bring whatever is attractive to the mouth to grasp different shapes.
- Recognising Patterns and Routines: At this age babies can identify the cycles of the day and look forward to events such as meals or bedtime.
- Interest in Surroundings: Four month olds are more interested in their surroundings and turn their attention to new objects and people.
- Tracking Movement: Babies become better at the path of a moving object with their eyes. This suggests that a sense of depth perception is developing within them.
- Attention Span Increases: They can also enjoy toys or activities for an extended period compared to other days as their attention span is short.
9. Social/Emotional Milestones for a 4 Month Old Baby

Social Milestones for a 4 Month Old:
- Expressing Emotions: By four months from the age of four, babies can use their facial expressions and sounds to show a variety of moods.
- Seeking Attention: Before other new skills, babies may begin to do actions with their hands, make sounds to have others look at them or put their arms out.
- Comfort from Caregivers: Crying babies look around for familiar people away from them and try to place themselves or be placed in such people’s arms.
- Movement and Interplay: Infants are fascinated with easy social games such as peekaboo or clapping games that promote involvement and exposure to social contexts.
10. Communication Milestones for a 4 Month Old Baby

What to Expect:
- Laughing and Giggling: At this level, babies become prone to responding to various forms of stimuli, such as laughing out or giggling.
- Increases Responsiveness: Peaking Babies seem to become more interested in sounds; by doing so, they turn their heads toward the sound.
- Expressing Needs Through Sounds: In the cooing or fussing, the babies also modulate their voice or tone to express different needs for attention.
Different Engaging Activities for a 4 Month Old Baby

1. Playing with Rattles
The rattles do not only serve as toys for the babies to help to master psychosocial skills but also serve to entertain them and enhance hearing and sight. Another favorite toy for infants is the rattle, which makes rhythmic sounds.2. Moving Toy
Moving the toy in front of the baby’s face captures the baby’s attention, and there upon the child is compelled to follow the motion by scanning his eyes. This activity helps to enhance this ability in a specific way of visual tracing.3. Peekaboo
Peekaboo also plays an essential role in the infant's development, in this case, the skill of her understanding that a person or object does not cease to exist just because it is hidden.4. Babbling
It is well represented here that babbling is just one of the stages in which, in essence, babies grow richer in their vocal language skills. This also strengthens some muscles in the mouth, which will be very useful later on for speech production.5. Texture Exploration
By way of this exploration, the baby can touch and explore various surfaces. This is important in terms of their tactile sense development as well. Acquisition of toys or other materials with different textures assists them in holding and touching.6. Sound Exploration
Sound exploration is when babies are introduced to various sounds, such as instruments or sounds of nature. This activity enhances their skills in auditory discrimination and encourages them to react to different pitches and volumes.7. Mirror Play
Mirror play provides magical moments for babies as they are able to see themselves; hence, they become aware of themselves and curious while this activity is being organised.What are the Safety Tips for a 4 Month Old Baby?
Your baby grows more curious and active at four months old, making safety even more important. Ensuring a safe environment helps protect them as they explore new movements and senses. Here are essential safety tips to follow:
How to Support a Baby's Development at 4 Months?
1. Engage in Tummy Time
Spending time with a baby on their tummy can help develop the neck, shoulder and back muscles. This encourages them to lift their header, and this rolling and crawling follows. This should ideally be done several times a day.2. Encourage Reaching and Grasping
Move things like toys out of the baby’s reach so that the baby has to reach out for them or try and grasp them. This also helps in the very important development of hand-eye coordination. Look for colourful, soft-shaped toys that fit in their tiny hands.3. Introduce Sensory Experiences
Help your baby explore their environment by letting them enjoy different textures, sounds, and smells. Touching objects made of soft materials and listening to soft ‘squeaky’ toys help evoke the sense of touch and hearing.4. Promote Social Interaction
Let them meet new people or other babies or family members and promote interaction. This is very important as it will help them get to know social relationships and emotions. Set up playdates or family get-togethers where your baby can sit and move, among others.5. Exploration
As your baby gets more active, make sure the surroundings are conducive to moving about safely. Get rid of sharp objects and choking hazards, and use soft mats. Use a small corner of the room and a few skill-learning toys for playtime.6. Sleep Patterns
Establishing a cut-and-dried sleeping schedule is essential, especially for a child turning into a baby. Wind down by lowering power, reading or singing for your baby before bedtime. Eliminate any dangerous objects or noise and make sure it is a restful atmosphere.When to Talk to the Paediatrician?
Difficulty Feeding:
If your infant is not effectively latching on or sucking during breastfeeding or is having problems with the bottle.Breathing Issues:
If there’s gasping or wheezing or your baby is sometimes out of breath, along with a swift breathing circle.Sleep Concerns:
Allowing for sleep disorder in babies whose sleep is stable, if it is common for them to go to bed or stay asleep, discuss this with your child’s paediatrician.Vaccination Questions:
If there are needs concerning your child's vaccination and other doubts, the paediatrician is within reach.FAQs about 4 Month Developmental Milestones
What are the sleep patterns for a 4-month-old?
How can I encourage tummy time for my 4 month old baby?
When should my four month baby start rolling over?
Is it normal for a 4-month-old to be fussy?
How can I help my baby develop communication skills at 4 months?
What types of toys are best for a 4-month-old?
What are some signs of developmental delays at four months of age?
What milestones should a 4 month old have?
What does a 4 month old baby think about?
How active is a 4 month old baby?
Can I start introducing solid foods at 4 months?
What can babies see at 4 months?
Can a 4 month old baby watch TV?
How many colors can a 4 month old see?
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