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12 Developmental Milestones of a 10 Month Old Baby

Your 10 month old baby must have indeed changed in many ways. You may be amazed at how fast your baby grows to become an independent toddler, playing, moving around, and speaking fluently. Your baby's personality may also appear to you. You probably also noted that your child already has a few favourite activities.
Read ahead to learn about the baby's development, through which an infant learns at a pace of 10 months. This article provides information on growth, newborn care, sleep, nourishment, and safety milestones of a 10 month old.
Table of Contents
What Most Babies Do by 10 Months?
At ten months of age, babies can pull themselves up from sitting to standing, squat and sit again, and cruise around while gripping objects or your hands. Your kid will move around even more frequently as they walk in just a few months. They will start saying “mama” and “dada” and learn gestures.
Furthermore, your infant's brain functions like a tiny sponge, taking in information from everything around it. To help them understand, think of recounting everyday experiences, such as grocery shopping and changing nappies.
10 Month Milestones & Development Checklist
1. Movement Milestones For a 10 Month Old Baby

Movement Milestones for a 10 month old:
- Crawling: All babies can crawl on their hands and knees.
- Pull Up: They pull themselves up to a standing position using furniture.
- Cruising: Some babies are cruising along furniture while holding on for support.
- Sitting: All can sit up independently and reach a crawling position.
- Standing: They may be supported vertically for short periods.
- Fine Motor Skills: Increased ability to pick up and manipulate small objects.
2. Visual and Hearing Milestones For a 10 Month Old Baby

Visual Milestones:
Development in these respects is typical for children, and their visual milestones are as follows:
- Depth Perception: Now that they understand how things are related in space, they can measure distances with greater understanding.
- Hand-Eye Coordination: The finer coordination speaks of finer reach and grabbing small things.
- Exploring Vision: After developing an interest in their surroundings, they explore objects by the vision, and colours and shapes are interesting.
- Tracking: The ability to track moving objects in their eyes becomes smoother and more perfect.
Normal ten-month-old infants would improve their ocular development since they start showing more advanced depth perception and hand-eye coordination as they explore and play with things.
Hearing Milestones:
Babies are very good at responding by ten months, as compared to earlier months; they hear a lot, respond much to sounds, and possess the following milestones:
- Response to Sounds: They begin to look towards the familiar sounds or voices for the familiar voices.
- Understanding Simple Cues: They start to respond to simple cues such as “no” or their name.
- Imitation of sounds: They might start imitating some easy sounds and babbling to experiment with his voice.
- To Music: They may love some sort of music or rhythmic sounds and would dance or react to the beat of the song.
3. Smell and Touch Milestones For a 10 Month Old Baby

Smell Milestones:
A baby at 10 months old is better at using their sense of smell to recognise familiar smells and has a much keener perception of the environment.
- Smell Sensitivity: They become sensitive to and responsive to many different smells through which they express preferences or aversions.
- Recognition: They start recognising familiar smells, such as their caretakers or favourite foods.
- Exploratory Behaviour: They use their sense of smell and simply sniff at things and people to recognise them.
Touch Milestones:
At this age, babies have developed their sense of touch as they stretch their sensitivity and exploratory behaviour when they play with various textures of objects in their environment.
- Feeling Texture: Their sense of touch improves. They can feel the texture and temperature more.
- Learn by Hands and Mouth: They feel things with their hands and mouth; they see what the object is made of and how it looks.
- Grasp and Manipulate: They learn a better sense of grasp and manipulation through the hands and fingers.
4. Sleep Milestones For a 10 Month Old Baby

By ten months, babies generally achieve most of the major sleep milestones that characterise their fluctuating patterns and the development of their general selves.
They sleep with a more predictable pattern and have a regular time for naps, while their bedtime is predictable. They are more likely to sleep longer stretches at night with fewer nocturnal wakings.
Sleep Milestones and Timings for a 10 month old:
- Nap: Most babies are still sleeping two naps a day, but this will change in the next few months in terms of length and timing.
- Self-soothing: They should continue to become more skilled at self-calming, such as falling back to sleep in the middle of the night.
- Ideal Sleep Time: A 10 month old baby needs about 12 to 15 hours of sleep in 24 hours, including 10 to 12 hours of nighttime sleep and 2 to 3 hours of naps.
5. Health Milestones For a 10 Month Old Baby

Here’s a chart summarising the ideal parameters for a 10 month old baby:
These values represent typical ranges, but individual variations can occur. Regular check-ups with a paediatrician will help ensure your baby is on track with their growth and health.
6. Feeding Milestones For a 10 Month Old Baby

Feeding Milestones for a 10 month old:
- Self-feeding: During this time, by ten months, your baby can use their fingers to pick up and successfully bring small pieces of food to their mouth.
- Mixed Diet: They can accept food with many textures and types, including soft-cooked veggies, fruits, and finely minced meat.
- Feeding from a Cup: The baby can take some amount of liquid from a sippy cup or a regular cup when supported.
- Predictable Feeding Pattern: They tend to have predictable feeding patterns; they would have three meals and a few to two snacks daily on breast milk or formula
- Biting: As they do not have enough teeth, they easily bite since their gums and molars facilitate this.
What to Feed:
At ten months old, introduce diversified nutrient-rich foods for improved growth and development. Among these are:7. Schedule and Routine Milestones For a 10 Month Old Baby

Daily Schedule for a 10 Month Old Baby:
8. Cognitive Milestones for a 10 Month Old Baby

Here are key cognitive milestones for a 10 month old:
- Object Permanence: Your baby will know that objects still exist even when they are out of their sight. They may search for a toy after hiding it under a blanket or pillow.
- Discovery: They are curious by exploring their environment more vividly; they might touch or play with something to see what occurs.
- Imitation: Your baby may attempt to mimic the actions you do, such as clapping your hands or playing with a toy. This shows cause-and-effect understanding.
- Problem Solving: They might solve small problems, like how to retrieve a stuck toy or how to open a lid.
- Social Interaction: They respond to their name, exhibit affection for known faces or objects, and may display likes or dislikes for individuals or toys.
- Language Communication: Babbling sounds will be more diverse, and they may start to comprehend simple words or commands such as "no" or "come here".
9. Social and Emotional Milestones For a 10 Month Old Baby

Here are key social milestones for a 10 month old:
- Attachment: Your baby will strongly attach to major caregivers and can become distressed by separation from them.
- Social Interaction: They like being surrounded by known faces; they might say this through smiling or laughing over the joy of being around these people.
- Imitation: They imitate their environment; they wave bye-bye or clap their hands to show that they are indeed learning socially.
- Reaction to Strangers: The baby may have reactions or avoid strangers. This shows that the baby is gradually becoming conscious of social dynamics.
- Play: They play simple social games such as peekaboo and may even play interactive games such as passing an object back and forth.
10. Language and Speech Milestones For a 10 Month Old Baby

Language and Speech Milestones Development for a 10 month old:
- Babbling: Your baby might utter different sounds and syllables that sometimes get strung together to sound like words, such as "baba" or "dada".
- Simple word Understanding and Vocabulary: They will likely associate with or say common words or phrases like "no," "bye-bye," or their name.
- Gestures: The infant conveys meaning using gestures, such as pointing, waving, or reaching out to get something.
- Imitation of Sounds: They babble by imitating the sounds and voice patterns of adults or older children.
- Phonetics: She will use sounds by creating variations of different pitches and tones to develop into words eventually.
- Primitive Communication: He may use sounds and gestures to communicate a need; thus, they express the first expressions of intent to communicate.
11. Play Milestones For a 10 Month Old Baby

Play Milestones for a 10 month old:
- Exploratory Play: A baby plays with different objects to know the feel or properties of an object by touching and mouthing them.
- Cause and Effect: They learn about cause-and-effect results, like shaking a rattle or pressing a button to make a noise or light appear.
- Simple Games: They start playing simple interactive games like peekaboo, which will help them develop their sense of object permanence and social interaction skills.
- Stacking and Nesting: Your child will stack blocks or fit things into containers, showing that he is developing motor skills and advancing problem-solving abilities.
- Imitative Play: They will start imitating the acts of adults, like pretending to talk on the phone or using a spoon, which suggests cognitive and social skill development.
- Social Play: This is the stage in which they become interested in playing with other children, though this time, it would be parallel play.
12. Physical and Motor Development Milestones For a 10 Month Old Baby

Physical and Motor Milestones for a 10 month old:
- Crawling: At this age, most babies are practising crawling and will become more confident in exploring their surroundings.
- Pulling Up: They can now pull themselves up in a standing position using furniture or any other support object and might stand with support from those objects.
- Cruising: Most babies start to cruise on furniture, using them as a support system while walking.
- Independent Sitting: The child will be independent in sitting and can even sit to crawl or stand.
- Balance: They tend to remain aligned when sitting, stand up to an upright posture if supported, and get to try a few steps with support.
What are the Developmental Activities for a 10 Month Old?

1. Stacking and Nesting Toys
Stacking rings or nesting cups helps improve hand-eye coordination and problem-solving skills. They also boost your baby's spatial ability while learning the size of each other's pieces that will be used in fitting.2. Interactive Books
Read board books with textures, flaps, and interactive components. Allow your baby to explore the pages and point to objects. This will foster a love for reading and vocabulary.3. Push and Pull Toys
Give toys like push cars or pull-along animals to your baby. This will ensure balance in walking and teach your baby to practice coordination and movement. It also aids in hand-eye coordination.4. Musical Play
Introduce simple musical instruments, like drums, tambourines, or shakers. Encourage your baby to listen to and experiment with different sounds and rhythms. Music contributes to auditory development and understanding of rhythm.5. Sensory Bins
Prepare a sensory bin with safe water, sand, or textured materials. Monitor the child's play to encourage experimentation with sensory stimulation and fine motor skills enhancements. This play helps in developing sensitivity to touch and creativity.6. Imitation Games
Play simple imitation games like clapping, hand-waving, and animal sounds. Make the baby mimic your move. Playing imitation games develops social skills and fosters cognitive development.7. Outdoor Explorations
You can push your baby around outdoors in a stroller or allow them to crawl around an open, safe space to experience the sounds and sights. Outdoor activities promote both sensory and cognitive development.8. Building and Construction
Engage soft blocks or large toys that are easy to handle in the building, causing the child to stack, knock over, and rebuild. It promotes spatial thinking along with fine motor skills.9. Big Simple Puzzles
Large, simple puzzles with large pieces are excellent tools for problem-solving and fine motor skill development. They help one focus on one's endeavours and prevent cognitive skills from being affected by completed puzzles.10. Water Play
A small shallow container or bath filled with water is excellent for them to play in under close supervision. It can be a rich source of sensory development experience. Other toys like cups or floating objects may be added to increase participation.11. Toy Hide and Seek
Tuck a favourite toy under a blanket or behind something and challenge your baby to find it. This activity will help develop object permanence and problem-solving skills, as they will realise that objects exist even when they are not directly accessible.12. Sensory Play
They involve using large, nontoxic crayons to scribble on paper, which can begin as finger paints. These activities enhance fine motor skills and creativity because your baby can express himself through colours and textures.Safety Tips for a 10 Month Old Baby
Safety for a 10 month old baby is ensured through several precautions. Here are some main points:
How to Support a Baby's Development at 10 Months?
1. Encourage Movement
Encourage your baby to move around, even if they fall and hurt themselves. You can try placing sturdy objects in a low drawer, rack or cupboard for your baby to discover and play with.2. Encourage Communication
Talk to your infant even if they can't talk back to you. Please encourage them to mimic sounds and words and respond to their communication attempts. This is developing their language and social skills.3. Create a Safe Environment
The playground should be safe and have enough space for movement. The environment can be baby-proofed by fixing furniture, blocking electrical sockets, and clearing away minute items that become choking hazards.4. Gross Motor Skills
Encourage standing and walking by providing good pieces of furniture or toys that your baby can hold onto. Place toys somewhat above them to encourage crawling or cruising. Let them practice pulling up to a stand and taking steps while holding on.When to Talk to the Paediatrician?
Developmental Delays:
When you cannot help but think that your baby cannot sit up, crawl, or walk, speech and social skills seem to be delayed.Refusal to Feed:
If they refuse to feed, show difficulty swallowing, or have significant changes in eating or weight, consult the paediatrician about what to do.Sleep Disturbances:
Your paediatrician should address sleep disturbances that persist, difficulty falling asleep or staying asleep, or disorganised sleep schedule.Behavioural Changes:
Major behaviour alterations, such as extreme irritability, excessive crying, or withdrawal, should be discussed to dismiss any hidden causes.Health Symptoms:
Chronic or severe symptoms, such as fever, rash, persistent cough, or diarrhoea, should receive medical attention.Teething Troubles:
If the teething pains become unbearable and interfere with your baby's ability to eat and sleep, seek advice and treatment from your paediatrician.FAQs about 10 Month Developmental Milestones
What does a 10 month old baby typically do physically?
How can I determine if my 10 month old baby's motor skills develop?
What language skills should my 10 month old have?
What can a 10 month old's social development look like?
What cognitive skills should emerge by 10 months?
How much should a 10 month old eat?
How do I encourage my 10 month old baby's language skills?
What should I do if my 10 month old baby isn't crawling yet?
What are the typical emotional milestones at ten months?
How can I support my 10 month old baby in learning to stand or walk?
When must I be concerned about my 10 month old baby's developmental milestones?
How do I help my 10 month old baby develop fine motor skills?
Will my 10 month old baby have a few tantrums or get frustrated?
What are the typical sleep patterns for a 10 month old?
What toys should I give my ten month old?
How do I encourage my baby's problem-solving ability in 10 months?
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