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10 Developmental Milestones of a 2 Year (24 Month) Old Baby

At the second year milestone, children undergo extensive growth and development across several aspects: physical, cognitive, emotional, and social skills. Toddlers usually gain autonomy and interest at this stage when they begin to walk and engage with the environment.
Familiarity with the general 2 year old developmental milestone changes can enable caregivers to create optimum conditions for such development. This article will further consider the milestones for children's physiology, language, emotions, and social behaviour and a few tips to help foster these skills.
Table of Contents
What Most Babies Do by 2 Years?
Around this age, children have acquired essential motor, language, and social skills. Most of these children can walk and run with more coordination and can even master stairs with some support. Their vocabulary grows quickly, and they like to repeat what they hear.
At this stage, toddlers have many emotional responses and tend to get angry and frustrated easily. Children can use gross and fine motor muscles and scribble the activity, stack simple blocks one on the other, or use a spoon at mealtimes.
2 Year Milestones & Development Checklist
1. Physical Development Milestones for a 2 Year Old Baby

Physical Milestones for a 2 year old:
- Walking and Running: Most 2 year olds can walk well and even start running. However, their coordination may still need to be developed.
- Kicking and Throwing: They attempt to kick the ball with better control and throw things with little to no accuracy but resources.
- Climbing and Jumping: Starts climbing on walls, furniture, and other objects and attempting to jump off the grounds with both feet.
- Coordination and Body Awareness: Children learn that moving their bodies in specific ways will help them accomplish goals like opening a bottle.
- Fine Motor Skills: Grasps crayons on paper, makes random shapes, and can balance a few cubes on each other.
- Gross Motor: Holds up one's head, walks alone, runs easily, and walks upstairs while assisted.
2. Visual and Hearing Milestones For a 2 Year Old Baby

Visual Milestones:
Here are the critical visual milestones that a 2 year baby achieves:
- Recognition of Familiar Objects and People: Children can recognise people's faces and identify specific objects.
- Improved Depth Perception: Enhanced ability to judge distances apart. This also incorporates activities like climbing and running.
- Hand-Eye Coordination: Improve skills in stacking blocks, scribbling, or putting different shapes into the puzzles.
Hearing Milestones:
Here are the critical hearing milestones that a 2 year baby achieves:
- Responding to Name: Responds to one's name and common phrases or cue words all the time.
- Imitating Sounds: A toddler likes to make many sounds and words they hear from their environment and people.
- Interest in Music: A child still learning these basic skills can be fascinated with music and try to mimic it by dancing or singing along to songs.
3. Smell and Touch Milestones For a 2 Year Old Baby

Smell Milestones:
Here are the critical smell milestones that a 2 year baby achieves:
- Familiar Scent Identification: At this age, children can associate smells with particular objects, such as food or specific caregivers, that help them feel secure.
- Scent Resonance: Children might enjoy odours from blossoms and yummy foods but dislike pungent, strong smells.
Touch Milestones:
Here are the key touch milestones that a 2 year baby achieves:
- Texture Exploration: By the age of 2 years, children start appreciating various textures where they either enjoy soft toys or cannot stand rough or tacky ones.
- Self-comforting Touch: Touch, including soft toys or special blankets, is still a source of comfort and self-soothing for young children.
- Curiosity: Children move on to more than just visual exploration and assert much of their curiosity through touching.
4. Sleep Milestones For a 2 Year Old Baby

Sleep Milestones for a 2 year old:
- Nap Transition: Toddlers go from two naps to approximately one, usually taken in the afternoon and lasting about 1-2 hours.
- Bedtime Routine: Creating a pre-bedtime schedule allows the toddler to relax, and the child will find it easy to sleep independently with minimal fuss.
- Sleep Regression: A sleep regression happens when a child who has been sleeping well previously starts to wake up frequently at night or in the daytime.
- Need for Comfort: Though other caregivers seeking comfort at bedtime may lessen the toddler's dependency on the parent at night, Bedtime remains necessary.
5. Health Milestones For a 2 Year Old Baby

Here's a table indicating some of the vital health parameters of a 2 year old baby:
These values represent typical ranges, but individual variations can occur. Regular check-ups with a paediatrician will help ensure your baby's growth and health are on track.
6. Feeding Milestones for a 2 Year Old Baby

Feeding Milestones for a 2 year old:
- Food preferences: They are also known to take sides when it comes to food and may sometimes be picky about the kinds of food they consume, especially children.
- Appetite fluctuations: The children’s appetite is not constant. Even amidst busy schedules, routines are expected to help their appetite in a week or some days.
- Nutrient needs: Children must also be educated on essential feeding practices, which involve consuming every possible food group in a more balanced meal.
- Motor skills development: Using very basic tools such as a spoon and fork eases fine motor skills, which is beneficial in hand-eye coordination tasks.
7. Schedule and Routine Milestones For a 2 Year Old Baby

Below is a schedule for a 2 year old baby, including significant actions of routine:
8. Cognitive Milestones For a 2 Year Old Baby

Here are key cognitive milestones for a 2 year old:
- Problem Solving: They can figure out simple problems, such as how to get a toy that's just out of their reach.
- Memory Development: Toddlers begin recognising the faces, things, or activities around them.
- Cause and Effect Understanding: They begin learning simple cause and effect several actions; for example, if a button is pushed, a toy's light goes on.
- Object Permanence: They completely understand that things do not cease to exist just because they are not presently visible.
9. Social and Emotional Milestones For a 2 Year Old Baby

Social Development Milestone for a 2 year old:
Around this age, the child experiences an essential aspect of self-development in the 2nd year of developmental milestones. Children at this age develop socially and learn to interact with people and other surroundings.
- Interest in Others: They become more interested in the company of other children and can also participate in parallel play.
- Emerging Empathy: At this age, children begin to pay attention to other people's feelings, so they act concerned when someone is unhappy and try to help.
- Independence and Autonomy: Children also want to do more things by themselves, including dressing up, feeding themselves, and making decisions.
- Understanding Social Norms: They start to grasp some of the simplest aspects of social behaviour, such as using words like 'sorry' while apologising.
- Developing Relationships: They also form bonds with mothers and other familiar persons, show them feelings, and seek refuge in their presence.
Emotional Milestones for a 2 year old:
Children become increasingly adept at managing an emotional scope and learning to express various emotions in the two year old developmental milestones. As these kids develop socially, they also improve in showing their emotional thoughts:
- Expressing Feelings: At this age, children have a considerable level of emotional involvement and can show several emotions, such as joy, sorrow, and wrath.
- Clinging and Tears: Caregivers and children have strong bonds, and children may fear being away from their caregivers and experience separation anxiety.
- Outbursts and Anger: Toddlers are in the process of emotional regulation, which tends to be inadequate. This can lead to anger and many tantrums.
- The Instinct to Comfort: When overstressed, two-year-old children always seek comfort from someone they know or clutch a beloved belonging to feel safe.
10. Speech Milestones for a 2 Year Old Baby

Speech Development Milestones for a 2 year old:
- Vocabulary Growth: Most developing toddlers at this age can use around 50-100 words and become good at learning new ones.
- Simple Sentences: Students combine 2-3 words to make simple sentences, such as "want milk" or "more play."
- Understanding Instructions: Some toddlers can also obey simple commands or requests, such as “pick up the toy.”
- Imitating Speech: They like to return words they heard from adults, which helps them learn language.
Different Engaging Activities for a 2 Year Old

1. Building with Blocks
Help your toddler build blocks and arrange them strategically. This helps to develop the hand-eye coordination components, as well as fine motor and problem-solving skills. Let them try various shapes.2. Drawing and Colouring
When children draw, give them crayons or a washable marker and paper so they can scribble, paint, etc. This helps develop their imagination and improves their small muscles. It is also an easy way to teach about colours.3. Story Time
Introduce and read some children's books containing phrases, catchy illustrations, and short expressions. They understand words, learn how to listen and learn new words. Ask them questions about the pictures that they see.4. Puzzles
Regardless of type, it is preferable to select simple puzzles with extra-large pieces for young children. Puzzles assist with cognitive skills, problem-solving, and the development of fine motor skills through shape matching.5. Dancing to Music
Sing some playful and rhythmic songs and jiggle your young one as well. Increase physical activity, balance, and coordination. Allow them enough room to roam and develop body knowledge even more.6. Outdoor Exploration
Take a stroll outdoors or simply go for a scavenger hunt. Being outside enables toddlers to encounter different surfaces, sights, and sounds, aiding sensory development and gross motor skills.7. Sorting Game
Try introducing sorting toys for toddlers, under which they can categorise things based on colour, size, or shape. Sorting develops their advanced cognitive skills in categorising and improves their attention span and concentration.8. Playdough Fun
Offer a variety of playdough and basic implements such as cutting tools and rolling pins. Playdough activities are incredibly creative and sensory-oriented and engage fine motor skills as they shape playdough into different forms.Safety Tips For a 2 Year Old Baby
At age 2, toddlers are curious and mobile, prioritising safety. Below is a table with some safety tips for your 2 year old child:
How to Support Baby’s Development at 2 Years?
1. Encourage Exploration
Have fun with your child, play and laugh, and be a responsive parent. Love and interaction help your child grow emotionally and understand emotions. This can be reflected in how they behave with other people, too.2. Help Them Develop Language
Talk with your child and add to the words they start. For example, if they say "baba," you can respond, "Yes, you are right―that is a bottle". This increases their language capacity and assists them in better communication.3. Play With Them
Play games like matching, shape sorting, and simple puzzles. You can also play hide and seek, or roll a ball back and forth with them. Children should be given enough time to play indoors as well as outdoors.4. Honor Progress
Each time your child acquires a new skill, acknowledge feeling proud or gaining positivity. This is necessary to incite them to continue attempting more new ventures. Appreciating boosts their confidence and helps maintain positive behaviour.When to Talk to the Paediatrician?
Regression in Speech Development:
If your child can speak but cannot say more than 50 words or form basic 2-3 word sentences.Lack of Gross and Fine Motor Skills:
If your child cannot walk, run, go up and down the stairs, or use their hands to pick up small toys.Problems with Hearing:
If the child is not turning to look for their name or loud sounds, or you can see they are struggling to hear.Emotional and Behavioural Problems:
Tantrums and outrage that become too extended and need to be controlled can even be dangerous.Smugness/Regression:
If the child begins to regress and lose skills they once mastered, such as language or other skills.Long-lasting Feeding Problems:
Difficulty eating solid foods, refusing to eat, or having a lack of appetite, which affects their growth.Not Taking to Imaginative Play:
If your child is not interested in toys, make-believe activities, or anything interacting with the environment.FAQs about 2 Year Developmental Milestones
What physical skills should a 2 year old have?
How many words should a 2 year old be able to say?
What cognitive skills are expected at 2 years of age?
How does social interaction change for 2 year olds?
What emotional developments are typical for a 2 year old?
What are signs of language development in 2 year olds?
Should a 2 year old be able to use utensils?
What types of play should a 2 year old engage in?
How can parents encourage development in 2 year olds?
What are the signs of developmental delays in a 2 year old?
How important is routine for 2 year olds?
How much does a 2 year old understand?
What is the behavioral development of a 2 year old?
Is it normal for a 2 year old not to talk?
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