Buy International Travel Insurance Policy Online
Instant Policy, No Medical Check-ups

Is Travel Insurance Mandatory?

Have you travelled abroad or are you planning for an international trip soon? If yes, then you must be aware of the importance of buying a Travel Insurance Policy is.

When you are abroad, your insurer can take care of all your expenses that may be due to an emergency crisis. You can lose all your money or get stuck due to delay in flights or can suffer from a medical emergency.

But fret not! In most of these cases, it will be your Travel Insurance Policy that will work. This insurance document will play its role and prevent you from unexpected financial losses. So, it sounds here that a Travel Policy is important but let us know whether it is mandatory?

Is Travel Insurance Mandatory for international travel?

There are about 38 countries across the world which have made the Travel Insurance Policy mandatory for tourists. These countries have made it mandatory to prevent tourists land in financial crisis due to a medical emergency, accidents, loss of luggage/passports, liability for property damage or bodily injury. It is because the cost of treatment and living is very high.

A Travel Insurance may not be mandatory for tourists in other countries, but it is always recommended to have one before you explore any foreign country. It has relevance because:

List of Countries Where Travel Insurance is Mandatory

Not all, but many countries across the globe have made a Travel Insurance Policy mandatory. There are 38 countries, for which you can’t miss buying a travel policy before you reach their embassy for visa approval. 

Sl No Country
1 Cuba
2 United States of America (not mandatory but advised to have one)
3 United Arab of Emirates
4 Schengen Countries (group of 27 countries in Central Europe.)
5 Ecuador which includes the Galapagos Islands.
6 Antarctica
7 Qatar
8 Russia
9 Turkey
10 New Zealand
11 Ukraine
12 Saudi Arabia

Why Should You Buy Travel Insurance?

There are many countries like the US, Japan, UK and others, where the cost of medical treatment is significantly high. Any unforeseen event can leave you stranded on the lands abroad. And definitely, you don’t want this to happen. Here are reasons why you should buy a Travel Insurance Policy:

Is there any positive impact on Visa application because of Travel Insurance?

Yes, a Travel Insurance Policy will cast a positive impact on the processing of visa application. The requirement for the Travel Policy is mentioned in the basic requirements for visa processing. The officers want to assure themselves and you that in case of a medical or other emergency, you will be able to afford the expenses. 

The Travel Policy also covers your liability for bodily injury or property. Hence, the embassy representatives of countries where insurance is mandatory will check for your travel policy beforehand. They do not want you or the local nationals of the country you visit to suffer due to your fault.