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Ã…land Islands | Greenland | Palestinian Territory |
Algeria | Grenada | Paraguay |
American Samoa | Guam | Peru |
Andorra | Guatemala | Philippines |
Anguilla | Guernsey | Pitcairn Islands |
Antigua and Barbuda | Guyana | Poland |
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Austria | Hungary | Republic of Macedonia |
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Bahrain | Indonesia | Romania |
Bangladesh | Ireland | Russian Federation |
Belgium | Isle of Man | Rwanda |
Belize | Israel | Saint Barthelemy |
Benin | Italy | Saint Helena |
Bermuda | Japan | Saint Lucia |
Bhutan | Jersey | Saint Martin |
Bolivia | Jordan | Saint Pierre and Miquelon |
Bosnia and Herzegovina | Kenya | Samoa |
Brazil | Kiribati | Sao Tome and Principe |
British Indian Ocean Territory | Kosovo | Saudi Arabia |
British Virgin Islands | Kuwait | Scotland |
Brunei | Laos | Senegal |
Brunei Darussalam | Latvia | Serbia |
Bulgaria | Lebanon | Seychelles |
Burkina Faso | Lesotho | Sierra Leone |
Cambodia | Liechtenstein | Singapore |
Cameroon | Lithuania | Sint Maarten |
Canada | Luxembourg | Slovakia |
Cape Verde | Macau | Slovenia |
Cayman Islands | Madagascar | Solomon Islands |
Chile | Malawi | South Africa |
Christmas Island | Malaysia | South Korea |
Cocos (Keeling) Islands | Maldives | Spain |
Colombia | Mali | Sri Lanka |
Comoros | Malta | Suriname |
Cook Islands | Marshall Islands | Swaziland |
Costa Rica | Martinique | Sweden |
Croatia | Mauritania | Switzerland |
Cuba | Mauritius | Taiwan |
Curacao | Mayotte | Tajikistan |
Cyprus | Mexico | Tanzania |
Czech Republic | Micronesia | Thailand |
Denmark | Moldova | Togo |
Djibouti | Monaco | Tonga |
Dominica | Mongolia | Trinidad and Tobago |
Dominican Republic | Montenegro | Turkey |
East Timor | Montserrat | Turkmenistan |
Ecuador | Morocco | Turks and Caicos Islands |
Egypt | Mozambique | Tuvalu |
El Salvador | Namibia | Ukraine |
England | Nauru | United Arab Emirates |
Eritrea | Nepal | United Kingdom |
Estonia | Netherlands | United states Minor outlying island |
Ethiopia | Netherlands Antilles | United States Virgin Islands |
Falkland Islands (Malvinas) | New Caledonia | Uruguay |
Fiji | New Zealand | USA |
Finland | Niger | Uzbekistan |
France | Nigeria | Vanuatu |
French Guiana | Niue | Vatican City (HolySee) |
French Polynesia | Norfolk Island | Venezuela |
Gabon | Northern Mariana Islands | Vietnam |
Gambia | Norway | Wales |
Georgia | Oman | Wallis and Futuna |
Germany | Palau | Zambia |
Greece | Â |
Afghanistan | French Southern Territories | Papua New Guinea |
Albania | Ghana | Saint Kitts and Nevis |
Angola | Guadeloupe | Somalia |
Antarctica | Guinea | South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands |
Aruba | Heard Island and McDonald Islands | South Sudan |
Barbados | Iran | St. Vincent and the Grenadines |
Belarus | Iraq | Sudan |
Bonaire, | Ivory Coast | Svalbard & Jan Mayen Islands |
Sint Eustatius and Saba | Jamaica | Syrian Arab Republic |
Botswana | Kazakhstan | Tokelau |
Burundi | Liberia | Tunisia |
Central African Republic | Libyan Arab Jamahiriya | Uganda |
Chad | Myanmar | Ukraine |
Congo | Nicaragua | Western Sahara |
Cuba | North Korea | Yemen |
East Timor or Timor-Leste | Pakistan | Â |
Faroe Islands | Panama |
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Author: Team Digit
Last updated: 21-03-2025
CIN: U66010PN2016PLC167410, IRDAI Reg. No. 158.
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