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A Quick Guide on Acquiring Thai Citizenship for Indians

Recently, relocating to new countries and settling for an improved career has been a common dream. As a result, many Indian citizens are trying to settle in Thailand with citizenship. It is beneficial for living and working in Thailand free of restrictions, and it can relieve individuals from the burden of the Thai immigration documentation procedure.

Do you wish to learn more about getting Thai citizenship for Indians? Then, stick to the end of this article to get a comprehensive guide.

What Are the Eligibility Criteria to Get a Thai Citizenship for Indian Citizens?

If you are an Indian and wonder how to get citizenship in Thailand, you must find out if you are eligible for the process. The following eligibility conditions must be met while applying for this citizenship.

  • Applicants must be at least 18 years of age.
  • They must have lived in Thailand as permanent residents for at least five years.
  • Showing proof of livelihood and financial stability is an essential requirement.
  • Applicants must not possess any criminal history during their stay.
  • They must have basic proficiency in speaking and writing Thai.

How to Apply for Thai Citizenship?

The process of applying for getting Thai citizenship is an offline one. However, the following steps can help you complete the process.

Step 1: Approach the nearest police headquarters and request an application form. Additionally, you will receive a checklist of the documents you need to submit.

Step 2: Fill out this form carefully while following all the instructions. Gather all the required documents.

Step 3: Submit this form and documents to the police headquarters. Pay the application fees and complete the biometrics process.

Step 4: Once your application is approved, you will receive an appointment to visit the Ministry of Interior. Attempt the interview effectively.

Step 5: Wait for the final approval. After you receive a confirmation, take your Citizenship Oath at the Police Headquarters.

Documents Required to Apply for Thai Citizenship as an Indian

Certain documents are mandatory for individuals applying to get Thai citizenship. These are listed below.

  • Copy of passport
  • Residence Certificate
  • House Registration certificate
  • Certificate of legal age (certified by your embassy)
  • Educational certificates
  • Proof of employment
  • Bills of the personal and corporate income tax for the past 3 years
  • Marriage and/or birth certificates (If applicable)

Does Thailand Allow Dual Citizenship?

Fortunately, the Thai government allows individuals to keep dual citizenship. Therefore, individuals born with another nationality can get and retain Thai citizenship without renouncing their original citizenship. For example, this makes it easier for Indian citizens to get Thai citizenship without sacrificing their Indian nationality.

How to Get Thai Citizenship for Families?

Individuals can bring their families to Thailand through a family visa. In addition, they can take a Non-Immigrant O Visa at Bangkok Immigration while entering Thailand. However, there is no way of applying for the citizenship of an entire family at once. If you are married to a Thai citizen, you can initially apply for permanent residency. Eventually, you will be eligible for getting Thai citizenship.

On the other hand, children can apply for citizenship after turning 18 by naturalisation. Moreover, if you are a Thai citizen, you can become the guarantor of your parents or children. It will make their citizenship process simpler.

Does a Child Born in Thailand Receive Citizenship by Birth?

Any child born to Thai parents can get Thai citizenship by birth. However, if one parent is Thai and another is of foreign nationality, the child will not become a Thai citizen by birth. It will depend on his/her immigration and marriage status. Regardless of the birthplace, a child can apply for Thai citizenship if he/she has at least one Thai parent.

Why Are Applications for Thai Citizenship Rejected and How to Avoid It?

Now that you know how to apply for Thai citizenship from India, it is advisable to understand the factors that can reject your Thai citizenship application. Some of the common causes are listed below.

1. Financial instability

One of the primary eligibility criteria for such citizenship includes the ability of the applicant to show financial stability. He/she must have a stable job and livelihood and must pay all the taxes and utility bills regularly. Failure to demonstrate this to the immigration experts might reject your citizenship application in Thailand.

2. Fraudulent documents

The Thai government requires multiple documents to verify while processing your citizenship application. All these documents must be valid and authentic. Therefore, any kind of fraud with these documents can quickly come to the notice of the experts. As a result, they can reject your application for the lack of authenticity.

3. Criminal records

If you have records of criminal convictions and prison sentences, your citizenship application will likely be rejected. The experts investigating your case can easily spot these. Hence, it is advisable to comply with Thai law and avoid incriminating activities.

Frequently Asked Questions

How much time does it take to finish getting Thai citizenship?

Completing the application process for Thai citizenship does not take more than two days. However, the application processing can take about 6-12 months, based on the kind of documents you submitted.

What is the processing fee for a Thai citizenship application?

The Thai government has set some processing fees for the citizenship application. For example, every adult applicant must pay an application fee of ฿9925.75. On the other hand, children under 18 years need to pay about  ฿4962.87 for this application.