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A Quick Guide to Acquire Norwegian Citizenship for Indians

Getting citizenship in a foreign country is essential for people relocating and settling for work abroad. Indians, for instance, often travel to countries like Norway for study or work purposes. They often tend to extend their stay there for a consistent career and standard of life. Therefore, it is essential to get citizenship  in Norway for Indians in this regard.

Are you curious to know how you can become a Norwegian citizen? Then, keep reading this article to learn about the eligibility and application steps!

What Are the Eligibility Criteria to Get a Citizenship in Norway for Indian Citizens?

To acquire citizenship in Norway for Indians, it is mandatory to meet the following conditions.

  • Applicants must have lived in Norway for seven years as permanent residents. In addition, they need to prove their stay in Norway for at least three years in total for the last ten years if married to a Norwegian spouse. 
  • They need to show a vital purpose and intention of continuing to live in Norway in the future. 
  • Completing at least 300 hours of tuition in the Norwegian language or equivalent documents to prove skills in Norwegian or Sami is mandatory. They also need to demonstrate sufficient knowledge of the culture of Norway.  
  • Applicants need to demonstrate good conduct and avoid criminal convictions during their stay. 
  • They need to be able to clarify their identity with proper ID proofs. 
  • Indian and Nepalese applicants need to have a residence permit for at least 90 days while the government processes the citizenship application.

How to Apply for a Citizenship in Norway?

Now, the question is, how to get citizenship in Norway for Indians? Once you feel you are eligible for this citizenship, you can apply for it through the following steps. 

Step 1: Visit the official website of UDI. Click on the “Want to apply” icon. 

Step 2: Click on the "Citizenship" option on this new screen. Next, choose your initial citizenship country from the drop-down list, like India, and click "Choose".  

Step 3: This will open an application form in different stages. Fill out the form with your accurate details. 

Step 4: Upload all the required documents. Pay the application fees. 

Step 5: Submit the form and wait for your result. You will receive a call from the Embassy or VFS after processing the application.

Documents Required to Apply for Citizenship in Norway

While applying for citizenship in Norway, ensure that all the required documents are handy. You must upload these with the application for approval. The required documents are listed below.

  • Copy of birth certificate 
  • Valid ID proof, preferably a passport 
  • Marriage certificate (if applicable)
  • Tax statements during your PR period 
  • Criminal records (if any)
  • Certificates to prove that you passed the citizenship test and the language and social studies lessons
  • Proof of residence (passport)

Does Norway Allow Dual Citizenship?

Fortunately, Norway allows dual citizenship. Thus, Indian applicants can quickly get Norway citizenship if they are eligible without renouncing Indian citizenship. However, you first need to make sure that your original country allows dual citizenship. Otherwise, that citizenship will be cancelled automatically.

How to Get a Citizenship in Norway for Families?

There are various rules of application for citizenship. Having said that, there are no particular rules or provisions when it comes to the citizenship of an entire family. However, having a reference person who already has a PR in Norway is mandatory. This mainly includes a spouse or a partner who is a non-citizen, while the citizen partner can help them with their PR. It can also have children or parents. However, the parents must not apply for citizenship in another country, which would cancel the child's citizenship.

Does a Child Born in Norway Receive Citizenship by Birth?

A child born in Norway is automatically considered Norwegian if at least one of the two parents is a citizen of Norway. Therefore, such children do not need a residence permit, as they are citizens by birth. On the other hand, if both parents are non-citizens, they need to register the child's birth in Norway and immediately apply for a residence permit. Later, the child can apply for citizenship after turning 18.

Why Are Applications for Citizenship in Norway Rejected and How to Avoid It?

While getting citizenship in Norway for Indians, applicants need to be extra careful. They need to avoid making any mistakes in the process. The following types of errors are commonly seen in the application process.

1. Citizenship and language

The applicants need to take a citizenship test while demonstrating their knowledge regarding the culture and location of Norway. Moreover, they also need to show their proficiency in speaking and understanding the local language. Therefore, applicants need to prepare for passing this exam if they want their application to be approved. 

2. Norwegian and social studies education

The applicants must complete about 300 hours of tuition in the Norwegian language with an approved provider. The application can be rejected if they fail to show this with their applications.

3. Residency and identity verification

The applicants must prove their residency in Norway for at least three years in the last ten years. The immigration experts will investigate their residence and verify it from the surroundings. Moreover, they also need to prove their identity. Producing any fraudulent documents can result in the rejection of their citizenship applications. 

4. Criminal history

 Having a severe criminal conviction often rejects citizenship applications. Even if you submit all your criminal history while applying, it is up to the government to analyse the convictions. Thus, if you are an applicant, comply with Norwegian law and avoid criminal records. 

Frequently Asked Questions

How much time does it take to finish the process?

Generally, completing the application process takes a few hours. However, the entire processing time can be between 12 and 14 months.

Is there any processing fee involved?

Adult applicants need to pay application fees of NOK 6,500. Children applicants are exempted from paying any application fees.