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A Quick Guide on Acquiring German Citizenship for Indians

Getting foreign citizenship has become a common demand with the wave of globalisation. Indians working in different parts of Europe try to secure citizenship for a consistent career and standard of life. However, the process of securing one can be complicated. Applicants need to know the procedure for avoiding the rejection of their applications.

Do you wish to know more about the ways to get German citizenship for Indians? Then, read till the end of this article to acquire further knowledge on it.

Who Is Eligible to Get a German Citizenship for Indians?

While trying to get citizenship in Germany for Indians, applicants should be aware of the eligibility criteria. These are as follows. 

  • Applicants must have lived in Germany for at least eight years. In another case, they must have stayed here with a residence permit for about seven years and attended an integration course. 
  • They must be proficient in the German language of at least B1.
  • Applicants should be able to take care of themselves and their families financially. 
  • They should be law-abiding applicants without any criminal records. 
  • Furthermore, they should pass a citizenship test.

What Is the Application Process for Getting German Citizenship?

Now the question is, how to get German citizenship for Indians? The following steps will guide you through the application process.

Step 1: Start by getting an application form. You can procure it from one of the following places.

  • Local immigration office
  • City council
  • Regional district office
  • Town Council or other local authorities 

Step 2: Read all the requirements and instructions carefully. Fill out the application form with accurate data.

Step 3: Appear for the citizenship test. This test will comprise about 33 MCQs on German living, society, rules, and laws, and you need at least 17 correct answers to pass.

Step 4: Pay the application fees and submit the form with all the documents. Then, please wait for the officers to investigate your documents and reveal their decision.

What Are the Documents Required to Apply for German Citizenship?

You must be curious to know the requirements of German citizenship for Indians. Applicants will have to produce at least one of the following documents while submitting the application form.

  • A German-language certificate such as the Zertifikat Deutsch
  • Certificate of an integration course, such as the DTZ – German test for immigrants
  • Admission proof or certification of completing a German secondary school
  • Proof of completing higher education degrees in German
  • Marriage certificate (if applicable)

What Is the Processing Fee to Apply for German Citizenship as an Indian?

The German government charges some fees from the applicants for the naturalisation of citizenship. Adults need to pay an application fee of €255. Children under the age of 16 years will have to pay €51. On the other hand, they will have to pay about €25 for the citizenship test. For collecting the citizenship certificate, another fee of €25 will be levied.

Does Germany Allow Dual Citizenship?

Unfortunately, Germany does not allow dual citizenship outside Europe. Thus, Indian citizens planning to apply for German citizenship will have to renounce their Indian citizenship. However, this does not apply to European citizens. They can keep their original citizenship while gaining German citizenship.

Does a Child Born in Germany Receive Citizenship by Birth?

you can be a German citizen if your parents were German by birth or Indians, and gained citizenship by naturalisation. Moreover, one can pass German citizenship through descent. If a child has German parents and grandparents, he or she can be a German citizen by birth even after staying abroad. However, if your mother was German but married your non-German father, you might not become a German citizen by descent. You will have to gain derivative naturalisation.

Why Are Applications for German Citizenship Rejected and How to Avoid it?

Several reasons are contributing to the rejection of an application. Therefore, applicants need to avoid these mistakes for enhancing the chances of their approval. These reasons are discussed below.

1. Conduct and residence

The immigration experts are likely to investigate your past as a resident in Germany. In this regard, any bad conduct during your stay can negatively impact your application. Moreover, if you apply forgery in your residence document, your application can get rejected. Thus, you should avoid such issues. 

2. Citizenship test and dual citizenship

 You must pass the citizenship test, an essential requirement. Failing this will reject your application. Moreover, if you are not from India or other European countries, you must renounce your previous citizenship. Dual citizenship often harms your citizenship. 

3. Taxes and financial stability

The immigration experts will check your financial stability. You must be able to pay all your taxes. Moreover, you should be financially stable and support your family financially. The inability to make all the required financial payments is necessary for getting German citizenship.

Frequently Asked Questions

How much time does it take to finish the process of German citizenship?

At most, the processing of German citizenship can take up to 2-3 years. Then, depending on the federal state, it can take about a few months for completing the process.

Who can get German citizenship?

If you have a German spouse, you can apply for German citizenship. On the other hand, both non-German spouses can apply for citizenship if they meet the criteria. In addition, children of non-German parents can gain citizenship with the help of derivative naturalisation.