Do the Digit Insurance

E-Way Bill Generation Through SMS: Registration, Features & Benefits

You need an e-way bill document mandatorily for transporting goods valued over ₹50000. In India, there are many small taxpayers who are not very tech-savvy and therefore struggle to generate this bill.

To simplify this application process, the Ministry of Finance introduced E-Way Bill generation through the SMS facility. You can use this process in emergency cases like during the night or if there is an urgent need for moving a good.

In this article, you will learn in detail how to register and cancel an e-way bill through SMS mode and other relevant details.


What Are the Conditions for Generating an E-Way Bill Through SMS?

If you want to generate an e-way bill through SMS, it should satisfy the following conditions:

  • You must register your mobile number on the e-way bill portal for the SMS facility.
  • The GST number should be linked with your registered mobile number.
  • When sending an SMS, you need to provide complete and accurate details in order to avoid wrong e-way bill generation.


How to Register for the SMS Mode of E-Way Bill Generation Via Mobile?

You can generate an E-Way Bill via mobile using SMS. A text message is to be sent on the mobile number 7738299899 and you should also ensure that there is a space next to each parameter. You have to follow the below format for sending a message:

EWBG TranType RecGSTIN DelPinCode InvNo InvDate TotalValue HSNCode ApprDist Vehicle


What Are the Steps to Generate E-Way Bills Online Through SMS by Suppliers?

To complete E-Way Bill generation through SMS, you need to follow the below steps:

Step 1: Visit the E-Way Bill portal and log in to your account.

Step 2: Click on “Registration”, which appears on the left corner of the dashboard.

Step 3: Select the “For SMS” option from the menu.

Step 4: Enter your registered mobile number displayed on the screen.

Step 5: Select “Send OTP”

Step 6: After receiving the OTP, type it in the “Enter OTP” box.

Step 7: Next, “Verify OTP” and click “Exit”

Step 8: After exiting, you will see all User Ids on the screen.

Step 9: Select the User ID from the menu and your mobile number will be auto-populated.

Step 10: Click on the “Submit” option, and your E-Way Bill will be generated via SMS mode.

You should note that you can register at least two mobile numbers against a single GST Identification Number.


What Are the Steps to Cancel an E-Way Bill Online Through SMS by Suppliers?

You can cancel an e-way bill easily and conveniently by sending an SMS to 7738299899. To cancel, send the code “EWBC EWB_NO” within 24 hours of the e-way bill generation. Each parameter provides the following details:

  1. EWBC - E-Way Bill Code for cancellation

  2. EWB_NO - 12-digit E-Way Bill Number

After sending the SMS, you will receive a text message on your registered phone number confirming the cancellation of the bill. However, you should note that once an e-way bill is verified after generation, you cannot cancel it.


What Are the Steps to Generate and Cancel E-Way Bill Through SMS for Transporters?

In case you are a transporter and want to complete e-way bill generation by mobile, you need to send the following SMS request.

EWBT TranType SuppGSTIN RecGSTIN DelPinCode InvNo InvDate TotalValue HSNCode ApprDist Vehicle


The table below provides details of what the above parameters indicate:

Particulars Indications
EWBT E-Way Bill generation for Transporters
TranType Refers to the code list for Transaction Type
SuppGSTIN GSTIN of the supplier or URP of the unregistered person
RecGSTIN GSTIN of the recipient or URP of the unregistered person
DelPinCode 6-digit Pincode of delivery location
InvNo Invoice Number
InvDate Invoice Date or Bill Date
TotalValue Total Value of goods or/and services as per the Invoice or Bill
HSNCode First Commodity’s HSN Code
ApprDist The approximate distance between a consignor and a consignee (in km)
Vehicle Vehicle Number in which goods are carried

The type of transactions for which your E-Way Bill value depends is as follows:

  • ISUP – Inward Supply
  • IIMP – Inward Import
  • ISCD – Inward SKD/CKD
  • IJWR – Inward Job Work Returns
  • ISLR – Inward Sales Returns
  • IEOF – Inward Exhibitions & Fairs
  • IOTH – Inward Others
  • OSUP – Outward Supply
  • OEXP –Outward Export
  • OJOB – Outward Job Work
  • OSCD – Outward SKD / CKD
  • ORNK – Outward Recipient Not Known
  • OFOU – Outward for Own Use
  • OEOF – Outward Exhibitions & Fairs
  • OLNS – Outward Line Sales
  • OOTH – Outward Others

For cancellation, send the same SMS code on 7738299899 as mentioned before to cancel an e-way bill.

How Can You Update Your Vehicle Number Using SMS Mode?

You can update your vehicle number of the E-Way Bill through SMS by sending the following SMS request on 7738299899:

EWBV / EWB_NO / Vehicle / ReasCode


Particulars Indications
EWBV E-Way Bill Code for updating vehicle details
EWB_NO 12-digit E-Way Bill Number
Vehicle New Vehicle Number in which goods are transported
ReasCode Reason for updating your vehicle details

Following are the reasons for which you can update the vehicle number of your E-Way Bill:

  • BRK- Vehicle Break Down
  • FST - First Vehicle
  • TRS - Vehicle Transhipment
  • OTH - Other Vehicle

What Are the Benefits of Generation and Cancellation of E-Way Bill Through SMS?

By generating and cancelling an e-way bill via SMS you can avail the following benefits:

  • Cost Effective - SMS mode is a cost-effective way as it does not require any additional hardware or software.
  • Easily Accessible - Since mobile phones can be accessed easily by anyone, SMS mode is better for those who do not have access to the internet or a computer.
  • Reduced Errors - SMS mode reduces the chances of errors in the e-way bill generation process as it eliminates the need for manual data entry.

In conclusion, the facility of e-way bill generation through SMS has simplified the process for suppliers and transporters. This method is ideal for those suppliers and transporters who want to start investing in an expensive technological setup. The platform is also efficient in handling limited transactions.

FAQs About E-Way Bill Generation Through SMS

Is it mandatory to generate e-way bills through SMS mode?

It is not mandatory for you to generate e-way bills through SMS mode. You can also generate this bill through the e-way bill portal or mobile app.

Can you use SMS mode for e-way bills for interstate transportation of goods?

You can generate an e-way bill via SMS for transporting goods interstate. Moreover, you can also transport goods through SMS for intrastate purposes.

Can you modify an e-way bill through SMS mode?

You cannot modify an e-way bill through SMS mode. It is advised to you to cancel the e-way bill and generate a new one.

Who can generate e-way bills by SMS?

Consumers who cannot access computers or do not have an internet connection can generate e-way bills by SMS. Further, small organisations having limited trading volume can also generate this bill.

What are the things you should keep in mind while updating your vehicle number in the e-way bill?

You can update your vehicle only if you are a taxpayer who has generated the bill or a transporter who has been authorised while generating the e-way bill. As mentioned in the bill if the validity period expires, you cannot update the vehicle number.