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What Is Root Canal Procedure?

When bacteria enter the pulp of your tooth, it causes infection and hence damages your tooth. Root canal therapy is a vital procedure where it removes the infected pulp, cleans your tooth, and seals it to prevent further infection.

Well, if you want more details about this root canal procedure and how it is performed, read this article to get all the details.

What Is Root Canal Therapy?

Root canal therapy is a dental procedure that helps to relieve pain caused due to an infected tooth. During this process, your doctor removes your damaged pulp, which is made of tissues, blood vessels, and nerves. However, during this root canal process, your infected tooth is cleaned properly and filled by sealing this area.

The crown of your tooth remains exact even if your doctor removes your pulp. Removing this infected pulp helps in preserving your tooth structure. You can experience a damaged pulp if:

  • There is a cavity decaying your tooth.
  • If you have had any injury that led to infection in your tooth.
  • In case you have undergone several dental processes on the same tooth.
  • You have a crack inside your tooth.

If you have any of these, you will notice a swelling sensation in your gums, problems chewing food, and severe pain in your tooth. When you consult a dentist, your doctor will carefully examine your affected tooth and do an X-ray to understand severity. If you require a root canal, he/she might refer you to an endodontist.

How Is the Root Canal Procedure Done?

You need to visit a dentist who will prepare you for the procedure. Here are the following steps of the root canal extraction procedure:

Step 1: Your dentist will provide anaesthesia onto the gum near the damaged tooth to numb the area so that performing the procedure becomes easy.

Step 2: As soon as your tooth and the surrounding area become numb, your doctor will make a tiny opening in the crown of your tooth.

Step 3: This will expose the infected pulp, and your doctor will then carefully remove the pulp using files.

Step 4: The specialist will then clear all the canals near your tooth, and after removing the pulp, your doctor will apply antibiotics in that area. It will prevent any infection.

Step 5: Your doctor will then fill the tooth with a sealer and prescribe oral antibiotics to you for recovery.

Step 6: Then, the doctor will fill the tiny opening on the crown with a soft sealant. This will prevent the tooth canals from getting damaged by your saliva.

Step 7: Do not forget to visit the doctor for follow-ups to ensure it has recovered completely.

What Are the Benefits of Having a Root Canal Procedure?

Root canal treatment, also known as endodontic therapy, is a painless procedure with many benefits. These include:

1. Prevents Loss of Your Tooth

While some might choose tooth extraction to remove a decayed tooth as a permanent solution, you can choose tooth canal treatment. This therapy prevents the loss of your tooth. Tooth extraction leaves wide gaps between your teeth, causing food particles to enter inside them. This is not the case with the root canal, as it preserves the natural structure of your teeth.

2. Avoid Infection of the Neighbouring Teeth

Infection in pulp is the major reason for the decay of your tooth. When bacteria accumulate in this area, your pulp might get infected, spreading the infection to the neighbouring tooth. Thus, a root canal will help you remove the bacteria-infected pulp and prevent it from spreading to the adjacent tooth.

3. Painless Procedure

As you undergo a root canal procedure, you will notice that it is a comfortable therapy and relatively painless. Your doctor uses anaesthesia to keep the area numb. Then he/she removes the pulp and disinfects the area around it.

4. Restore Visual Appeal

The crown of your tooth is necessary to maintain the visual appeal of your tooth. Therefore, dentists ensure your tooth functions well and restore the aesthetic value of your tooth. In a root canal procedure, your doctor removes the infected pulp and fills the cavity by fitting your tooth with a crown.

5. Prevents Complications of Jawbone

Unlike tooth extraction, a root canal procedure leaves your tooth exactly the way it was. When you undergo tooth extraction, your jawbone tends to degenerate over time due to over-exposure to bacteria. In the root canal process, there are no complications.

6. Boosts Your Oral Health

Long-lasting toothaches and severe tooth decay are some of the common dental procedures among people. This can cause tooth loss too. When you undergo a root canal procedure, you will avoid tooth extraction. Also, a root canal procedure will boost your oral health and overall health.

Now that you know about RCT dental procedure, let us know its side effects.

What Are the Side Effects of Root Canal Procedure?

Some of the side-effects of root canal procedures are:

  • If the antibiotics are not working or there are bacteria left over, there is a risk of an abscess developing in your tooth.
  • You might notice an undetected crack inside the root of your tooth.
  • Recovery might be a long process if you do not follow up with your doctor.

Do not fear when you notice all these symptoms, as retreatment will ensure a faster recovery.

What Are the Post-Treatment Guidelines After a Root Canal Procedure?

Here are the post-treatment guidelines after a root canal process. The recovery only takes 2 or 3 days so make sure to follow these guidelines at least till then.

  • You must brush and clean your teeth twice a day and apply softer strokes while brushing. Rigorous brushing will affect the treated tooth.
  • Consume food that is not harsh on your tooth. You can have oats, porridge or liquid food that you can consume without chewing much.
  • Do not forget to have your medicines as prescribed by the doctor.
  • For faster recovery, saline gargles are a must as it will reduce the pain that might occur post the treatment.
  • Do not consume extremely cold or hot beverages and food post-treatment.
  • To avoid additional damage or fracture in your tooth, cap your treated tooth with a crown.
  • Ensure you visit your doctor for regular check-ups.

Frequently Asked Questions

When can I resume my daily activities after a root canal process?

Most people can resume their daily activities after a root canal just after the day of the treatment. However, if your dentist has sedated you, you might require a day or two to resume your activities.

What is the alternative to root canal treatment?

The alternative to root canal treatment is tooth removal. Your doctor might advise you on a tooth extraction to enhance your oral health if your tooth has decayed badly. Depending on the condition, your doctor can also advise you about the dental or partial bridges.

Why does a root canal procedure takes 2 visits?

It takes two visits to carry out the root canal procedure to ensure it is sealed up, cleaned out, and protected against any damage.