There are a plethora of methods available for the treatment of chronophobia; however, it is important to comprehend which one will work best for one specific individual. To assess this, doctors try to identify the underlying symptoms and causes of this anxiety disorder.
Here are the most prevalent treatment plans available for treating chronophobia.
Cognitive Behavioural Therapy, or CBT, is a preferred treatment program by the therapist, as it has shown the highest success rates in treating anxiety-based disorders, as per clinical studies. In this treatment, a patient becomes familiar with negative outcomes of one’s fears by imagining himself or herself in presence of the feared object/event/feeling.
The main goal is to develop self-awareness on the thoughts that are brewing one’s fear of passing time. In addition, this therapy helps one understand effective coping mechanisms and to devise the best possible ways to manage responses whenever one thinks about running out of time.
Exposure therapy is one of the most common types of therapy for treating different kinds of phobias. In this type of therapy, a therapist will guide the patient in developing life skills to maintain a relaxed state while slowly exposing the patient to the feared object. This therapy aims to help individuals with phobias to face their fears.
This is by learning effective strategies to gain better control over their emotions. The entire process takes place under medical supervision, and the hours where a patient remains exposed to the fear are gradually increased. Sometimes, the method of visualisation is also used in exposure therapy where a patient is asked to imagine their feared stimuli, which in this case, will be a situation involving a deadline or a milestone event.
Many licensed mental health facilities offer therapy treatments in groups where individuals with similar phobias talk about their experiences. Sharing information related to their coping strategies will help other people struggling with the issue.
In addition to this, the facility also offers one-on-one sessions or family therapy. By applying a combination of treatment therapies, a medical counsellor will find the best treatment that suits a particular individual.
The cascading effects of chronophobia are sometimes also treated with medications. A lot of times, therapists prescribe benzodiazepines to provide relief from anxiety. Some other commonly prescribed medicines for anxiety are Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors (SSRIs) and Selective Norepinephrine Reuptake Inhibitors (SNRIs).
However, it is important to consider that these medications may possess harmful side effects if consumed for a long run; hence must be consumed with proper medical guidance.
A medical counsellor may run a routine check on the lifestyle habits and practises of a patient dealing with chronophobia. For example, the anxiety and panic attacks arising due to the fear of passing time can be better managed by changing one’s lifestyle.
Making healthy habits like exercising regularly, getting adequate sleep, and indulging oneself in creative activities will help elevate the mood and offer relaxation.