Depending upon the results derived from the diagnosis procedure a therapist prepares a treatment program that suits the needs of the patient. Here are the potent treatments for pyrophobia that are available and commonly practised.
With the help of Exposure Therapy, people are able to face and manage their fears. In these therapy sessions, the doctor gradually and repetitively exposes one to a feared object/event. This starts with showing them pictures or videos of fire and slowly moves to encountering actual fire.
With the help of this therapy, one can manage and control their fears effectively, which also diminishes the chances of getting panic attacks or recurring symptoms.
Therapists generally use Cognitive Behavioural Therapy during the process of Exposure Therapy. CBT primarily focuses on understanding the negative pattern of behaviour which aggravates pyrophobia. After this, it enables individuals to learn effective coping mechanisms and strategies to control their anxiety.
In the sessions of CBT, an individual discusses one’s fears with the therapist. Their past experiences and incidents provide sufficient information to help a therapist understand the thought process which instigates the fear.
After this, they work together to eliminate or replace such negative thoughts to reinforce ideas that no longer makes them feel threatened on seeing a feared element (fire).
Medication while treating pyrophobia is often necessary to manage and control anxiety and panic attacks. Mostly, doctors recommend medicines as discussed below.
Benzo drugs function to offer relaxation in times of anxiety or stress. However, individuals must consume these drugs only for a short period of time and as per the prescribed dosage.
Many therapists suggest antidepressants to their patients who are undergoing treatment for a phobia to deal with bouts of anxiety. These medicines change the brain's functioning on detecting fear of fire and affect the mood in general.
Doctors and therapists widely prescribe beta-blockers to help patients deal with high blood pressure caused by anxiety problems. In addition to treating this problem, beta-blockers help in curing problems associated with increased heart rate and trembling.
Based on a patient's mental and medical health, there can be other associated therapies like family or group therapy, support group activities or one-on-one therapies that doctors often recommend.
This is because, in the case of treating pyrophobia or any other phobia, specific therapies work best for different individuals, catering to their unique needs. Hence, therapists choose a combination of treatment plans to help them recover faster.