There are ten major types of eating disorders. Although these revolve around impulsive eating and weight fluctuations, each has unique symptoms.
1. Bulimia Nervosa
Bulimia develops during adolescence or early adulthood and is seen mainly among women. Those who suffer from this condition eat a huge quantity of food in a very short period.
While binge eating, they can neither stop nor control their unusual consumption and keep eating until it hurts. People with Bulimia try to purge to compensate for their calorie intake by forced vomiting, fasting, excessive exercising, and using laxatives or diuretics.
Symptoms of Bulimia Nervosa
- Recurring binge eating episodes
- Purging behaviour
- Always having insecurity about body shape and weight
- Afraid of gaining weight
2. Anorexia Nervosa
This kind of eating disorder also happens between adolescence and adulthood. Similar to Bulimia, Anorexia occurs more among women than men. People with this ailment feel they are overweight even if they are not.
Anorexia has two subtypes. One is the restricting calorie intake type, and the other is the compulsive eating and purging type. This is a dangerous type of disorder which can damage one's body over time. It has been seen people with this disorder experience thinning of their bones, brittle hair and nails, and infertility.
Symptoms of Anorexia
- Restricted eating habits
- Despite being underweight, fear of becoming overweight
- Unwillingness to maintain a healthy lifestyle
- Influence of body weight on self-esteem
3. Binge Eating Disorder
Binge eating disorder, or BED, is one of the most prevalent forms of an eating disorder. In this psychological condition, people keep eating fast until they feel comfortable. Distress is a major trigger for this condition.
If someone binge eats once a week for three months, they have this disorder. This condition can occur in childhood or inherit this condition. Although many overlook this condition, it can have serious health risks if not treated promptly.
Symptoms of Binge Eating Disorder
- Eating secretly
- Consuming large portions of food despite not feeling hungry
- Feel guilty and shame for their eating habit
- Lack of control while eating
4. Pica
Pica is a type of eating disorder where patients eat things which are either inedible or have no nutritional value. This condition can develop in anyone, irrespective of age.Â
Individuals with Pica often face intellectual disabilities, autism, and psychological issues like schizophrenia. Depending on what they have eaten, this can eventually lead to fatal reactions.
Symptoms of Pica
- Consuming dirt, chalk, paper, hair, detergent powder, ice, cloth, pebbles, corn starch etc
5. Rumination Disorder
In this particular type of eating disorder, people regurgitate previously chewed food, re-chew it and then either swallow it or spit it out. People practices rumination within 30 minutes of their meal.
If this disorder develops in an infant, it will occur before they turn one and disappear on their own. However, if this is not taken care of, it can lead to severe malnutrition and weight loss. In the case of adults, they restrict eating outside due to shame and would require therapy to treat.
Symptoms of Rumination
- Bring food back to the mouth without nausea
- Pain in the abdomen
- Bad breath
- Unintentional weight loss
6. Avoidant Restrictive Food Intake Disorder (ARFID)
The main characteristic of this disorder is having no interest in eating thus, failing to meet the minimum daily nutrition requirements. In addition, individuals with this condition avoid food because of its texture, colour, smell, or taste.
Sometimes people fear the consequences of eating, like choking or weight gain. Hence, refrain from eating. As these people do not fulfil adequate nutrition, they tend to develop health issues.
Symptoms of ARFID
- Avoiding food
- Do not feel comfortable eating with others
- Poor development in height and weight
- Dependence on supplements and, in severe cases, feeding by tube
7. Otherwise Specified Feeding Or Eating Disorder (OSFED)
This category includes other types of eating disorders with similar symptoms but does not fit into any of these categories.
Symptoms of OSFED
- Consuming food frequently and then using methods like self-induced vomiting to prevent weight gain
- Episodes of binge eating
- Practice dieting
- Feel the need to burn calories
8. Orthorexia
One of the conditions that fall under OSFED, is Orthorexia. Although this disorder is gaining popularity, the Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM) has not yet approved it as a separate disorder.
Symptoms of Orthorexia
- Avoid eating several food products
- Unable to eat anything but foods that are "pure" or "healthy."
- Spending a lot of time thinking about what food they will get in any upcoming events
9. Night Eating Syndrome (NES)
People with this syndrome eat severely at night, and this urge often happens after waking up from sleep.
Symptoms of NES
- Lack of appetite during the day
- Insomnia is common
- Believing eating is necessary to get better sleep
- Depression or mood changes during the evening
10. Diabulimia
This is an eating disorder that is common among diabetic patients. In Diabulimia, individuals knowingly restrict insulin consumption to lose weight.
Symptoms of Diabulimia
- Secrecy about diabetes
- Fear of lower sugar levels
- Avoiding appointments for diabetes check-ups
- Discomfort in testing in front of others