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Illness Anxiety Disorder - Types, Symptoms, Causes & Treatments

Illness anxiety disorder is a chronic mental condition also referred to as hypochondria. In this condition, despite having few or no symptoms, patients consistently believe they have a serious or life-threatening illness. However, this condition is extremely rare, and in the USA, approximately 0.1% of Americans suffer from it.

What Is Illness Anxiety Disorder?

People who suffer from the illness anxiety disorder, also known as hypochondria or hypochondriasis, fear that they have a serious medical condition or are at a high risk of getting sick. Also, they might mistake normal bodily processes as symptoms of a disease.

Hypochondriacs are fixated on the notion that they are critically unwell even when medical testing reveals zero issues. As a result of this notion, their ongoing health concerns can impede their relationships, professions, and daily activities.

What Are the Different Types of Illness Anxiety Disorder?

There are two types of illness anxiety disorder. They are care-seeking and care-avoidant.

  • Care-Seeking Illness Anxiety Disorder: Some sufferers of illness anxiety disorders exhibit a need for continuous assurance. They might go to the doctor frequently even though the results of the tests are normal. Additionally, they can constantly complain to acquaintances and family members about their symptoms.
  • Care-Avoidant Illness Anxiety Disorder: Some IAD sufferers exhibit the polar opposite reaction. They could put off going to the doctor out of concern for receiving unpleasant advice. They could be reluctant to confide in their loved ones about their anxieties, either out of a fear of having their fears verified or a feeling that they won't be taken seriously.

What Are the Symptoms of Illness Anxiety Disorder?

People who suffer from illness anxiety disorder constantly worry that they will become seriously ill. They frequently modify the particular illnesses they are concerned about.

Some sufferers may also be suffering from a recognised physical ailment. However, people may believe their situation is worse than it actually is, irrespective of the medical reports.

Nevertheless, a few of the symptoms include –

  • Uncomfortableness with normal body functions like gas or sweating.
  • Avoiding places or people due to worry about catching a disease.
  • Exaggerating the symptoms and their severity.
  • Constantly looking for illnesses and their symptoms.
  • Extreme anxiety concerning personal health.
  • Discussing symptoms and health status constantly with others.
  • Over concern about normal body functions.
  • Seeking assurance from known people about health and symptoms.

What Are the Causes of Illness Anxiety Disorder?

The causes behind illness anxiety disorder are not fully known, but medical experts believe that multiple factors play an important role in developing IAD. A few of these factors may include –

  • Childhood trauma or history of illness from childhood.
  • Severe stress.
  • The presence of symptoms indicating a health threat.
  • An uncomfortable feeling while experiencing normal body sensations.
  • Allied mental health issues including obsessive-compulsive disorder, anxiety, major depressive disorder, etc.

What Are the Risk Factors of Illness Anxiety Disorder?

Illness anxiety disorder usually shows its symptoms during teenage or early adulthood. But, progressively, with age, these symptoms might deteriorate and lead to memory loss for older adults. Nevertheless, a few other risk factors include –

  • Major life stress.
  • History of child abuse.
  • Personality traits (tendency toward being a worrier).
  • Excessive research about health-related issues.
  • Threat of a serious illness that might not be serious.
  • A severe childhood disease or a parent with a serious disease.

How to Diagnose Illness Anxiety Disorder?

You'll probably undergo a physical examination and a few recommended tests for illness anxiety disorder diagnosis. In addition, your doctor can help you identify any medical concerns that need treatment and might also impose restrictions on imaging, lab work, and expert referrals.

After consultation with your primary care physician, they might also recommend you visit a mental health specialist. After that, a specialist might also –

  • Examine your symptoms, family history, stressful situations, fears or concerns, etc.
  • Allow you to answer a questionnaire or psychological self-assessment.
  • Question you about drug, alcohol or other substance use.
  • Evaluate if your illness preoccupation is some other type of mental disorder, like generalised anxiety disorder or somatic symptom disorder.

How to Treat Illness Anxiety Disorder?

According to a study, it is proved that treatments can be fruitful for illness anxiety disorder. Additionally, the treatments will increase your ability to operate in daily life and your ability to manage health-related anxiety. In this regard, talk therapy, or psychotherapy, can be beneficial for those with anxiety disorders, and also drugs may occasionally be added.


Psychotherapy, particularly cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT), can be a successful treatment since physical symptoms can be connected to mental distress and health anxiety. CBT also teaches you how to control your sickness and anxiety condition and discover alternative coping mechanisms for your fears of overuse of medical tests or delaying medical care.

Also, it can help you to –

  • Learn ways to look at your body sensations by changing unhelpful thoughts and working on them.
  • Identify your beliefs and fears about having a medical problem.
  • Become aware of how your thoughts are affecting you and your behaviour.
  • Learn ways to deal with and abate stress and anxiety.
  • Alter the way of responding to your body’s sensations and symptoms.
  • Reduce avoidance of activities and situations arising from physical sensations.
  • Enhances the performance of day-to-day activities at home or work.
  • Reduce behaviours of constantly checking your body for symptoms of illness.
  • Addressing other mental health illnesses, for instance, depression.

Other therapy treatments for illness anxiety disorder might also include exposure therapy and behavioural stress management.


Doctors may treat your illness anxiety disorder with antidepressants such as selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs). Also, medications for mood or anxiety problems may be helpful if present.

When to See a Doctor?

If your primary care physician hasn't previously evaluated you, it's crucial to do so, as symptoms can be connected to health issues. Also, your doctor can suggest that you see a mental health specialist if they think you might have an anxiety issue.

How to Manage and Prevent Illness Anxiety Disorder?

Unfortunately, there is currently no known proven way to prevent Illness Anxiety Disorder. Hence, support and understanding may assist the patient with an illness or anxiety problem. This can also help them cope with the disorder and lessen the severity of their symptoms.

Nevertheless you can also try a few self-treatments, but getting help and advice from a medical professional is always advised.

  • Reduce Your Stress Levels: Identifying measures to reduce stress may be beneficial because it might increase anxiety related to the disease. Also, you might find methods like deep breathing, visualisation, and progressive muscle relaxation to reduce stress effectively.
  • Don't Rely On Irrelevant Information: Your anxiety may increase if you frequently read news about medical diseases on the internet. So, when you seek information, look for reassuring and reliable sources, and refrain from reading about illnesses or problems that affect your health all the time.
  • Engage In Mindfulness: A mindfulness approach entails paying attention to your body in the present. It might aid in your understanding of the everyday sensations you experience, making them seem less serious and more like potential health issues.
  • Take Up Some Exercise: You can engage in healthy activities, such as yoga, that may help you feel more at ease, less anxious, and more able to operate physically.
  • Use Relaxation, And Stress-Reduction Practise: Learning relaxation and stress-reduction techniques, such as progressive muscle relaxation, may help lessen anxiety.
  • Avoid Using Recreational Drugs And Alcohol: Drug use can make it harder to get the care you need. If you require assistance quitting, speak with your primary care physician.
  • Participate In Different Activities: You can find support by continuing to be active in your work and social and family activities.

Everybody occasionally worries about their health. However, you should be open with your healthcare physician if your health worry interferes with your ability to enjoy life. Generally speaking, starting by seeing your family doctor rule out any potential medical causes for your symptoms is best.

For example, an untreated illness anxiety disorder, or anxiety problem, may eventually impede you from doing things in life. However, with proper medical treatment, you can manage your symptoms and carry on with your everyday activities.

FAQs About Illness Anxiety Disorder

Can illness anxiety disorder make you feel sick?

In usual cases, illness anxiety disorder has no physical symptoms. So you might not feel sick.

How long does illness anxiety disorder last?

Although there is no standard time, your healthcare provider might diagnose you with illness anxiety disorder if the symptoms persist for six months or longer.