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Cat Allergies - Causes, Symptoms, Treatments & Natural Remedies

Having a pet is never easy, and the process becomes even more difficult when you are allergic to them. A cat allergy is a common concern and can affect anyone across the globe. Even though you can avoid having a pet, it is hardly possible to avoid all the cats around the streets or in your friends’ places.

Do you suffer from a cat allergy and wish to find a remedy against it? Let this article guide you through the causes, symptoms and treatment against such allergic reactions!

What Is a Cat Allergy?

People suffering from a cat allergy often face allergic reactions whenever they come in contact with cats. It is because the immune system of individuals is mainly responsible for finding foreign substances, such as viruses and bacteria and getting rid of them. However, people with over-sensitive immune systems might react to harmless proteins in the pet's urine, saliva or dander. As a result, you might be exposed to similar allergic reactions when you have a hypoallergenic pet. A cat allergy is a common issue globally, affecting about 25% of the population who have other types of allergies.

What Are the Symptoms of Cat Allergies?

If you are allergic to cats, you need to diagnose the issue and take measures against it. For this, it is essential to know the symptoms of cat allergy. The following list will help you understand this.

  • Hives or a rash on the chest and face
  • Itchy and red eyes
  • Runny and itchy nose
  • Sneezing and coughing 
  • Redness of skin where a cat has touched 

Symptoms of cat allergy in humans take a few minutes or hours to develop every time the allergic individuals are around cats or in indirect contact with them. However, about 20% of people with allergic asthma face major flare-ups when they are in direct contact with cats.

What Are the Causes of Cat Allergies?

There is a common belief that the hair or fur is mainly responsible for causing a cat allergy. However, this is not the main problem. Instead, substances called allergens are primarily responsible for causing such allergic reactions. These are mainly protein food sources, while non-food allergens might include latex, insect venom, cockroaches, pollens, mould spores, etc.

Allergens in animals can be seen mainly in their urine, saliva, skin, and faeces. Therefore, when having cats as pets, it is essential to observe such substances in them. In addition, pet allergens are commonly seen in hair and clothing, and their lightweight nature helps them settle in carpets, bedding, furniture, etc.

Even harmless things such as cat dander might seem like dangerous invaders when you have an over-sensitive immune system. However, the symptoms of cat allergies in adults are nothing but side effects of your body's reaction to allergens.

How to Diagnose and Treat Cat Allergies?

The ways of diagnosing a cat allergy can be diverse. When you visit a healthcare centre, you might have to undergo the following types of diagnosis. 

  • Allergy skin prick test: For this, your physician will use a clean needle to prick your skin’s surface, thereby depositing a tiny amount of the allergen. If this skin prick site becomes red or swollen within 15-20 minutes, it confirms that you have this allergy.
  • Intradermal skin testing: For this, a doctor might inject allergens on your skin surface, mainly in the forearm or arm. If it results in red, itchy bumps on the skin, it will confirm that you have this allergy.
  • Blood test: If you are uncomfortable with a skin test, your doctor might ask for a blood test. After drawing blood, doctors will send it to the laboratory for testing. The doctor will examine the antibodies to common allergens, including cat dander, to analyse if you have this allergy.

Knowing the correct procedure for treatment of cat allergy is essential to avoid it in the longer term. Usually, doctors prescribe over-the-counter drugs from the categories of Antihistamines and Decongestants. Apart from that, leukotriene inhibitors, such as montelukast, can effectively deal with such allergic reactions. 

Another option comes from allergy shots. However, these are not always effective, and completing a treatment might be time-consuming. Moreover, children below the age of five cannot be given such shots.

Apart from this, you can also rely on home remedies for cat allergies. For example, nasal lavage can be an effective remedy, for which you will require saltwater (saline) to rinse your nasal passage. It will help in reducing congestion, postnasal drip, and sneezing. Moreover, according to the National Institutes of Health research, butterbur (a herbal supplement), probiotics, and acupuncture can improve the immune system against seasonal allergies.

How Can You Prevent Cat Allergies?

The only way to prevent a cat allergy is by avoiding direct and indirect contact with cats. However, the process is not simple. If you have a pet at home or in the apartment you live in, you can use the following methods to prevent a cat allergy. 

  • Clean your cat: If you or your family members have a cat and are in direct contact with it, clean the cat regularly. Frequently bathing the cat and taking care of its hygiene will help avoid the amount of allergen.
  • Maintaining distance: Make sure that your family members keep the cat restricted to certain parts of the home, and the same goes for your neighbours. Moreover, avoid cleaning its litter or taking the cat's care.
  • Clean your surroundings: If you have a cat in your surroundings, you have to be extra careful with your allergy issues. For this, you need to clean your surroundings frequently by mopping the floor, vacuuming the rugs and scrubbing your furniture. In addition, often change your carpets and drapes that might trap cat dander.
  • Air purifier: The allergens from cats can also spread through the air. Having a central air cleaner with filters on the vents will help you avoid spreading cat dander.

Visitors with pets: If you have visitors in your place who own cats, you need to be aware of their clothing and luggage, which might bring dander with them. This indirect exposure can trigger your allergy.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can you live with a cat if you are allergic

You can still have a cat even if you are allergic to these. However, if you have severe other allergies, your pet might trigger your cat allergy further, leading to severe health deterioration.

Do air purifiers help with cat dander?

Air purifiers, particularly HEPA filters, can help clean the air effectively. It can help remove super tiny particles of about 0.3 microns, which are smaller than pet dander.