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7 Common Tourist Scams to Avoid in Mexico

Mexico is one of the most-visited countries, according to the World Tourism Organisation, and is home to several UNESCO World Heritage Sites. Tourists from different corners of the world visit this country to experience its rich Latin culture, heritage, fashion couture, and food. 

The country welcomes warmth and offers fun and exciting delight in the form of music festivals, fashion shows, and food carnivals. 

However, before planning a trip to this stunning country, tourists must be aware of the possible tourist scams in Mexico, to save themselves from the loss of their belongings.

List of Common Tourist Scams in Mexico

One must consider the possible chances of any scams that may occur during the trip. Here is a list of the most common tourist scams in Mexico that have been reported by tourists:

1. Picture Scam

Scammers, disguised as locals or tourists, will hand over their cameras and request you to click pictures of them. Once done, they will intentionally drop the camera from your hand and will blame you for breaking the device. 

At last, they will aggressively demand hefty money as compensation and will loot large amounts of money. 

Common around: Across the country 

2. Overcharging by Taxi

Mostly known as the Cancun scams in Mexico, where taxi drivers scam tourists for overcharging on their rides. Some drivers choose the longest route when the fare is calculated based on the metre. 

To avoid these, you can choose to book a cab from Uber or any other online cab-hiring service. 

Common around: Across the country

3. Fake Souvenirs

While shopping, beware of the vendors or the shopkeepers who sell illegitimate handicrafts products and souvenirs. Moreover, travellers interested in buying relics or crystals must check the authenticity of the product before buying the products. 

Common around: Cancun 

4. Fake Police Scam

If you search for “Mexico City scams", con artists disguised as fake policemen will try to rob you on the street or want to see documents of yours. However, the government has been taking strict actions and has arrested many scammers for this reason. 

Common around: Mexico City 

5. Timeshare Scam

Another tourist scam in Mexico, trouble starts after you come out of the airport; you will come across many fake tour guides who will try to sell their tour package and offer to get the best deals on hotel booking, easy transfers, and other services. 

Hence, upon boarding, if you find yourself being approached by these scammers, change your direction or firmly say no to them. 

Common around: near airports in Mexico

6. Restaurant Scams

Restaurant scams in Mexico City are famous, and tourists must be careful before ordering any food or drink. Popular restaurants and bars try to fool tourists by overcharging and following tactics like adding items that have not been ordered, adding extra surcharges, dodging tips, etc. 

Some restaurants even present a different menu with higher prices written to the foreign tourists. 

Common around: Across the country 

7. Guessing Game Scam

If you search Playa Del Carmen scams, the tricks of guessing games are widely prevalent. In some other places, this scam is known as a cup 'n' ball game, where a group of scammers robs 

Common around: Playa Del Carmen

How to Avoid Travel Scams in Mexico?

To ensure the utmost safety and security, tourists can obtain Travel insurance for Mexico from a credible partner that offers an extensive range of coverages. 

To combat any type of tourist scams in Mexico, here are the following precautionary measures that tourists can adopt: 

  • Try to choose Uber while travelling instead of hiring a taxi. If you have to book a cab, ensure that the driver has their car's metre on. Also, turn on Google Maps to locate the shortest routes to reach its destination. 

  • While exploring busy tourist places, avoid carrying cash and valuables, as this will lower the chances of pickpocketing. For this reason, purchasing Travel Insurance offering financial emergency cash is helpful in case of any mishaps. 

  • Ensure to verify the authenticity of travel websites and tour operators before booking and hiring their services. You can visit reliable websites for reviews and feedback before booking for your tour.

  • While visiting public restaurants and pubs, avoid interaction with over-friendly people. Also, look for the menu card before ordering food and drinks. 

  • Ensure to keep your travel documents and cash safe during travelling. In case of loss of your passport or other valuable documents, immediately contact the Embassy of Mexico for further assistance. 

Emergency Resources for Travel Scams in Mexico

The local government and police authority team carry on their job with utmost dedication and are ready to serve tourists at any time. 

Furthermore, foreign travellers visiting this country must be aware of some of the emergency helpline numbers so that they can inform the authorities upon noticing any tourist scams in Mexico. Here are some of the emergency helpline numbers that one must keep: 

  • National Emergency Number: 911

  • Embassy of India in Mexico: 5531-1002/1050/4636/6638

  • Rescue & Emergency Medical Squad: (55) 5588 7418 

  • Fire Department: (55) 5768 3477

  • Tourist Information & Assistance: 078/01800 0089090

  • Report a General Crime: 066

The government offers a myriad of assistance to tourists in any situation; hence, it is important to report any tourist scams in Mexico when encountered. Mexico, a fun-filled country, offers a plethora of adventure experiences full of life, music, and food, making the trip worthy of remembrance. 

FAQs About Tourist Scams in Mexico

Is it mandatory to purchase a travel insurance policy to visit Mexico?

No, there is no mandate by the Mexican government for purchasing an international travel insurance policy to visit the country. However, to have a safe and secure trip, it is recommended to get reliable and comprehensive travel insurance, which also helps to handle legal issues in a foreign country.

How can I report ATM scams in Mexico?

When you encounter that your ATM card has been stuck during withdrawal, know that it is a scam and your card will be stolen once you leave the ATM counter. Hence, without leaving the site, call the national emergency number 911 or the bank authorities for assistance.

How to avoid scams by fake police in Mexico?

If you are ever stopped by a couple of policemen while strolling the streets of Mexico and ask you to show your travel documents, immediately refrain from doing so. Instead, call the national emergency number, 911, or visit the nearest police station to report such tourist scams in Mexico.

Is Mexico safe for solo female travellers?

Most of Mexico is safe for solo travelling; however, one must make her safety the top priority and follow the general safety guidelines to stay safe during the staycation. In addition, female solo travellers must get comprehensive travel insurance and keep all the emergency national numbers handy to protect themselves physically and monetarily.

How is the nightlife in Mexico?

The nightlife of Mexico is filled with fun and excitement, with different luxurious concerts or parties happening at various corners of the city. One can experience shows with craft cocktails and exquisite food that depict the exciting adventure of downtown Mexico.