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Best Time to Visit Romania

The best time to visit Romania is June to August, September to November and March to May. With cheerful locals and the exciting sounds of wolves howling echoing at night, Romania is a paradise for nature lovers. It is the fifth-largest producer of wine and one of the cheapest countries to travel to in the EU.

This country has many geographical features, including mountains, forests and deltas and thus, a diverse climate. You would want to pick the best visitation period to Romania, depending on your travel plan and budget.

Read along to know the best seasons and tourist activities in Romania for a memorable trip.

Which Are the Seasons to Visit Romania?

Like most European countries, Romania witnesses four dominant seasons throughout the year. There are summer, autumn, spring, and winter. Every season adds a new flavour of mysticism to Romania. To help you plan a memorable trip, here is a list of the best seasons to visit Romania.

Summer Season

  • Period:  June to August
  • Average Temperature: 21°C to 23°C
  • Average Rainfall: 50-80 mm

The bright summer season is the best time to visit Romania as the sky is clear and the temperature is optimum for day tours and hikes. The days are warm with low humidity, thus making beaches popular places in Romania to visit. Hill stations are cooler than lowlands, with fresh air and mild temperatures.

Here is a list of a few fun things to do in Romania during the summer.

Places to Visit in Romania during Summer Season

1. Explore Count Dracula’s Castle in Transylvania

2. Embrace nature in the Danube deltas

3. Visit the Seven Ladders Canyon

4. Learn the history of the Black Church in Brasov

5. Taste the best Romanian wines on a winery tour

6. Take pictures at the spectacular Bicaz Gorge

7. Enjoy the nightlife in Bucharest's Old Town

Best Season to Visit Romania

Autumn Season

  • Period: September to November
  • Average Temperature: 6°C to 17.8°C
  • Average Rainfall: 45-65 mm

Summer starts departing from September as leaves change colour. However, Romania's temperature doesn't fall much till October. As autumn sets in, summer tourists depart from the country. However, September is the swimming season, and few tourists visit Romania for a dip in the sea.

As the days become shorter, the country receives its first snow during October. There are a number of cultural festivals and carnivals that take place during this time. Also, tourists are offered a tranquil ambience as they stroll in the woods and embrace nature.

Here are a few activities and places to visit in Romania during autumn.

Places to Visit & Things to do in Romania during Autumn Season

1. Attend the traditional festival of “Ravastful Oilor” in September

2. Know about the old traditions in Maramures

3. Ride the narrow gauge steam engine train, Mocanita in Maramures

4. Enjoy the panoramic view while treading the King’s Road between Ranca and Obasria Lotrului

5. Explore the Cisnadiora Fortress in the quint Sibiu

6. Travel to the Danube Boilers (Gorge)

7. Let the beauty of Sarmizegetusa Regia mesmerise you

Best Season to Visit Romania

Spring Season

  • Period: March to May
  • Average Temperature: 6.2°C to 16.8°C
  • Average Rainfall: 45-65 mm

As the bitter cold season bids farewell, new leaves grow to mark the arrival of spring in Romania. Although the weather is like winter during the initial days, it starts getting warmer in April. As a result, trees and meadows bloom with new flowers, adding to Romania's splendid views.

Spring is the best time to visit Romania for nature lovers, who can stroll through the beautiful lush greenery. May, however, is the wettest month of the year with frequent rains. One can find a wide variety of beautiful birds in Romania during this time.

Here are a few fun activities and popular tourist attractions in Romania during spring:

Places to Visit & Things to do in Romania during Spring Season

1. Check out The Living Fire, a natural wonder of continuously burning fire in Buzau County

2. Wonder at the enormous Rock Sculpture of Decebalus

3. Venture to the mud volcanoes in Buzau

4. Take a look at the detailed painting in the monasteries of Bucovina

5. Take a silent stroll to the Virgin Forest of Strambu-Baiut

6. Have a good laugh in the Merry Cemetery

7. Explore Scarisoara Ice Cave

When Should You Avoid Visiting Romania?

Winter season

  • Period: December to February
  • Average Temperature: -1°C to 1.4°C
  • Average Rainfall: 35-45 mm

Winter seasons in Romania witness very little tourism owing to its bitter cold climate. The days are usually cloudy, with frequent snow falls throughout the day. The streets of Bucharest, which are flooded with tourists in other seasons, are empty in winter. Incessant snowfalls, dry weather, and extremely low temperatures make the winter months a bad time to visit Romania.

With ranging snowfall, driving gets difficult, and you must mostly stay indoors. Romania also witnesses frequent snowstorms in the winter months. If you wish to experience Romania's full-fledged beauty, it would be better to travel to Romania in autumn or spring.

However, skiing and snow sports enthusiasts can visit Romania in winter to witness great skiing adventures on thick snow slopes.

What is the Cheapest Time to Visit Romania?

If you want to avoid huge crowds and gatherings in popular tourist places in Romania, plan your trip from September to November.

Moreover, trip costs to Romania from India also fall during this period. This allows for a much more affordable stay in Romania than in the summer. You can also witness several festivals during the autumn months in Romania.

What Are the Things to Know Before Visiting Romania?

Here are a few things you need to know before you travel to Romania:

  • Romania is home to colourful towns with buildings of various shapes and sizes. Sighisoara is one of Romania's most pretty, bright, and well-preserved mediaeval towns.
  • If you are planning to travel to Romania from India, you must obtain your visa from the Embassy of India in the country.
  • However, citizens in member nations of the EU do not need a visa to travel to Romania.
  • Leu is the currency of Romania. You can find RON in the form of plastic notes in denominations of 1, 2, 5, 10, 50, 100, 200, and 500.
  • Romania has plenty of pricey and affordable places to stay and dine in its small and big cities. Therefore, you will always find the right accommodation in this country.
  • Tipping in restaurants and taxis is a very common custom in Romania.
  • Activities like wildlife tours, hiking, and trekking are some of the most popular things to do in Romania.
  • Romanians are fun-loving people. Therefore you will rarely encounter cases of violent protests, terrorist attacks, or civil disturbances.
  • Romanian locals are very friendly and welcoming. They would love to welcome you to their home for a feast with wine and delicious food.

What Are the Tips for Travelling to Romania?

After deciding the best season to visit Romania, it's time to set off on your perfect vacation. First, however, as you pack your stuff, here are a few tips for travelling to Romania.

  • Romania is a great place for tourists with splendid cities and natural wonders. Romanians also welcome guests with warm hearts. Therefore, embrace this country's beauty and hospitality and abandon any preconceived notions.
  • Do not miss nature walks and hikes through virgin forests and narrow gorges in Romania.
  • Public display of affection is fine here until you overdo it.
  • Beware of pickpockets, stay away from drunkards and ignore people trying to push their services to you.
  • Bucharest is an excellent place for your Instagram feeds.
  • Bookworms can head to the remarkable Carturesti Carousel in the heart of Bucharest’s Old Town.
  • All forms of public transport are affordable in Romania.
  • Uber offers cab services to only a few Romanian cities.
  • Bucharest offers a blend of old and new urban lives and a splendid picturesque view.
  • Romania has much more wonders than Count Dracula’s castle.
  • Romania is rich in uncorrupted nature and hidden history. Therefore, it is heaven for history buffs and nature lovers.

What Phrases Should You Know Before Visiting Romania?

Travellers should know a few basic terms in the local language of their destination. This will improve their linguistic skills and help them acquaint themselves with locals easily. 

Here are some simple Romanian phrases that you should know if you plan to visit famous places in Romania.

  • Good Morning: Buna dimineata
  • Please: Va rog/ Te rog
  • Yes: da
  • No: nu
  • Ticket: Un bilet
  • Where is the bus stop? : Unde este statia de autobuz
  • Flight: Zbor
  • Flight is cancelled: Zborul este anulet
  • Boarding pass: Bilet di imbarcare
  • Delayed flight: Zbor intarziat
  • I am lost: Sunt pierdut
  • Street: strada
  • Order: Comanda
  • A beer: o bere
  • Tea: cai
  • Coffee: Cafea
  • Dinner: cina
  • Breakfast: Mic dejun
  • Lunch: Pranz
  • Thank you: Multumesc
  • Welcome: Cu placere
  • Cheers: Noroc
  • Goodbye: La revedere

The cheerful and warm welcome of Romania will compel you to stay longer. With lush green forests and live fires, Romania rarely fails to attract nature lovers. Now that you know the best time to visit Romania, it is time to start packing. However, before organising your tour plan, get a travel insurance policy for you and your family. This will help secure your health and luggage during your trip to Romania.