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Best Time to Visit Hungary

The best time to visit Hungary is from May to mid-October. It is considered one of the best holiday destinations in Europe. Hungary is a landlocked country situated in central Europe and famous for its hot springs and spa. The country experiences hot summers with low humidity, heavy monsoons, and snowy winters.

Also, you can take part in various season-specific activities while enjoying a vacation in this fascinating tourist destination. To know more about the best time to visit Hungary, keep reading.

Seasons to Visit Hungary

There are primarily two seasons during which you can visit Hungary:

Spring Season

  • Time Period: March to May
  • Temperature range: 12 degrees Celsius to 18 degrees Celsius

The best time to visit Hungary is during the spring, owing to its pleasant weather and clear skies, making it an idyllic time to visit. Furthermore, the mild and mesmerising climatic conditions will let you explore its cities for a long-time. In general, the spring months of Hungary attract plenty of tourists from across the world.

Following are the top things to do while touring Hungary during Spring:

Places to Visit in Hungary during Spring Season

1. Take a cave bath at Miskolc-Tapolca

2. Enjoy fishing, swimming, and sailing at Lake Balaton

3. Shop at the Great Market Mall, Budapest

4. Explore the Dohány Street Synagogue, Budapest

5. Enjoy yourself with your family on a cruise at the Danube river

6. Experience spirituality in the mosque of Pasha Qasim, Pecs

7. Explore the gothic revival architecture at Hungarian Parliament Building, Budapest

Best Season to Visit Hungary

Autumn Season

Autumns in Hungary are usually comfortable and relaxed with pleasant weather conditions. In addition, the lesser crowds in Budapest during this time make this place perfect for sightseeing during this season. Furthermore, there are many famous places in Hungary that you can explore, particularly when you visit in Autumn.

  • Time Period: March to May
  • Temperature range: 12 degrees Celsius to 18 degrees Celsius

Check out the top things you can do by visiting Hungary in Autumn:

Places to Visit & Things to Hungary do in during Autumn Season

1. Go for hiking

2. Visit the Indie cinemas

3. Visit the beautiful National Parks

4. Explore the Kerepesi Cemetery

5. Go to the Buda Castle

6. Play board games in the Cafes

7. Explore the memorable libraries of Budapest

Best Season to Visit Hungary

Summer Season

  • Time Period: June to August 
  • Temperature range: 27 degrees Celsius and 35 degrees Celsius

Another best time to visit Hungary is summer. The temperature of the summer season remains neither too hot nor too cold. It is a perfect time for travellers to get involved in various exciting outdoor activities like cycling, hiking, kayaking, and so on.

Following are the best things you can enjoy while visiting Hungary in Summer:

Places to Visit & Things to Hungary do in during Summer Season

1. Ride waves at Gellert Spa

2. Enjoy at the PONTOON’s Urban Beach

3. Explore the Budapest al fresco art

4. Visit the Lupa Beach

5. Ride chairlift on the Buda Hills

When to Avoid Visiting Hungary

Winter Season

  • Time Period: December to February 
  • Temperature range: 0 degrees Celsius and -15 degrees Celsius

Since Hungary experiences extremely cold temperatures with heavy snowfall in winter, many tourists avoid visiting there during this phase. Also, several tourist places of Hungary remain closed during this season due to heavy snowfall obstructing you from sightseeing. Therefore, even if you decide to travel here in winter, make sure to carry enough woollen clothes.

When Is it Cheapest to Travel to Hungary

The cheapest time to visit Hungary is winter. With a freezing cold temperature and few tourists, most hotels offer special discounts on accommodation. Basically, January and February are noted as the low season for tourists in Hungary, which makes these months quite affordable. During this phase, you can easily stay in a multi-star hotel within your budget. Moreover, room rent remains very low in this period.

Also, because fewer people get air tickets to travel to Budapest in winter, you can easily avail yourself of cheaper fares and get discounts on entry tickets in the tourist spots.

Things to know before you visit Hungary

After learning about the perfect, worst and cheapest times to for your trip to Hungary, make sure that you follow the pointers mentioned below before going to this wonderful place. They are:

  • Do not clink beer glasses
  • Men must wear a skullcap called yarmulke or kipah before entering into the Synagogue
  • Women are not allowed to wear sleeveless tops, short skirts, or short dresses while going to the Dohany Street.
  • Children are not allowed in the Szimpla Kert, the ruin bar of Budapest
  • Stay updated about the current affairs and local news
  • Uber has been banned in Budapest

Hungary Travel Tips

Following are some travelling tips one should follow while visiting Hungary:

  • Make sure that you are fully-vaccinated
  • Keep several forms of identification
  • Never forget to wash your hands before eating
  • Avoid smoking in public
  • Try to bargain reasonably
  • Buy tickets early
  • Book hotels beforehand
  • Take a travel insurance policy

Phrases to Know While Travelling to Hungary

Following are some important phrases you must know while you travel to Hungary from India or any other country:

  • Yes – Igen
  • No – Nem
  • Sorry. – Bocsánat!
  • Excuse me. – Elnézést!
  • Thank you (very much). – (Nagyon szépen) köszönöm!
  • I like it. – Tetszik (nekem).
  • I don’t like it. – Nem tetszik (nekem).
  • It’s not so good. – Annyira nem jó.
  • That’s amazing! – Ez nagyszerű!
  • I apologise. – Bocsánatot kérek!
  • Hi. – Szia!
  • Good morning. – Jóreggelt!
  • Can you please take a picture of me?”– Csinálnál rólam egy fotót, kérlek?
  • I don’t speak Hungarian. – Nem beszélek magyarul.

Therefore, now that you know the best time to visit Hungary, you can plan your trip as per your choice, affordability, and schedule. However, make sure you buy a travel insurance policy before finalising your plan. By doing so, you will get financial coverage for medical emergencies, loss of luggage, misplaced documents and more, while travelling.