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Best Time to Visit France

The best time to visit France is spring (April – June) or fall (September – November). France has a moderate climate, although it varies by region. The temperatures during spring usually range from 13°C to 20°C, and the temperatures during fall are usually 16°C to 25°C. 

It is the most popular tourist destination in the world, with around 90 million annual visits.

Best Season to Visit France

There are two seasons which are considered the best for visiting France. These are:


  • Months: April – June
  • Range of Temperature: 13 – 20 degrees Celsius
  • Average Rainfall: 77 – 99 mm

After the grey winter days, spring in France can be a delight. The sun starts showing up, and the days start getting longer. The atmosphere becomes lively. For a couple planning a romantic holiday, this is the best time to visit Paris.

There is so much to do in France during spring. Whether you spend your afternoons at a Parisian Café or visit the flower fields at Provence, you will end up having a lovely time. Some things to do in France during spring are:

Places to Visit in France During Spring Season

1. Stroll the streets of Paris and spend your afternoons at outdoor cafés.

2. Attend Fashion Week in Paris.

3. Celebrate Easter in France.

4. Indulge yourself in wine tasting at the Wine Festival in Bordeaux.

5. Lounge on the beaches in Cannes.

6. Attend performances at the Lyon Opera House.

Season to Visit France


  • Months: September – November
  • Range of Temperature: 16 – 25 degrees Celsius
  • Average Rainfall: 86 – 91 mm

After a busy summer, the fall in France is calm and serene. After that, the weather gets chillier, and the crowds become less. If you want to travel to France from India outside of the peak season, this may be the right time to plan a vacation.

There is a lot to do in France during the fall. Some things to do in France during spring are:

Places to Visit in France During Fall

1. Take a cruise through the Seine.

2. Visit the vineyards in Beaujolais

3. Go shopping in Provence’s outdoor markets.

4. Attend La Salon du Chocolat.

5. Go to the Paris Fringe Fest to observe performing arts.

6. Go to the Herring Festival in Normandy.

When to Avoid Visiting France


  • Months: July – August
  • Range of Temperature: 25 – 32 degrees Celsius
  • Average Rainfall: 50 – 55 mm

Summertime is usually the busiest in France. Tourism peaks during the months of July and August since these are the months when most Europeans typically go for holidays. During these months, a lot of businesses in France are closed.

The scorching heat, however, is a problem. The temperatures go up to 25°C – 32°C. Also, due to being the busiest season, the prices are usually high for tickets to famous places in France and accommodation.

Furthermore, it is best to avoid France during the summer if you cannot stand huge crowds. You can expect really long queues everywhere, and all the tourists jamming the French Riveria.

When Is It Cheapest to Travel to France?

Summer Season

Every holiday destination has a high season and an off-season. During the off-season, the prices are usually low since there is low demand. As for France, the winter is the off-season. The temperatures range from 0°C – 7°C during winters in France. The off-season is the best time to visit France on a low budget.

The crowd remains low, and it is possible to experience the local culture better since fewer tourists are flocking in. The ticket and accommodation prices remain low during this time as the weather keeps tourists away. It’s the perfect time to get cheap deals on tours to the most beautiful places in France.

Winter in France is considered one of the best times to visit museums and go skiing in the French Alps. Apart from that, you can also visit the Alsace villages in North-East France. They have a unique charm to them during the holidays and are very welcoming to tourists.

Things to Know Before You Visit France

Entering a new country always seems like entering a whole different world. However, there are some things you should be aware of and plan beforehand. Some of them are:

  • Learn the basics of the French language. It is basic etiquette in France for even tourists to know a little bit of French.
  • Cash is king here. Many small businesses here run on cash transactions only. So remember to keep cash in handy.
  • Talk in a low tone to avoid drawing unwanted attention.
  • Know the meal times in France, since most places are only open during these hours.
  • Be aware of the toll charges in France.
  • Ridesharing is commonplace in France. You can choose this as an economical option to get around.
  • Carry a travel adapter with you.
  • Get to know which areas in France you should avoid.
  • It is a good idea to get a travel insurance policy.
  • Find out the details of the Indian Embassies/Consulates in France.

Tips for Travelling to France from India

Every country has their own set of social customs, rules and dangers. France is no exception. There are certain things to keep in mind during your travels there. Some of them are:

  • Always keep an eye on your wallet and avoid keeping it in your back pocket. Pickpockets are always swarming famous places in France.
  • Avail the efficient railway services which France provides. It is an economical means to get around France.
  • Keep your passport and ID on you at all times. Security checks take place at specific venues. They require you to show your identification.
  • Indulge in the local cuisines, and don’t forget to pair cheese and wine.
  • Remember to dress well to blend in with the locals. Do not look like a tourist.
  • Visit outdoor markets and shop at them. Local vendors here sell products at very affordable prices.
  • The emergency phone number in France is 112. Keep it with you in case of an emergency.
  • Remember that in France, people live their lives at a slow pace. So the service is usually slow.
  • Public Restrooms typically charge a fee of up to €1.50. They are rarely free of cost.
  • There are pharmacies located in every corner of France. They also sell luxury beauty products. Make sure to stock up.

Phrases to Know While Travelling to France

Here are some phrases which you would find useful during your journey in France:

  • Hello/Good Morning! - Bonjour!
  • Do you speak English? - Parlez-vous anglais?
  • Thank you/Thank you very much! - Merci/Merci beaucoup!
  • Can you help me? - Pourriez-vous m’aider?
  • I don’t understand - Je ne comprends pas
  • Where are the toilets? - Où sont des toilettes?
  • I am searching for the metro/train station - Je cherche le métro/le gare
  • Where are the shops? - Où sont les magasins?
  • How much does it cost? - Combien ça coûte?
  • I would like some water - Je voudrais de l’eau

Learning a few essential French words and phrases before you travel to France from India will help you a lot. While you are there, you should always try to initiate conversations in French instead of English. This is considered basic politeness in France and shows that you respect their language and culture. 

France has a lot to offer throughout the year. From events such as Paris Fashion Week during spring to visiting vineyards in the countryside during fall. From attending vibrant music festivals during the summer to shopping at Christmas markets during winter. There is no time which isn’t the best time to visit France.