How to Get NAD Number in Digilocker?
The Indian education system is large and growing with lots of schools, colleges, and universities. Maintaining the academic awards and documents of such a huge number of institutions in paper form can be cumbersome, as they might be susceptible to spoilage and forgery. These documents can also be lost or destroyed.
Therefore, the government has made an electronic depository account, National Academic Depository (NAD) to maintain these academic records ensuring its credibility and convenience. NAD DigiLocker aims at the Digital Empowerment of citizens to access authentic digital documents.
What Is NAD DigiLocker?
NAD aims to store, share, and authenticate educational certificates and digital documents. It allows educational institutions to upload, store, and issue academic certificates, diplomas, degrees, and mark sheets to students in a secure and verifiable manner.
What Are the Features of NAD DigiLocker?
The following features will help you understand the importance of NAD DigiLocker in India:
- The Digilocker NAD operates online completely.
- You will be able to recover the lodged academic awards anytime.
- It allows verification of academic documents by authorised institutions and employers with your consent.
- It maintains the authority, integrity, and confidentiality of the records.
- Academic institutions can lodge the Academic Awards digitally and maintain the integrity of these awards.
What Are the Benefits of NAD in DigiLocker?
You need to go through the following points to understand the various benefits of using DigiLocker NAD.
- Recognized globally and legally valid under IT Act, 2000.
- Reduction and elimination of fake certificates that will be circulating.
- Easy access and transfer of academic documents from anywhere and at any time.
- Getting access to a large number of documents from a single source.
- Reducing the risk of loss or damage to physical certificates and documents.
- Securing the issuance of digital awards and documents in your DigiLocker account.
Steps to Get NAD Number in DigiLocker
Below is a step-by-step process you need to follow to get a NAD DigiLocker online:
Step 1: Visit the DigiLocker website.
Step 2: Create an account by registering with your Aadhar number or mobile number.
Step 3: Select the University/ Board/ Institution in the DigiLocker to get your awards.
Step 4: Fill in the required details such as passing year, roll number, and other academic details.
After submitting the details, the DigiLocker will search for your academic awards. Your digital awards will be saved in the “Issued Documents” section. Thus, after completing this process, you will be able to generate the NAD number in DigiLocker.
Steps to Download a Certificate in NAD DigiLocker?
Here is a step-by-step process on how you can download your certificate in NAD DigiLocker:
Step 1: Visit the DigiLocker website and log in to your account.
Step 2: Click on the “Sign in” option and provide your Aadhaar or mobile number along with your security pin.
Step 3: Select the “Search Document” option.
Step 4: Search your institution’s name in the “Education Field” and then select your institute.
Step 5: Next, provide your basic details to generate your digital certificate.
Step 6: In the “Issued Documents” section, you will be able to see your digital certificate.
FAQs About NAD DigiLocker
Who can access your certificates issued in a NAD DigiLocker account?
Usually, only you can access your certificates from this DigiLocker account. However, other verifiers like banks, employers, and academic institutions can view your certificate with your permission and authorization.
How will you know whether your Academic Institution is participating in the NAD?
The NAD portal and NAD DigiLocker maintain a list of Academic Institutions that are participating in NAD. For further details, you can visit the NAD government website.
Do you need to pay any fee for using NAD in DigiLocker?
There is no charge for using the NAD digital locker. Moreover, you also would not be charged anything for providing consent to the verifiers to access your documents.
Can you download and print a copy of your digital certificate through the NAD DigiLocker account?
Once issued documents are added to the DigiLocker account you can download your certificate through this account. After downloading the PDF version of your certificate, you can take a printout.
How can you find out whether an employer wants to verify your credentials?
If your employer wants to verify your record of certificate, the DigiLocker NAD will send you a notification by sending an SMS or mail to you using the information you registered. However, if you do not provide your verifier access to verify your documents within a stipulated time, it will be considered ineffective.