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Calculate Property Tax in Ghaziabad & Online Payment
All citizens of UP’s Ghaziabad have to pay their Ghaziabad Nagar Nigam property tax if they are commercial or personal property owners.
This article will discuss the Ghaziabad Nagar Nigam property tax online and offline payment process. Moreover, we will also discuss how you can calculate this tax. Let’s get started.
What is Ghaziabad Property Tax?
Ghaziabad Nagar Nigam collects the Ghaziabad Nagar Nigam property tax annually. All people who own property in this locality need to make the payment. Exact location, occupancy, type of property are some determining factors for the tax rate.
Ghaziabad Nagar Nigam uses the money to pay for the maintenance of roads, schools, etc. Both residential and commercial properties are required to pay this tax.
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Ghaziabad Property Tax: How can You Calculate It?
You can check this property tax calculator Ghaziabad to identify the amount of tax you have to pay.
Also, here’s how to calculate property tax in Ghaziabad.
Ghaziabad calculates its property tax based on the annual rateable value. This calculation is for both housing and industrial properties. However, the property tax for empty and open plots is done by the property’s capital value.
The formula is given below:
G = T+S+C
I = GXH/100
J= G-I
K (Property Tax) = JX20%
In this given formula:
T = Tenanted area of property x per square ft. rate of property x ten months
S = self-occupied area x rate of property per square ft. x ten months
I = Reduction amount
G = Gross unit area value
C = vehicle parking area x rate of vehicle parking area per square ft. x ten months
H = percentage of reduction rate
K = Property Tax
J = Net Unit Area Value of Property after reduction
There are some points to keep in mind before you make the Ghaziabad house tax payment. The property’s zone determines the rate per square ft. Also, you can find details of depreciation and various zone details on the Ghaziabad Nagar Nigam website.
Paying Ghaziabad Property Tax
There are two ways in which you can pay the tax. One is offline, and the other is an online way. Here is how Ghaziabad Nagar Nigam’s house tax online can be paid.
Online payment process: Steps to follow
All citizens of Ghaziabad can use the online portal to complete the payment of tax for property or commercial purposes.
- Step 1: To make Ghaziabad property tax online payment, first visit the official portal.
- Step 2: Select the “Pay Tax Online” option present on in top menu.
- Step 3: Enter relevant details such as zone, house no., pin no., receipt no.
- Step 4: After entering details pertaining to the house, enter the Captcha before selecting “Search.”
- Step 5: You should then be able to see the details of your property, and you can select “Pay Tax.”
- Step 6: Choose a payment option from a credit or debit card and move towards payment.
- Step 7: Take a printout of the tax receipt as a proof of payment.
Using these steps, you can complete the house tax online payment in Ghaziabad!
Offline Payment Process: Steps to Follow
To pay the tax offline, you need to visit the municipality office of the Ghaziabad Nagar Nigam and complete the entire procedure there. You will have to collect a form, make the payment and manage a receipt.
What is the Due Date to Pay the Ghaziabad Property Tax?
The property tax due date in Ghaziabad is on or before March 31st.
How to get Ghaziabad property Tax Receipt/Challan?
After you make the Ghaziabad Nagar Nigam house tax online payment, you will automatically get a receipt you have to printout. Also, if you pay offline by demand draft, cash, debit, or credit card, you will get a receipt.
In conclusion, you can speedily clear the Ghaziabad Nagar Nigam property tax online using the website. Clear your arrears as that contributes to the city’s welfare!