EPF Calculator

Age (Years)

Enter value between 18 to 60
18 60

Monthly Salary (Basic+DA)

Enter value between 1000 to 500000
5000 1 Cr

Income Growth Rate (P.A)

Enter value between 0 and 100
0 100

Your Monthly Contribution

Enter value between 12 and 100
12 20

Total Amount at the age of retirement


Your Investment


Rate of Interest (FY-2023-24)



Retirement Age (Years)


Employer's Monthly Contribution Value



Employee Provident Fund (EPF) Calculator Online

What is EPF?

What are the Benefits of EPF?

What is an EPF Calculator?

How to Use Digit's EPF Calculator & How It Works

How is EPF Calculated?

What is the Formula for EPF Calculation?

One must refer to the following section to understand the basics of EPF calculation and the contributions made by the employee and the employer. 

Employee’s contribution towards EPF = 12% of (Basic pay + DA)

Employer’s contribution towards EPF = 12% of (Basic pay + DA)

Please note that the 12% of an employer's contribution is divided into two parts: 8.33% towards the employee’s pension scheme (EPS) and 3.67% towards the Provident fund.


To simplify the above formula, let’s understand the meaning of each term from the given table:

Terms Meaning
Basic Pay The standard rate of pay before additional payments
DA Dearness Allowance is an amount added to the basic salary to calculate the take-home amount.

Next, we focus on how interest is calculated on both employee and employer contributions at the end of a year.

The interest rate for FY 2023-2024 is 8.25% p.a. Therefore, the applicable interest rate per month is 8.25%/12= 0.6875%. This calculation is performed on the opening balance of each month. As the first month's opening balance is zero, interest earned also amounts to zero. 

Interest for the second month is computed on the closing balance of the first month, which is also the opening balance of the first month. This calculation will be done similarly in later months. Individuals can use an EPF interest calculator to determine the monthly and yearly interest earned.

However, the total interest of the first year is added to the sum of both employers’ and employees’ contributions, which is the opening balance for the second year.

Individuals can calculate the accumulated amount using an Excel sheet-based EPF calculator. This tool helps individuals better understand the EPF corpus and enhance their investment decisions. Those willing to know how the EPF calculator works must understand the example and calculation process mentioned below.

Benefits of Using an EPF Calculator

How EPF Calculator Can Help You?

How to Calculate EPF Amount at Retirement?

What You Must Know About EPF Contributions?

What are the EPF Deduction Rules?

What are the Previous Years' EPF Interest Rates?

The EPF interest rates are declared annually by the Employees' Provident Fund Organization (EPFO) and are subject to periodic revisions based on economic factors and market conditions. Here are the interest rates for the last three years: 

Year EPF Interest Rate
2022 – 2023 8.15%
2021 – 2022 8.10%
2020 – 2021 8.50%

What are the EPF Withdrawal Rules?

How to Check Your EPF Balance?

How to Transfer EPF Money Online?

FAQs about EPF Calculation