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What Is Birth Control: Types, How Does It Work, Importance & Side Effects

Birth control or contraception is an effective method to prevent pregnancy. There are several methods involved for effective birth control. One can choose any of these and avoid unintended pregnancy. However, for some methods, people may suffer from some side effects. 

But if one maintains proper guidelines and consults medical practitioners on a timely basis, one can reap the maximum benefits from birth control methods with minimum side effects. Scroll down to learn more about this.


What Is Birth Control?

Birth control refers to preventing unintended pregnancy using different contraceptive methods, such as taking oral pills, using devices or surgery. Some of these methods, such as taking pills or using devices, can not provide permanent birth control, and these are reversible.

On the other hand, surgeries can offer permanent birth control and is highly effective. In addition, birth control not only helps to control pregnancy but can also help you stay safe from Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STDs).

What Are the Types of Birth Control?

The different types of birth control are as follows:

1. Barrier Methods

Barrier methods physically block the sperm from reaching the egg for fertilisation. This is one of the most easily accessible yet effective birth control methods, ensuring 99% efficiency. Additionally, there are different devices available for this type of birth control.

These are discussed below along with certain tips and benefits:

Male Condom

Male condoms, also known as external condoms, are made of latex. They are flexible and thin covering the penis. During intercourse, a condom collects semen and blocks it from entering the uterus, thereby averting the process of fertilisation.

Benefits of Using Male Condoms:

  • Using condoms reduces the risk of sexually transmitted diseases such as Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV), syphilis, Human Papilloma Virus (HPV), gonorrhoea, trichomonas etc.
  • It is also helpful for protecting women from harmful infections.

Some tips to enhance the effectiveness of a male condom are as follows.

Tips to Use Male Condoms:

Tip 1: Do not go for spermicidal condoms, as they are less effective and expire faster.

Tip 2: Use water-based lubricants instead of oil-based ones to protect condoms from being weakened or breaking.

Tip 3: Avoid condoms made out of animal skin.

Tip 4: As maximum condoms are made with latex, people should check their allergic tendency or sensitivity towards latex before using them.

Female Condoms

Female condoms, also known as internal condoms, are for inserting into the vagina. It is also a thin, flexible, sheath-like substance that is more like a pouch. During intercourse, it blocks semen and holds them from reaching the uterus.

Let us understand the benefits first:

Benefits of Using Female Condoms:

  • These are made of more natural elements than latex male condoms, reducing the chances of latex allergies. 
  • Also, women can use them easily with a little effort.

Some tips for using female condoms are as follows:

Tips to Use Female Condoms:

Tip 1: There is a flexible and soft ring-like structure at each end of a female condom that has to be squeezed and made smaller before one can insert it easily. The other end remains outside the vagina.

Tip 2: Choose female condoms that are made with natural elements.

Tip 3: Do not use female condoms recurrently and on a regular basis.

Diaphragm or Cervical Cap

Diaphragm is another type of pregnancy control device, which is basically a dome-shaped, soft cup made with silicone. The diaphragm is fitted deep into the vagina over the cervix and is filled with spermicidal jelly or cream. The spermicides kill the sperm in order to prevent its entry into the uterus.

Benefits of Using Diaphragm:

  • The diaphragm is effective in protecting females from STDs and is very much effective in birth control.
  • You can actually use it at a convenient time as and when required.

Tips to Use Diaphragm:

Tip 1: A diaphragm should be left inside the vagina for 6 to 8 hours after sexual intercourse.

Tip 2: With the diaphragm, people can engage in intercourse more than one time, but the spermicidal jelly should be refilled every time.

Tip 3: Avoid using the diaphragm if you have an allergy to spermicidal gels or silicone.

Tip 4: Females who have problems with pelvic floor muscles should avoid the use of the diaphragm.

Tip 5: Further, females with vaginal infections should refrain from using a diaphragm.

Contraceptive Sponge

A contraceptive sponge is a soft sponge that should be placed inside the vagina to block the sperms from reaching the uterus. This sponge contains spermicidals that kill sperm and prevents pregnancy.

Benefits of Using Contraceptive Sponge:

  • The sponge can be kept in the same place for 24 hours and used more than once.
  • Birth control sponge doesn’t affect your hormone levels.

Tips to Use Contraceptive Sponge:

Tip 1: You must first wash your hands properly before using the sponge.

Tip 2: Females should moisten the sponge with water before inserting it into the vagina.

Tip 3: You must squeeze the sponge to activate the spermicide.

Tip 4: Insert it carefully without hurting yourself.

Vaginal Spermicides

Vaginal spermicides are a foam or jelly-like substance that kills sperms. This is applied inside the vagina before intercourse and is more effective if used along with a cervical cap or with an external condom.

Benefits of Using Vaginal Spermicides:

  • Vaginal spermicides are affordable, easy to use and hormone-free.

Some tips for using vaginal spermicides are as follows:

Tips to Use Vaginal Spermicides:

Tip 1: Do not keep spermicides for too long before intercourse, as its effectiveness reduces over time. Most spermicides remain effective for 1 hour.

Tip 2: Always use spermicides with a valid prescription.

2. Hormonal Methods

Hormonal contraception refers to consuming pills or other hormonal doses to prevent pregnancy. In this method, oestrogen and progestin (a synthetic form of progesterone) are charged in different forms to prevent pregnancy. Hormonal methods include implants, pills, injections, skin patches, intrauterine devices and vaginal rings.

These methods are discussed in brief.

Oral Contraceptives

Oral contraceptives are pills or medicines that women need to take every day at the correct time following a specific regime. These pills contain oestrogen and progestin or only progestin. The pills are extremely effective (99% effective) for preventing pregnancy and should always be used with a doctor’s prescription.

Benefits of Using Oral Contraceptives:

  • These medicines prevent ovulation effectively.
  • A pill makes the mucus layer in the cervix thicker so that sperm can not penetrate.
  • These pills are also helpful in reducing period cramps.
  • They make the period flow more regularly.
  • They reduce iron deficiency.
  • Oral contraceptives are also helpful in reducing the risk of ovarian cancer.

Tips to Use Oral Contraceptives:

Tip 1: Use it with the instruction manual given in the medicine.

Tip 2: Take pills every day at the correct time for achieving the best results.

Tip 3: Contact your doctor if you face severe health issues by taking the pills.

Tip 4: If you suffer from diarrhoea or vomiting after taking the pill, the pill’s effectiveness will reduce. You should use additional contraceptive measures (like condoms) during these days.

Injectable Birth Control

Injectable birth control is one of the most effective forms of birth control that one should take only with a physician’s guidance. This is an injection of hormones that women need to follow up within 3 months.

Benefits of Using Injectable Birth Control:

  • The injections last 8 to 13 weeks, and it does not create any problems during intercourse.
  • It is helpful in treating painful, heavy periods.
  • It is safe for breastfeeding.

The tips for injectable birth control are as follows.

Tips For Using Injectable Birth Control:

Tip 1: Consider taking injectable birth control within the first 5 days of the menstrual cycle.

Tip 2: A couple should use an additional protection measure if the injectable birth control has been taken on any other day in the menstrual cycle.

Tip 3: The effectiveness of birth control shots can be affected by the use of certain herbs or medicines like antibiotics. One must consult a medical practitioner before using it.

Contraceptive Patches

Contraceptive patches are another safe and painless option that women wear on their bodies. The patch is generally worn on the abdomen, buttock or upper arm. These patches contain oestrogen and progestin that get released into the bloodstream.

Benefits of Using Contraceptive Patches

  • Contraceptive patches are extremely effective in preventing pregnancy with their high doses of oestrogen.
  • These patches are helpful for reducing menstrual cramps.
  • Contraceptive patches help with iron deficiency and reduce the chances of cancer by decreasing menstrual blood loss and making the period flow regular.

The tips for using a contraceptive patch are as follows:

Tips to Use Contraceptive Patches

Tip 1: Women should wear it from the first day of their period.

Tip 2: In exceptional cases, one should start using patches as per the physician’s prescription.

Vaginal Ring

A vaginal ring is a flexible, thin, ring-like device that women insert into their vaginas. This ring releases hormones continuously for 3 weeks and should be replaced in the 4th week. Women can use vaginal rings at any time of their menstrual cycle; however, if they insert them after 7 days of their period, extra protection will be needed to prevent pregnancy.

Benefits of Using Vaginal Rings:

  • You can leave the ring out for a few moments and put it back without losing its effectiveness.
  • It is also helpful for reducing iron deficiency, anaemia, cramps and certain cancers.

Tips to Use Vaginal Rings:

Tip 1: Try to insert the vaginal rings on the first day of your periods.

Tip 2: While inserting, squeeze it, make it smaller and gently push inside your vagina until it becomes comfortable.

Tip 3: You should always insert a sterilised vaginal ring with clean hands to avoid any infection.

Birth Control Implant

Birth control implant is a surgical method where a physician inserts a thin rod (similar to the size of a matchstick) containing progestin under the skin of the upper arm of a woman. It is long-lasting and one of the best birth control methods for women.

This implant generally stays effective for 3 years; however, women can take it out with the help of a healthcare provider if they wish to get pregnant.

Benefits of Using Birth Control Implant:

  • It is effective, long-lasting and convenient to use.
  • The method is highly cost-effective.
  • It makes the menstrual cycle more regular, cramp-free and reduces menstrual bleeding.

Tips to Use Birth Control Implant:

Tip 1: Do not stop using other birth control methods, such as condoms or taking pills before the insertion of this implant.

Tip 2: Take proper guidance from physicians, get informed after the pros and cons; and inform them about your current medications or medical history.

Tip 3: Eat a balanced diet before inserting this implant and follow up with a nutritious, balanced diet after.

Long-Acting Reversible Contraceptives (LARCs)

It is one of the best ways for birth control and is reversible. In this system, either an implant or an IUD is inserted into a woman’s body. As discussed earlier, an implant is inserted under the skin of the upper arm of a woman.

On the other hand, an IUD is a T-shaped device that physicians insert into the uterus of a woman. There are 2 types of LARCs, copper IUD and hormonal IUD.

Benefits of Using LARCs:

  • IUDs are safe and effective.
  • The surgical processes are very cost-effective and low-maintenance.
  • LARCs do not interrupt your sexual spontaneity.
  • It is a reversible contraceptive and women can get the devices removed if they wish to get pregnant.

Tips to Use LARCs:

Tip 1: LARCs involve surgical processes, so women should inform the concerned physician of underlying medical conditions, if any, and decide accordingly.

Tip 2: Women should eat a light meal before surgery to avoid dizziness.

Tip 3: A pregnancy test before surgically inserting a LARC is a must.

3. Sterilisation

Sterilisation is the surgical process that helps to prevent pregnancy permanently. There are 2 types of sterilisation processes: tubal ligation and vasectomy. Follow the next segment to know about them briefly.

Tubal Ligation

In tubal ligation, the fallopian tubes are tied, cut or blocked permanently to prevent pregnancy. This process helps to restrict eggs from travelling to the uterus and the sperm from reaching the fallopian tube. In addition, this process is not reversible and is permanent for life.

Benefits of Tubal Ligation:

  • The process is safe, effective and permanent.
  • It decreases the chances of ovarian cancer.

Tips For Tubal Ligation:

Tip 1: Prepare your body well for the surgery, and let your body heal post-surgery.

Tip 2: Ask your doctor about the perfect time before you can start intercourse again.

Tip 3: Get medical help for the remedies against post-surgical discomforts such as fatigue, dizziness, abdominal pain etc.


Vasectomy is a minor surgical process for males. In this process, sperm get blocked from reaching semen during ejaculation. Thus, it becomes completely safe to have sex without any external or internal birth control methods. Vasectomy can be of 2 types, namely, conventional and no-scalpel vasectomy.

Benefits of Vasectomy:

  • It is cost-effective.
  • It does not affect one’s sex drive, testosterone level or sexual spontaneity.

Tips For Vasectomy:

Tip 1: Practising good hygiene is important.

Tip 2: Using external condoms even after a vasectomy is a safe option for avoiding STDs.

Tip 3: Get enough rest before and after surgery.

What Are the Common Side Effects of Birth Control?

The potential side effects of different types of birth control are:

  • Nausea, headache, mood swings, breast enlargement, etc., are common in women taking birth control pills.
  • For vaginal rings or other insertable devices, vaginal irritation may occur.
  • For hormonal IUDs, acne and skipped or lighter periods are common.
  • Injectable hormonal birth control can cause increased appetite, sore breasts, headaches, bone density issues etc.
  • There is a slight chance of ectopic pregnancy, which is a side effect of tubal ligation.

These side effects are typically for hormonal or surgical methods. Furthermore, barrier methods do not have such side effects and can provide 99% effectiveness in preventing unintended pregnancy.

How Does Birth Control Work?

As discussed in the previous section, birth control can be of different types and show varying results on different bodies. Some of the birth control methods are devised for females, while some are for males.

For example, barrier methods are for both females and males, and they restrict the contact of sperm with the egg to prevent fertilisation. The devices either have spermicidal to kill sperm or restrict them from reaching the ova.

Further, hormonal methods are typically for women who intake, implant, or get a shot of oestrogen and/or progestin to prevent ovulation.

Lastly, surgical methods are again available for both men and women, which can permanently avert fertilisation or sperm ejaculation.

What is the Importance of Birth Control?

The importance of birth control is as follows:

  • Hormonal birth control methods help regulate the menstrual cycle.
  • Birth control makes menstruation less painful and reduces blood flow to combat iron deficiency.
  • Different birth control measures can help to protect from pelvic inflammatory diseases.
  • It is helpful for stable family planning.
  • Birth control is also beneficial for a woman’s overall health.
  • Barrier methods of birth control also protect people from deadly Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STDs).

Is Birth Control Bad?

Research and studies have proved that birth control does not have any life-threatening risks. Further, it is beneficial for health and also protects from unwanted diseases. However, there are some cons of birth control that can be considered as side effects of it. Follow the next segment to know about them.

This article has cited every necessary aspect of birth control in detail. Thus, consider this guide to know about different birth control methods and the related tips to get the maximum benefits out of them. However, if you face any issues while using birth control, you should contact your healthcare provider immediately and get professional help.

FAQs About Birth Control

Can birth control pills cause obesity?

This is a common concern. However, studies have proved that it has less or very low effect on weight gain. However, due to birth control pills, women may feel heavy on their breasts, hips and thighs.

What is the risk of birth control?

Some potential risks of hormonal birth control are blood clots, stroke, high blood pressure, high cholesterol etc. However, these only occur if there are any previous underlying health conditions.

What are the harmful effects of birth control pills?

Birth control pills cause nausea, bloating, spotting and even increased blood pressure if you consume it without a doctor’s prescription and repeatedly.