Also known as contraceptive methods, birth control methods help to prevent pregnancy when a couple is not ready to have a baby. However, none of the birth control methods are fully effective, and there is always a chance of failure. Consult your healthcare provider and go for the best method for your relationship.
This article discovers the various categories of birth control, the OTC birth control devices, and some essential details related to it.
Birth Control includes several methods that prevent the fertilisation and formation of a new life. Couples who have children and don’t want more or couples that don’t want children usually go for these methods. Some birth control methods are long-acting, and some are short-acting.
Birth control methods are divided into specific categories based on their way of working:
These alter your body's hormonal levels and intervene with the ovulation process. The commonly used hormonal methods are explained below:
Fertility awareness is a birth control method that includes keeping track of the fertile window of a woman. The options under fertility awareness are:
These methods build up a barrier between the ovum and sperm and prevent the process of fertilisation. Some of the barrier methods are:
These are surgical procedures of birth control that are most effective and have a permanent effect. The sterilisation procedures are:
The most effective form of birth control is abstaining from sexual intercourse. However, it is a challenging thing for couples to achieve. Therefore, couples should always think of a backup plan for birth control in their mind. Only the correct and consistent use of birth control methods can produce results.
Other than sexual abstinence, the other effective forms of birth control are implants, intrauterine devices, and sterilisation. Using barrier methods can also prevent infectious diseases such as STIs. The least effective methods include coitus interruptus and fertility awareness.
When going for a birth control method, it is very crucial to consider the following points:
STI stands for Sexually Transmitted Infections. Barrier birth control methods such as condoms and femidoms prevent the mixing of body fluids and hence are fully effective in the prevention of STIs such as gonorrhoea or HIV.
Not all of the birth control methods are available to people without the prescription of a doctor. The following birth control devices can be bought without a prescription:
Out of the methods mentioned above, the rhythm method and the sexual abstinence method are the only natural birth control methods. However, coitus interruptus is also known to be another natural birth control method that has the least amount of success rate.
Knowledge about different types of birth control methods gives you the privilege to choose the best one that suits you. Your decision should also align with your partner, and it should in no way make your partner uncomfortable. However, getting a professional opinion always helps and eases the process for a couple.