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A Quick Guide about the most Common Health Problems in Women

When it comes to health problems, women and men have certain differences. This is because of different biological setups. Both women and men contract similar or diverse conditions. However, certain health problems impact women differently and more severely. Such as, women have a higher risk of death from a heart attack than men. Other than that, they have unique health concerns like breast cancer and cervical cancer. This piece highlights the common health problems in women.

So, start reading!

What Are the Common Health Problems in Women?

Here is a list of some of the most common health problems in women.

1. Heart Disease

Heart disease is the primary cause of death for women. Though men equally suffer from heart-related diseases, women tend to be underdiagnosed and get little time to treat upon discovering the condition. The symptoms of a heart attack include chest pain, weakness in the arms, and shortness of breath. Women often feel such symptoms but dismiss them as a result of intense workouts.

Symptoms of heart disease/heart attack also include jaw pain, shoulder ache or even nausea and vomiting. Though menopause does not increase heart disease, however, it can give rise to certain health issues such as higher blood pressure and cholesterol, which can affect the heart health of women.

2. Diabetes

Diabetes is one of the common health issues in women globally. Though it is not a disease unique to only women, it can certainly increase heart diseases in women by 4 times. Diabetes-related complications, such as kidney disease, blindness and even depression, attack women.

Diabetes during pregnancy is a great concern for women. Gestational diabetes occurs during pregnancy when the glucose level shoots up, and other complications occur. Around 3 in every 100 women develop Gestational Diabetes during pregnancy. Women can control complications arising from this by taking a healthy diet, blood glucose monitoring, insulin injection, medication, exercise etc. Please note diabetes can result in miscarriage or birth defects. Hence, women who primarily depend on insulin must monitor blood glucose levels and consult doctors accordingly.

3. Maternal Health Issues

Pregnancy brings numerous changes in women, which can highly affect their health. During this time, women suffer from iron deficiency, anaemia and high blood pressure. The risks intensify when women have pre-existing conditions like major cardiac disorders, diabetes and neurological issues.

To avoid serious complications, women with high blood pressure or diabetes must bring these conditions under control before they plan to conceive. In addition, if they have recently undergone weight loss surgery, they must avoid conceiving immediately after the procedure. Pregnant women can resolve all the usual complications by having the required nutrition, medications, exercise and preventive measures (as recommended by doctors).

4. Breast Cancer

Breast cancer is the most common cancer in women. It is certainly one of the most common health issues in women. Half a million women die from breast cancer each year.

Women who carry BRCA1 and BRCA2 genes have higher risks of developing breast cancer. Further, advancing age, menopause after 55, early onset of menstruation before the age of 12, obesity, early abnormal breast biopsy, earlier chest radiation, not having children, alcohol dependency can lead to breast cancer. Women can prevent risks of developing breast cancer by adopting healthy lifestyles, diet, and quitting smoking. Women must conduct self-examination on a monthly basis to detect changes in their breasts and contact doctors immediately if necessary.

5. Stroke

Stroke is another concerning health issue in women not because of the death risks but also for the long-term disability this disease can develop. Also, women are more prone to stroke than men. Hence, it is necessary for women to have a comprehensive knowledge of the symptoms of a stroke.

These include sudden weakness or numbness in the face, leg or arm, and more importantly on a particular side of the body, sudden trouble in sight, speech and walking, confusion or difficulty understanding speech, loss of balance, dizziness, or lack of coordination and sudden severe headache. Doctors have found a link between pregnancy and stroke. Preeclampsia is a condition when women develop high blood pressure during pregnancy. Hypercoagulation (excessive blood clotting) occurs during pregnancy when blood clots hinder blood flow in the brain. Both these conditions can result in a stroke.

6. Menstruation Problems

Menstruation problems are common health issues in ladies. Women suffer from heavy, missed, irregular, scanty periods. Period cramp is another common health issue among women.

Heavy menstrual bleeding occurs when a woman loses 80ml of menstrual blood for more than 7 days. Reports say 9 to 14 out of 100 women experience heavy menstrual bleeding. This condition can interfere with daily life and lead to iron deficiency anaemia in several cases. In addition, women suffer from another condition called pre-menstruation syndrome (PMS) that affects 47.8% of reproductive age women globally. Symptoms of PMS include changes in appetite, abdominal pain, back pain, weight gain, headache, nausea, constipation, anxiety, mood swings, swelling of the breasts etc.

Women usually suffer from this condition before the starting of periods. Apart from this, there is another condition named polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS), which concerns doctors. Females with this condition experience irregular periods or excess male hormones, i.e. androgen. Also, they have the risk of developing obesity, heart disease, infertility, type II diabetes mellitus, acne etc.

7. Fertility Issues

Recent reports show that the fertility rate in India has fallen by 50%, i.e. from 4.97% to 2.3%. It is anticipated that the rate will further go down and come at 2.1% in 2025-30. Currently, the infertility rate stands at (10-14%), which is higher in urban areas and out of 6 couples, at least 1 couple faces this issue.

Women can face infertility issues because of PCOS, abortion infections, STDs, contraception complications, postpartum infections, pelvic inflammatory diseases. Further, smoking, alcohol consumption, higher dependency on processed food, physical and emotional stress can cause fertility issues. A healthy lifestyle and timely detection can help women resolve this issue to a great extent.

8. Thyroid

The thyroid is a common health problem in women, especially those whose age ranges from 18-to 35 years. Usually, women suffer from hypothyroidism, a condition where the thyroid gland does not produce the required amount of thyroid hormone.

A low level of thyroid hormone slows down metabolism. In addition, women can experience symptoms such as a change in the menstrual cycle, constipation, depression, high level of cholesterol, susceptibility to cold. The list also includes dry hair and hair loss, dry skin, fatigue, hoarse voice, joint pain, stiffness, and swelling, problems in remembering, muscle aches and stiffness, muscle weakness, puffy face.

Women might experience slow heart rate, swelling of the thyroid gland (goitre), unusual weight gain or difficulty losing weight, Carpal tunnel syndrome bones. When thyroid hormones reach beyond the required level, it can result in the early onset of menopause (before the age of 40 or in the early 40s). Thyroid hormones can increase during pregnancy, and around 5%-10% of women develop postpartum thyroiditis, which usually occurs in the first year after giving birth.

9. Autoimmune Disease

Autoimmune disease refers to a condition when the immunity system mistakenly attacks the body, i.e. healthy body cells. The immunity system protects the body from germs like bacteria and viruses, but this basic function alters when individuals suffer from autoimmune diseases.

Researchers have found that autoimmune disease affects women mostly. There are different kinds of autoimmune diseases. However, all of them share similar kinds of symptoms. These include exhaustion, mild fever, pain, skin irritation, vertigo. These are minor issues; hence many women hardly pay attention to these symptoms. That’s why it is important to know about this common health issue in women so that they can be more careful and contact a doctor as required.

10. STD and Urinary Infections

Women get easily affected by sexually transmitted diseases (STD) and urinary tract infections. Subsequently, it is necessary to be aware of sexual and bladder issues.

Studies show effects of the sexually transmitted disease are more severe on women than men. However, women hardly opt for treatment due to the less noticeable symptoms. Further, doctors can confuse the symptoms of STDs with other diseases, which can cause serious issues like infertility among women. On the other hand, urinary tract infections can cause serious trouble if left untreated. Urinary tract infection is an infection that can occur in any part of the urinary system, i.e. kidneys, ureters, bladder and urethra. To prevent this, women must take care of their personal hygiene.

11. Depression and Anxiety

Hormonal fluctuations can lead to depression and anxiety, which are common health problems in ladies. As stated earlier, premenstrual syndrome (PMS) is common among women. The symptoms get intensified with the premenstrual dysmorphic disorder (PMDD).

This condition can cause extreme mood swings, interfere with work, and damage relationships. Typical symptoms include extreme sadness, irritability or anger, hopelessness, along with common PMS symptoms such as breast tenderness and bloating. Often mothers suffer from a form of depression named ‘baby blues’, which worsens in the case of perinatal depression (symptoms include emotional shifts, sadness, tiredness). Perimenopause (shift into menopause) can result in depression. Irrespective of the conditions, women can control these symptoms (to some extent) by taking proper medication or counselling sessions or treatments.

Till now, we have focused on the common health problem in ladies. There are other diseases that specially develop at old age. Read on to know about these in detail!

What Are the Health Problems in Women Age-wise ?

1. Diseases in Young Girls and Teenagers

  • Meningitis: It is the inflammation of the meninges, which are the membranes around the brain and spinal cord. Usually, bacteria and viruses can cause this condition. It spreads easily among young girls and teenagers, since they tend to live in close quarters in schools and hostels. Its symptoms include fever, vomiting, rashes, stiff neck, fatigue, seizures, etc.
  • Obesity: Such a condition leads to unhealthy weight management causing major health concerns. Currently, obesity has become an epidemic for adolescent girls. As of now, nearly 32% of adolescent girls are considered obese based on their body mass index (BMI). reasons like unhealthy sleep routine, high-fat diets, and low levels of physical activity can cause this condition. As girls are usually vulnerable at this age, they might lack the required consciousness regarding diet or weight.
  • Pertussis (Whooping Cough): A contagious respiratory disease, Pertussis is caused by the bacterium Bordetella pertussis. Its symptoms mainly include violent and uncontrollable coughing. It starts with cold-like symptoms. Young girls and teenagers can easily catch this disease from their circle. Their immune system is yet to strengthen, which makes it difficult for them to avoid such conditions.

2. Diseases in Middle-aged Women

  • Cardiovascular Diseases: Various illnesses and lifestyle factors can contribute to the development of cardiovascular diseases. Those with a family history of heart diseases are at a higher risk of ending up with a weak heart. Moreover, menopause and high blood pressure conditions can also trigger such issues. Heart starts to weaken in women because of medications for different diseases.
  • Diabetes: Middle-aged women are more likely to suffer from diabetes. The life expectancy of women suffering from type 1 diabetes is about 66 years. Eating disorders and coronary heart diseases can trigger diabetic conditions in women.
  • Hypertension: After reaching the middle age, women are more likely to suffer from hypertension, anxiety and similar mental health issues. About 1 out of 5 deaths of US women is caused because of hypertension. It can also cause conditions like left ventricular hypertrophy, diastolic dysfunction and heart failure.

3. Diseases in Old-age Women

  • Osteoporosis: Osteoporosis refers to a medical condition where bones weaken, making them prone to fractures. Postmenopausal women have a higher risk of developing osteoporosis. The hormone Estrogen helps in bone development. When women reach the menopause stage, estrogen levels go down, which in turn triggers bone loss. Certain medications, cancer treatment, early menopause, low BMI, family history can lead to osteoporosis. Living a healthy lifestyle (that includes exercise, lesser dependency on alcohol) and taking a diet rich in calcium can help senior ladies eliminate the chances of developing osteoporosis.
  • Obesity: Around 41% of women aged between 65-75 years are considered obese. Obesity occurs when individuals take more calories and fewer calories burned from normal daily activities and exercise. Though this condition can occur at any age, old age women suffer from hormonal changes and a less active lifestyle. Further, with advancing age, the amount of muscle decreases in the body. Lower muscle mass can lead to reduced metabolism. All these changes can massively impact calorie demands thus body weight. Hence, old age women must consciously eat food and stay active to prevent gaining extra pounds.
  • Alzheimer’s Disease: Women above the age of 65 years are prone to developing Alzheimer’s Disease. There are biological and social reasons for developing Alzheimer’s Disease. It is a progressive disease that begins with mild memory loss and leads to an inability to carry conversion and respond to the environment.This disease controls portions of the brain that control thought, memory and language. A common perception of developing this disease points to women living longer. On the other hand, the scientific study relates this disease to genetic variations. Staying active and eating healthy food can help to maintain a healthy brain.   

The above-mentioned discussion focuses on common health issues in women. Now, let’s find out the ways to deal with these common health problems in women.




How to Deal With Common Health Problems in Women?

Here is a list of ways to deal with common health issues in women.

  • Women must talk to someone and share their medical problems.
  • They must learn to cope with health issues. Here, they can choose to seek counselling while learning to cope with health issues.
  • Women must be careful about their eating habits.
  • They must maintain an active, healthy lifestyle.
  • They must consult with doctors and take medication (as prescribed).

With such a detailed discussion, we have reached the end of this piece on common health problems in women comes to an end. Learn about these diseases and take preventive measures to eliminate the chances of developing the same.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the areas of health issues in women?

Issues such as birth control, sexually transmitted infections (STIs), and gynecology are considered the signficnatn areas of health conecrn among women.

What are the main causes of diseases in women?

While there can be multiple causes of diseases in women, some common causes include  genetics, lifestyle,hormonal imbalances, age and ethnicity.