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Birth Control Implant: How Does It Works, Benefits & Side Effects

A birth control implant or contraceptive implant is an effective long-term birth control option which extends continuous contraception. This implantable medical device hinders ovulation, development of sperm and prevents pregnancy.

To know all the particularities of using a birth control implant, read along!

What Is Nexplanon or Birth Control Implant?

Birth control implant, also known as Long-Acting Reversible Contraception (LARC) or Nexplanon is an effective hormonal contraception. It is a tiny rod (about the size of a matchstick) inserted under the skin of a woman's upper arm which releases a hormone which helps one avoid pregnancy.

How Does Birth Control Implant Work?

Birth control implant releases steady and low dosages of progestational hormone that either stops ovulation or prevents fertilisation and further implantation of the foetus in the uterus.

The hormone released from birth control implant stops one from getting pregnant in three ways:

  1. Firstly, progestin thickens the mucus present in Cervix, stopping the sperm from reaching the egg, and thereby preventing pregnancy.
  2. Progestin, also called etonogestrel, acts on the pituitary gland, thereby stopping the eggs from leaving ovaries and suppressing ovulation, stopping from becoming pregnant.
  3. The birth implant thins womb lining. So, fertilised eggs not implant into the lining of the womb.

How Effective Is the Birth Control Implant?

Birth control implant is perhaps one of the most effective birth control means which is about 99% effective. The plant is highly effective as there is no steadfast schedule that one has to follow while using this hormonal contraception.

In case one wants to get pregnant, she can easily remove the implant with the help of a medical professional.

How Long Does it Take for Birth Control Implant to Work?

A woman inserting a birth control implant or Nexplanon in the first 5 days of her period will be protected from pregnancy right from the time of inserting it.  In case one chooses to insert the implant at any point in their cycle, she must opt for other birth control options like condoms. The arm implant birth control in that case will be functional after the first week.

How to Get the Birth Control Implant?

Women willing to use a birth control implant can get the implantation done from a local health centre. One can also reach out to their gynaecologist or a parenthood health centre.

One must also be aware of the cost of inserting a birth control implant which varies from one clinic to another.

How Is a Birth Control Implant Inserted?

Inserting a birth control implant involves a quick and easy procedure. A medical professional will inject a local anaesthetic to numb a specific area and then proceed to insert an implant under a woman’s arm.

What are the Side Effects of a Birth Control Implant?

Not everyone undergoes the side effects of Nexplanon with a birth control implant. In case, the implant causes side effects, within a time span, it will disappear. Introducing a foreign substance inside a body will alter hormonal balance.

Minor Side-effects

The minor side effects that are associated with the birth control implant are as follows:

  • Most common side-effect of birth control implants is interrupted normal menstruation cycle. Periods might become heavier, or lighter or it can stop completely.
  • A certain percentage of women experience irritation, bruising, infection, fibrosis, and scar formation at the insertion site.
  • One can also experience vaginal dryness.
  • Women also undergo influenza-like symptoms which include back pain, emotional instability, mood swings, hypersensitivity, dizziness etc.
  • Birth control implants can lead to women undergoing severe acne problems.
  • Other side effects of birth control implants include breast pain, ovarian cysts, headaches, nausea, pain or bruising on arms, infection at the insertion site etc.

Major Side-effects

In rare scenarios, one undergoes major complications with a birth control implant. However, one must be aware of the following major complications of using a contraceptive implant:

  • Hypertension: Hormonal contraception can alleviate the symptoms of hypertension.  Hence, women with a history of hypertension and severe symptoms must avoid opting for this birth control method.  Only if the symptoms are well controlled and monitored, one can go for progestin-only implants. In case of uncontrolled blood pressure, it is mandatory to remove the implant.
  • Insertion Complications: Implants inserted in women may migrate to other parts of one’s body from its site of insertion. This happens when the rod is inserted deep from the subcutaneous plane of the skin. In severe scenarios, the birth control implant can migrate inside the blood vessels present in the arm. It can migrate to the level that it can reach the pulmonary artery which results in inadvertent intravascular insertion. Such scenarios can be treated with endovascular removal and surgery.
  • Non-palpable Implants: The removal of the birth control implant must be done after exploration. Removal without tracking the location of the birth control implant is dangerous. In addition, failing to remove the misplaced birth control implant will result in ectopic gestation, subfertility etc.
  • Vascular Complications: Having oral contraceptives when the birth control implant is already implanted leads to an increased risk of infarction and vascular thrombosis. The occurrence of such conditions demands the removal of the birth control implant.
  • Ovarian Cysts: Long-term release of progestin subdues the follicular development in the ovary. In case, the follicles present in the ovary dodges this inhibition, they are likely to outgrow a normal mature follicle and result in a follicular cyst.
  • Liver and Gallbladder Disease: In case one suffers from jaundice, one must remove the birth control implant. Having oral contraceptives while the implant is inserted will result in hepatic adenomas. However, the risks associated with progestin-only implants are not known yet. With active release of the progestin, liver damage can persist. Hence, it is advised to avoid using an implant if one suffers from liver carcinoma or active hepatitis. In addition, there is a pertaining risk of gallstone or cholecystitis after one uses a birth control implant.
  • Reproductive Organ Cancers: Women who have breast cancer must avoid using hormonal contraception. As the hormone released from the implant might trigger the cancerous cell. However, progestin-only birth control implants do not result in cancerous change. In addition, women who have a family history of breast cancer must undergo thorough follow-ups after using birth control implants.
  • Disfigured Implant: A complicated insertion of the birth control implant may lead to a broken or bent birth control implant. A fragment rod can be related to an increased rate of progestin release.
  • Psychological and Nervous System Disorder: Nervous systems and Psychological disorders due to the use of birth control implants are rare. However, one might experience drowsiness, anxiety, loss of libido, seizures, etc.

It is imperative to monitor the pre-existing medical condition to avoid any fatal outcome.

To avoid the risk of thromboembolism that surfaces during pregnancy and delivery, it is important to insert the birth control implant after 21 days of childbirth.

How Safe Is the Birth Control Implant?

Yes, it is safe for an individual to use the birth control implant. It does not affect the lactation period and will not impact the health of a baby. The birth control implant is a significant way to prevent pregnancy. One can also rely on it while they are breastfeeding.

What Are the Benefits of Using the Birth Control Implant?

Birth control implants come with the following advantages.

  • Birth control implants are safe and 99% effective. These are referred to as “set-it-and-forget-it” birth control method that extends long-term protection, preventing one from getting pregnant. Within 7 days of inserting the birth control implant, one can see the effectiveness of the contraceptive implant.
  • With birth control implants, individuals do not have to remember having oral pills on time.
  • It proves highly beneficial for those who cannot use birth control that contains oestrogen like a vaginal ring, or contraceptive pills. Most hormonal birth control options contain both oestrogen and progestin.
  • Even during breastfeeding individuals can rely on the birth control implant.
  • Birth control implant regulates menstruation cycle and reduces cramps. In addition, it makes the period lighter.
  • Though birth control implants seem expensive up front, for three years, one does not have to bear any expenses.
  • Birth control implants are reversible. In case, one wants to become pregnant, they have to take the implant from underneath the skin. This type of hormonal contraception does not impact one's fertility. Within 21 days of removing the birth control implant, fertility will revive.
  • Birth control implants secures one from endometrial cancers.
  • As release of hormones from the implant thickens the cervical mucus, it lowers the risk of pelvic inflammatory disease. The thickened mucus stops microbes from reaching the uterus from vagina.
  • Even it helps relieve dysmenorrhea and menorrhagia in multiple cases.

What Are the Disadvantages of Birth Control Implants?

Individuals opting for a birth control implant must be acquainted with the following disadvantages:

  • Birth control implants do not protect from sexually transmitted diseases. This is why using condoms with Nexplanon is the most effective way to prevent contracting STDs.
  • In rare scenarios, birth control implants can migrate from one part to another part of the body.
  • Fitting and removing a birth control implant will incur hefty expenses.
  • In the initial period of inserting a birth control implant, one might suffer from multiple side effects.

Do Birth Control Implants Protect Against STDs?

No, a birth control implant does not protect one from contracting sexually transmitted diseases. Using a barrier method like a condom along with a birth control implant will prove effective in preventing STIs.

What Are the Risks Associated With a Birth Control Implant?

There are very few risks that are associated with using birth control implants or contraceptive implants. An individual may have an infection at the site where the implant is fitted. Individuals must seek medical attention:

  • If the birth control implant changes shape.
  • One cannot feel the presence of the implant.
  • The initial pain, bruising and tenderness at the site of inserting the implant persists for a long time.
  • If one becomes pregnant while using a birth control implant.

What Happens When the Birth Control Implant Is Removed?

The process involved in the birth control removal procedure is the same as implanting one. A local anaesthetic will be used by a medical professional to numb the area where the rod is fitted. It will then proceed with cutting the area and removing the implant.

However, there are certain side effects one might have to undergo after removing a birth control implant. Any time there is a hormonal fluctuation, side effects will crop up. After the removal of the implant, the body will return to its previous form. For instance, if one is not getting periods after using the implant, she will get her periods after removal.

Women who want to continue using birth control or contraceptive implants can insert another implant after removing the old one.

How to Prepare Before Undergoing Birth Control Implant Insertion?

Before one goes for inserting a birth control implant, healthcare professionals will examine the overall health of an individual. Depending on the menstrual cycle of the individual and the previous birth control method, medical professionals will determine the timing of inserting the birth control implant. In addition, one has to undergo a pregnancy test. They might also have to use a non-hormonal birth control method for one week.

Here are a few tips for preparation:

  • You can eat a regular meal before the process. It is advisable to avoid being empty stomach.
  • You should avoid unprotected sex for at least three weeks before going for this procedure.
  • A part of preparation also involves notifying doctors regarding pre-existing medical conditions. You should carry a list of your current medications to your appointment.
  • It is important for individuals to inform the medical profession beforehand if they have high blood pressure, liver disease, high cholesterol, diabetes, kidney conditions, allergy to antiseptics or anaesthetics etc.
  • You should stay hydrated, since the process might begin with drawing blood.

When to Avoid Birth Control Implant?

All birth control implants are not suitable and effective for all women. Inserting an implant may not prove beneficial in case:

  • One thinks that she may be pregnant.
  • Have medicine that impairs the efficacy of the birth control implant.
  • Bleeds after sexual intercourse.
  • Experiences abrupt bleeding or spotting between menstruations.
  • If she has any progestin-sensitive cancer or breast cancer.
  • Has pre-existing conditions like arterial disease or liver disease.
  • Has a history of stroke or heart disease.
  • If she is allergic to any of the components present in the birth control implant.

FAQs About Birth Control Implants

What are the medications that reduce the efficacy of the implant?

There are some herbal products and medications that affect the birth control implant or notable nexplanon effectiveness. Medicines like felbamate, barbiturates, bosentan, aprepitant, rufinamide, topiramate etc., are a few such examples.

Does a birth control implant result in weight gain?

One of the side effects of using a hormonal birth control method is that it results in weight gain. The hormone that releases from the implant alters the natural hormone balance which leads to weight gain.

When should a birth control implant be removed?

Birth control implant or Nexplanon works for three years. Once the efficacy of the implant expires, a health professional must remove it. One can remove the implant at any time within the time span of 3 years if she wants to get pregnant any time in the near future.