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What is Postpartum Arthritis: Causes and Ways to Manage

Arthritis is a condition where one experiences swelling and stiffening of joints which results in a decreased range of motion. Irrespective of the fact that it can happen to anyone and is a geriatric problem, postpartum arthritis is a condition which occurs in a few women. It can be a result of physical changes in a woman's body after childbirth.

Thus, knowing its causes and symptoms can be helpful for suffering mothers. Continue reading to know more.

What Is Postpartum Arthritis?

The term "postpartum arthritis" refers to joint pain or disease that occurs in women after giving birth. Discomfort, swelling, stiffness, and decreased joint range of motion are typical signs of arthritis. Mild to severe symptoms can occur, and they can also come and go. While certain symptoms may essentially stay the same for years, others may advance and deteriorate.

Pregnancy is usually a cumbersome process. In some cases, the immune system of a woman might attack the healthy joint tissues after giving birth. It can be a lifelong situation. Doctors prescribe medicines to reduce the pain and inflammation in the bones.

What Are the Causes of Postpartum Arthritis?

It is a common sight for women to experience arthritic pain after giving birth. The following are some possible causes of arthritis after pregnancy in women.

  • Women who had arthritis prior to becoming pregnant can have relief from it during this time. This is due to the possibility that during pregnancy, the immune system may become inactive and arthritic symptoms may go away. However, these symptoms could return after delivery.
  • Typically, a woman's immune system becomes overactive after giving birth. It makes it more likely to develop autoimmune illnesses. One of them is rheumatoid arthritis. The overactive immune system may communicate during this time to attack things or particular food items that are not hazardous. The whole process might lead to developing allergies in the whole body. Some women may also feel inflammation, which can damage tissues and bones in the body.
  • Moreover, in addition to age and heredity, other factors such as obesity, smoking, inactivity, dietary deficiencies, infections, and work conditions can cause flare-ups of arthritis during the postpartum period.

How to Manage Postpartum Arthritis?

For a mother, caring for a newborn while experiencing physical discomfort can be challenging. Anyone can develop arthritis, irrespective of age factor. Rheumatoid arthritis is more common in pregnant women, and those who have postnatal arthritis suffer more since they are still healing after childbirth. Here are some suggestions to help you manage your arthritis post-pregnancy:

  • Seek Medical Help: You should let your doctors know if you have certain types of arthritis, such as rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, fibromyalgia, gout, etc., before becoming pregnant. It will assist the doctor in creating a tailored management strategy for your postpartum arthritis.
  • Proper Medication: When breastfeeding, several medications prescribed for arthritis may not be safe for you. Inform your doctor that you are breastfeeding so that he will give you the medications that are best suited for your situation.
  • Good Diet: You must alter your diet if you have joint discomfort in order to lessen the effects of arthritis. After giving birth, your immune system causes your body to respond to some situations and foods quite differently.
  • Know the Triggers: The secret to overcoming arthritis after delivery is to recognise its triggers. Discuss a postpartum food plan with your doctor and dietitian in order to appropriately manage your arthritis. Consuming fresh fruits and vegetables can help you manage your arthritis. After delivering the baby, remove food items like pork, wheat, beef and rye as it helps relieve rheumatoid arthritis symptoms.
  • Plan from Before: You are more likely to develop postpartum arthritis if you have ever been overweight or if you have diabetes, hypertension, or both. Planning for pregnancy and postpartum arthritis as early as possible can help you manage it.
  • Manage your Weight: Make sure you maintain a healthy weight during your pregnancy by speaking with your doctor. If you've already given birth, take steps to gradually shed the weight you gained during pregnancy by combining a balanced diet with exercise. Your joints may be under more stress if you are overweight. So, keep your weight in check during your pregnancy.
  • Stay Active: Although it is difficult to exercise after delivering a baby, postpartum women should try to stay as active as possible. It can help one improve mood and also relieve the pain of arthritis. It will also reduce the chances of developing other chronic diseases like hypertension, diabetes and heart disease.
  • Wear Proper Shoes: If possible, women should avoid wearing heels as much as possible after delivery. Instead, one can wear comfortable shoes in the correct size while ensuring the sole is soft and provides enough cushioning.

FAQs About Postpartum Arthritis

How long does postpartum arthritis last?

Postpartum arthritis can initially occur during pregnancy and last for several weeks to months after delivery.

Can postpartum arthritis transfer from mother to baby?

Since postpartum arthritis is not infectious, it is not transmitted from a mother to her baby. Even the quality of breast milk of a lactating mother remains unaffected by postpartum arthritis.

When to see a doctor for postpartum arthritis?

Arthritis pain can be moderate in the beginning, slowly intensifying with time. You should immediately see a doctor and seek medical treatment if the pain gets severe and intense.