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How to Handle a Hyperactive Dog?
Handling a hyperactive dog might sound like a task but it is not hard if done the right way. Hyperactivity in dogs can be caused due to several reasons. Read along to learn what causes hyperactivity in dogs and how to handle a hyperactive dog.
What Is Hyperactivity in a Dog?
Hyperactivity in a dog is a state which is medically known as “hyperkinesis” where the dog shows highly impulsive movements, and has an incredibly short attention period. This scenario in dogs is also referred to as the Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder and requires immediate medical attention for a speedy recovery. In general words, dogs having hyperactivity, face challenges in paying attention and show extreme impulsiveness and discomfort.
What Are the Signs and Symptoms of a Hyperactive Dog?
Listed below are some symptoms of a hyperactive dog:
- Having a very high level of energy
- Impulsiveness
- Often showing aggressive behaviour
- Increase in attention-seeking activities
What Are the Causes of Hyperactivity in Dogs?
Hyperactivity in dogs can be due to genetic reasons or due to receiving poor care. Mentioned below are a few reasons which can cause hyperactivity in dogs.
- Owners Having Insufficient Knowledge About the Breed: Most dog owners do not have adequate knowledge about the traits of the breed they own. Every breed has some quality that makes it different from the others. Some breeds are genetically hyperactive and have more energy levels compared to others. Some breeds that are highly energetic and need abundant physical activity are Border Collie, Dalmatian, German Shepherd, Labrador Retriever, Miniature Pinscher, etc.
- Providing Poor Guidance in the Early Years: Just like babies, dogs also need to be trained well and taught the right habits from an early age. Not doing so will make them develop ill habits and behaviours. Later, these behaviours might be hard to get rid of. These, in turn, take the shape of hyperactivity in dogs.
- Lack of Exercise: Dogs are athletic animals and need abundant physical activity. In some cases, dogs do not get abundant exercise because the owners are not at home for most of the day. When they come back and take the dogs out for a walk or some activity, it is not adequate for the dog. A restricted amount of activity may not suffice for the dog and it may constantly look for ways to play around with its owner.
- Using Incorrect Training Methods: Using incorrect methods of training can cause hyperactivity. Dogs are intelligent animals and they can learn things very quickly, provided they are taught correctly. Providing cognitive training to dogs is also necessary, as is physical training. It is necessary to correct their behaviour and teach them discipline. However, that should not mean being extremely strict towards the animal. Owners should neither be too strict nor too lenient towards them.
- Insufficient Diet: When dogs do not receive sufficient nutrition according to their physical activities, it brings a change in their behaviour. There must be a balance between the activities of the dog and the amount of food they eat. It must be rich in vitamins and minerals, enough to keep them going for an entire day.
- Having No Routine: Having a routine is as important for dogs as it is for humans. Having regular time for meals, physical activities and resting keep their life balanced too. Not having a proper routine will make them want to play or eat at any given point in the day. When owners refuse to do it, they start developing symptoms of hyperactivity.
5 Prominent Ways to Handle a Hyperactive Dog
Handling hyperactive dogs requires patience and knowledge about a few things. Listed below are some ways for calming down a hyperactive dog.
1. Understand the Breed
2. Socialise Them
Dogs are just like humans and have similar social requirements. Dogs are very playful and enjoy company, be it humans or other dogs. Dog owners must take their dogs outside and let them meet others of their kind.
This helps the dog in learning to make better relationships. Being around other dogs also makes them play the way they want and helps deal with their hyperactive behaviour. This also makes them learn how to be around surroundings that they are not familiar with.
3. Engage Them With Tasks and Activities
Dog training for hyperactive dogs includes physical as well as mental exercise for overall growth. When owners give them small tasks and activities in the household or outside, it adds to their productivity. Cognitive training helps with handling their hyperactivity as it keeps them engaged.
4. Try Music Therapy
Just like humans, dogs can also benefit from good music. Hyperactivity in dogs can sometimes be the result of stress or anxiety. Playing calming music could help them with their anxiety and keep them at ease. Playing music also helps in blocking other unnecessary sounds that might be causing discomfort to the dog.
5. Schedule a Visit to the Vet
Maintaining a proper schedule to take dogs to the vet has many benefits. It helps keep their health in check and alarms them in case of any adverse health conditions. Visiting the vet can help understand if there are any underlying conditions causing hyperactivity.
Hyperactive dogs do not require special care or attention. They can be handled like other dogs, but the methods should be correct. It is necessary to train them in the right way to keep them calm and under control.