How to Download and Check Status of EWS Certificate Online?

How to Download Your EWS Certificate Online?

How to Check EWS Certificate Status Online?

Where to Track EWS Certificate Status?

Applicants who are unsure about how to track their EWS certificate status can easily do so by clicking on 'Track Application' when they visit their respective state-wise link.

In the table below, you can refer to the registered portals for verifying the application status of your EWS certificate:

State/ Union Territory Portal Name
Assam Assam state portal 
Delhi e-district portal 
Arunachal Pradesh Arunachal eServices portal 
Gujarat Digital Gujarat portal 
Jammu and Kashmir Jammu & Kashmir State e-Services 
Jharkhand Jharkhand e-District   
Chhattisgarh e-district portal
Rajasthan e-Mitra portal
Uttar Pradesh e-Saathi web portal
West Bengal West Bengal E-district
Punjab State portal of Punjab
Maharashtra Aaple Sarkar portal
Uttarakhand e-Saathi web portal
Madhya Pradesh MP e-District portal
Sikkim e-Services
Haryana e-Disha portal
Bihar RTPS portal
Himachal Pradesh Himachal Online Seva
Andhra Pradesh Meeseva app
Chandigarh E-district portal
Manipur e-District portal
Meghalaya  e-District portal
Nagaland e-District portal
Odisha e-District portal
Tamil Nadu Tamil Nadu e-Sevai 
Tripura e-District portal 
Telangana Meeseva portal
Kerala eSevanam
Karnataka  Sevasindhu portal

Common Issues While Downloading or Checking Status

FAQs about Downloading & Checking Status of EWS Certificate

How to download an EWS Certificate?

To download your EWS certificate, first, you must check your application status by visiting your state government’s official e-district website. Then, click on ‘Services’ under the Revenue Department. Finally, present the acknowledgement number to see whether your application has been approved. If yes, then click on ‘Download EWS Certificate’ from the menu.

Which website should I visit to download my EWS certificate?

Candidates can check the status of their EWS certificate application and download the same by visiting the respective state government’s official website for caste certificate applications. Upon visiting, they must log in to their account with valid details to access their EWS certificate.

Can I download my EWS certificate using my mobile phone?

Yes, it is possible to download an EWS certificate using your phone as long as you are accessing the designated government website. To successfully save a digital copy of the certificate, you must use a recommended mobile browser and log in to your account with valid credentials. 

How do I track the status of my EWS certificate application?

You may track the status of your EWS certificate application by opening your state’s official online service portal. Next, click on ‘Check Your Application Status’ on the homepage and provide your login credentials to access the option ‘Track Application Status’ under ‘View Status of Application’. 

What should I do if I cannot download my EWS certificate?

If you find any difficulty while downloading your EWS certificate, consider checking your application status by opening the official website. In case the status isn't showing 'Approved' even after 21 business days then contact a relevant government office like the District Magistrate or Tehsildar to seek assistance.  

How long does it take for my EWS certificate status to update online?

It takes no more than 21 days to process an EWS certificate application. You can check your EWS application status by putting the reference number on your state’s official EWS website.

How do I check the status of my EWS certificate if I applied offline?

Consider visiting your state's official EWS website and logging in to your account to continue checking the EWS certificate status. If you face difficulties, you can request assistance from the government office where you initially submitted your application. 

What do I do if my EWS certificate is taking too long to be issued?

If you haven’t received your EWS certificate within 21 business days consider getting in touch with the relevant authority within your area. Either you can visit the District Collector’s Office or the concerned official posted for disbursing EWS certificates. 

Is there a helpline number for checking my EWS certificate status?

No, as the EWS certificates are issued by respective state government authorities, there isn’t a particular helpline number available for the applicants.



  • This is an informative article provided on 'as is' basis for awareness purpose only and not intended as a professional advice. The content of the article is derived from various open sources across the Internet. Digit Life Insurance is not promoting or recommending any aspect in the article or its correctness. Please verify the information and your requirement before taking any decisions.
  • All the figures reflected in the article are for illustrative purposes. The premium for Coverage that one buys depends on various factors including customer requirements, eligibility, age, demography, insurance provider, product, coverage amount, term and other factors
  • Tax Benefits, if applicable depend on the Tax Regime opted by the individual and the applicable tax provision. Please consult your Tax consultant before making any decision.

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