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What is White Petrol: Price & Applications

Petroleum is categorised into black and white oils. The latter constitutes a portion of kerosene formed during the crude oil distillation. It is thin and transparent with general hydrocarbon content and is used in space jets and aeroplanes. This oil is known as white petrol. 

Keep scrolling for more details about white petrol price in India and its uses and more.

How White Petrol Differ From Ordinary Petrol?

White petrol is Aviation Turbine Fuel or jet fuel. Both jet fuel and ordinary fuel consist of hydrocarbons. They are both formed by the process of fractional distillation.

The main difference lies in the type of hydrocarbons. The chemical structure of regular petrol or gasoline contains nearly 7-11 carbon atoms with hydrogen molecules. At the same time, jet fuel comprises hydrocarbons consisting of approximately 12-15 carbon atoms.

The reason for using white petrol in aeroplanes and space jets is the lower freezing point of kerosene. Temperatures drop to around -40 degree Celsius while an aeroplane flies. At this temperature, regular petrol will freeze, causing combustion to cease.

It also features a higher flashing point. It has a higher octane rating, offering optimum power and fuel efficiency. The white petrol oil is also safe in case of any sudden combustion.

Additionally, it has additives, such as de-icing agents, anti-corrosive, and anti-static chemicals in its mixture. These prevent corrosion and freezing at higher altitudes, ensuring safe air travel.

Price Difference between White Petrol and Ordinary Petrol

Aviation fuel is costlier than ordinary petrol. However, the white petrol cost saw a plunge in the previous year, thanks to the current global economic slump.

As of 2021, the cost of Aviation Turbine Fuel increased to ₹59,400.91 per kilolitre. The rates have increased by 3.6% since 16th February and by ₹3,246.75 per kilolitre since 1st February. On a total average, there has been approximately a 6.5% rise in the white petrol price in India. This limits the demand of Indian air travellers. The news further creates a setback in the aviation sector after prolonged disruptions due to the current global scenario.

On the other hand, petrol prices rose by ₹4.87 per litre in the last 2 months.

Top 3 Uses of White Petrol Oil

White petrol oil finds its application in the following areas –

  • Domestic usage – The residents of less developed countries use white petrol for cooking and lighting. It is also widely used for cleaning purposes, including removing spots off clothes and glass surfaces.
  • Transport oil – As discussed earlier, it is also used as jet fuel. RP1 burned with oxygen is used as rocket fuel.
  • Industrial use – The chemical industry uses petroleum as a solvent or a chemical-grade lubricant. White petrol or kerosene is also widely used for performances, such as fire juggling and fire breathing in the entertainment industry.

Can You Use White Petrol for Your Cars or Bikes?

The answer depends on the type of engine your vehicle sports – petrol or diesel. Jet fuel has multiple variants. Among them, Jet-A is lead-free kerosene and can be used in vehicles with diesel engines.

However, a lack of lubricants may lead to long-term damage to your diesel engine. Further, jet fuel has a high volumetric energy density, preventing its quick evaporation. It becomes difficult to start your car with the spark-ignition engine, which ultimately may catch fire.

Thus, simply put, motorists can use jet fuel, but it is not advisable.

The white petrol price in India saw a remarkable recovery this year despite the economic downturn. With its multiple uses in different sectors, the increase in its prices and eliminated subsidy will significantly impact all industries, be it domestic or transport.

Frequently Asked Questions

How much does white petrol cost per litre in India?

The price of white petrol per litre in India is approximately ₹200.

What is the average cost of white petrol or ATF in the domestic airlines of Mumbai and Kolkata?

The average cost of ATF or Aviation Turbine Fuel for domestic airlines in the following cities are:

  • Mumbai - ₹67,384.77 per kilolitre.
  • Kolkata - ₹73,191.48 per kilolitre.