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9 Must-Visit Trekking Places Near Jaipur

Jaipur, the pink city of India, is famous for its rich history and cultural heritage and its picturesque trekking trails. 

The Aravalli hills surrounding the city offer various trekking options for adventure enthusiasts. These treks provide panoramic views of the surrounding landscapes and a glimpse into the local flora and fauna. 

Trekking near Jaipur is a perfect way to explore the region's natural beauty while getting a good workout.

List of Best Treks Near Jaipur

Trek Name Difficulty Level Distance
Chabutra Trek, Brahampuri Easy 4 km
Kedarnath Shiva Temple Trek, Jagatpura Easy 4 km
Chour Ghati Trek, Galta Sanctuary Easy 4 km
Garh Ganesh to Charan Mandir Trek, Brahampuri Easy 4 km
Amba Mata Trek, Ambica Forest Easy 6 km
Jal Mahal Trek, SitaRam Temple Moderate 5 km
Kuntalgarh Fort Trek, Jaisalya Moderate 6 km
Bhuteshwar Nath Mahadev Temple Trek, Seesyawas Moderate 7 km
Papad Ke Hanumanji Trek, Amer Moderate 10 km

Top Trekking Places Near Jaipur

1. Chabutra Trek | 4 km

Chabutra Trek near Jaipur is a beautiful, easy trail that rewards hikers with breathtaking views of the surrounding hills and valleys. 

This trek offers a mix of easy and moderate hikes, making it ideal for novice and experienced hikers. 

The trail is dotted with ancient temples and ruins, and the surrounding flora and fauna offer a glimpse into the local biodiversity.

  • Altitude: 200m 
  • Best Time to Visit: June to September
  • Duration of the Trek (including travelling): 1 day 
  • Difficulty Level: Easy

2. Kedarnath Shiva Temple Trek | 4 km

Kedarnath Shiva Temple Trek near Jaipur is a unique experience combining stunning natural beauty and rich cultural history. 

The trek takes you through picturesque hills, lush forests, and traditional villages before reaching the ancient Kedarnath Shiva Temple. 

This historic temple, believed to be over a thousand years old, is a fascinating monument to Hindu mythology and architecture.

  • Altitude: 920m 
  • Best Time to Visit: April to June
  • Duration of the Trek (including travelling): 1 day 
  • Difficulty Level: Easy

3. Chour Ghati Trek | 4 km

The Chour Ghati Trek near Jaipur is a great way to explore the scenic beauty of the Aravalli Range. 

The trek offers moderate difficulty and takes you through lush green forests, rocky terrains, and a beautiful waterfall. The trek also provides an excellent opportunity to witness the rural lifestyle of the locals. 

The best time for this trek is during the monsoon season, when the surroundings are lush and verdant

  • Altitude: 5,241m 
  • Best Time to Visit: October to February & June to September
  • Duration of the Trek (including travelling): 1 day 
  • Difficulty Level: Easy

4. Garh Ganesh to Charan Mandir Trek | 4 km

The Garh Ganesh to Charan Mandir Trek near Jaipur is a scenic and historic trail that takes you through the beautiful Aravalli hills. 

The trek starts at the Garh Ganesh temple, dedicated to Lord Ganesha and believed to have been built in the 16th century. 

From there, you will hike through lush green forests and rocky terrains before reaching the Charan Mandir, a shrine dedicated to the footprints of Lord Krishna.

  • Altitude: 80m 
  • Best Time to Visit: October to February & June to September
  • Duration of the Trek (including travelling): 1 day 
  • Difficulty Level: Easy

5. Amba Mata Trek | 6 km

Amba Mata Trek near Jaipur is a perfect getaway for adventure enthusiasts. The 6 km trek winds through the Aravalli Hills, a picturesque landscape dotted with wildflowers and lush greenery. 

The trail offers a breathtaking view of the surrounding valleys and villages. The trek to Amba Mata temple is moderate in difficulty, making it an excellent option for both beginners and experienced trekkers. 

The temple is dedicated to Goddess Amba, and the trek provides a spiritual experience amidst nature.

  • Altitude: 480m 
  • Best Time to Visit: July to September
  • Duration of the Trek (including travelling): 1 day 
  • Difficulty Level: Easy

6. Jal Mahal Trek | 5 km

The Jal Mahal Trek is a stunning nature trail just outside Jaipur. 

This 5-kilometre hike takes you through the beautiful Aravalli hills and offers panoramic views of the Jal Mahal palace and the surrounding Man Sagar Lake. 

The trail is perfect for beginners and experienced hikers alike and is a great way to escape the city and immerse yourself in nature.

  • Altitude: 550m 
  • Best Time to Visit: July to September
  • Duration of the Trek (including travelling): 1 day 
  • Difficulty Level: Easy

7. Kuntalgarh Fort Trek | 6 km

Kuntalgarh Fort Trek near Jaipur offers a perfect blend of history and adventure. 

The trek starts from the picturesque village of Ghat ki Guni and takes you through a scenic route. The fort at the top of the hill offers a breathtaking view of the Aravalli Range. 

With its rich history and stunning views, this trek is a must-visit for all adventure enthusiasts and history buffs.

  • Altitude: 1000m 
  • Best Time to Visit: July to September
  • Duration of the Trek (including travelling): 1 day 
  • Difficulty Level: Easy

8. Bhuteshwar Nath Mahadev Temple Trek | 7 km

Bhuteshwar Nath Mahadev Temple Trek, located near Jaipur, is a unique experience that combines adventure and spirituality. 

The trek takes you through lush green forests, rocky terrains, and scenic hills to reach the ancient temple of Lord Shiva. The temple is believed to be a source of positive energy and attracts devotees from all over.

  • Altitude: 648m 
  • Best Time to Visit: October to March
  • Duration of the Trek (including travelling): 1 day 
  • Difficulty Level: Easy

9. Papad Ke Hanumanji Trek | 10 km

Papad Ke Hanumanji Trek near Jaipur is a popular destination for adventure seekers and nature lovers. 

The trek offers stunning views of the Aravalli range and the nearby valley. The trail is challenging, but the beautiful scenery and the Hanuman temple at the summit make it all worthwhile. 

It's a great way to escape the hustle and bustle of the city and immerse yourself in nature.

  • Altitude: 1,524m 
  • Best Time to Visit: June to September
  • Duration of the Trek (including travelling): 1 day 
  • Difficulty Level: Easy

List of Essential Things to Carry When Trekking Near Jaipur

Here’s a list of essential things to carry when trekking in and around the ‘Pink City’:

  1. Water Bottle
  2. Snacks
  3. Sunscreen
  4. Hat and Sunglasses
  5. Insect Repellent
  6. First-aid Kit
  7. Trekking Shoes
  8. Lightweight Backpack
  9. Navigation Equipment

Trekking in this region is a great way to experience the natural beauty of the area and the local culture and traditions of nearby villages. The trek offers a stunning view of the surrounding landscape and can be enjoyed by all levels of trekkers. It's a perfect destination to escape the hustle and bustle of city life and get lost in the tranquility of nature.

FAQs About Trekking Places in and around Jaipur

How challenging are the treks near Jaipur?

The difficulty level of the treks near Jaipur varies from easy to moderate. However, it depends on the trekking spot you choose.

Is it safe to go trekking near Jaipur?

Yes, it is safe to go trekking near Jaipur. However, going in a group and taking necessary precautions is always recommended.

What is the best time to go trekking near Jaipur?

The best time to trekking near Jaipur is from October to March when the weather is pleasant and ideal for outdoor activities.

What should I carry while going for a trek near Jaipur?

You should carry comfortable trekking shoes, a backpack with essential items like water, snacks, sunscreen, sunglasses, a hat, and a first-aid kit. It is advisable to check with the trekking agency you have hired for a detailed list of items to carry.