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7 Best Treks in Shillong for You to Explore

Shillong, the capital of Meghalaya, is a paradise for trekkers. With its rolling hills, lush green forests, and breathtaking waterfalls, Shillong offers a range of trekking trails for adventurers of all levels.

The David Scott Trail is an excellent option for beginners, while more experienced trekkers can try the challenging trek to the peak of Shillong's highest mountain, Shillong Peak. 

The trek offers stunning panoramic views of the city and the surrounding hills, making it a memorable and rewarding experience.

List of Best Treks in Shillong

Trek Name Difficulty Level Distance
Mawlyngot Trek, Mawlyngot Easy 6 km
Living Root Bridge Trek, Tyrna Village Easy 8 km
Umden Village Trek, Umden Easy 18 km
Smit Trek, Meghalaya Moderate 6 km
Krem Mawsmai, Krem Mawmluh, and Krem Umshyrpi Caves Trek, Cherrapunji Moderate 7 km
David Scott’s Trek, Mawphlang Hard 16 km
Weiloi To Umngi Trek, Weiloi Hard 18 km

Top Trekking Places in Shillong

1. Mawlyngot Trek | 6 km

Mawlyngot Trek in Shillong is a must-visit destination for adventure enthusiasts. 

The trail takes you through lush green forests and picturesque villages, offering breathtaking views of the surrounding landscape. The trek is moderately challenging and takes about 4-5 hours. 

During your visit, witness the stunning waterfalls and learn about the local Khasi culture.

  • Altitude: 1,463 m
  • Best Time to Visit: April to October
  • Duration of the Trek (including travelling): 1 day
  • Difficulty Level: Easy

2. Living Root Bridge Trek | 8 km

The Living Root Bridge Trek in Shillong is a unique experience that takes you through dense forests, picturesque villages, and stunning natural bridges made entirely of living roots. 

These bridges, which can reach 100 feet in length, have been grown and maintained by the indigenous Khasi tribe for centuries. 

The trek offers a glimpse into the rich culture and traditions of the Khasi people and the region's breathtaking natural beauty.

  • Altitude: 1,150 m
  • Best Time to Visit: October to March
  • Duration of the Trek (including travelling): 1 day
  • Difficulty Level: Easy

3. Umden Village Trek | 18 km

Umden Village Trek in Shillong is a must-do for those seeking an offbeat adventure in the lap of nature. 

The trek offers stunning panoramic views of the lush green valleys and waterfalls. 

The trek is moderate and can be completed in 4-5 hours. Visitors experience the local Khasi culture and lifestyle through the quaint villages.

  • Altitude: 340 m
  • Best Time to Visit: September to January
  • Duration of the Trek (including travelling): 1 day
  • Difficulty Level: Easy

4. Smit Trek | 6 km

Smit Trek in Shillong is a popular hiking trail that offers breathtaking views of the surrounding hills and valleys. 

The trek starts from the village of Smit and takes you through lush green forests and traditional Khasi villages. The trail is moderately challenging and takes 2-3 hours to complete. Along the way, you can spot various species of birds and butterflies. 

The trek culminates at a scenic viewpoint from where you can see the entire city of Shillong.

  • Altitude: 1,965 m
  • Best Time to Visit: September to April
  • Duration of the Trek (including travelling): 1 day
  • Difficulty Level: Moderate

5. Krem Mawsmai, Krem Mawmluh, and Krem Umshyrpi Caves Trek | 7 km

The Krem Mawsmai, Krem Mawmluh, and Krem Umshyrpi Caves Trek in Shillong offer a unique experience for adventure enthusiasts. 

The Krem Mawsmai cave is the most visited and offers a well-lit walkway for visitors to discover the stunning limestone formations. 

The Krem Mawmluh cave is known for its impressive length and underground river, while the Krem Umshyrpi cave is the smallest but offers a beautiful waterfall.

  • Altitude: 1,584 m
  • Best Time to Visit: January to April and October to December
  • Duration of the Trek (including travelling): 1 day
  • Difficulty Level: Moderate

6. David Scott’s Trek | 16 km

David Scott's Trek in Shillong is a popular hiking trail that takes you through the scenic Khasi Hills. 

This trail, named after the Scottish adventurer David Scott, offers breathtaking views of the lush green valleys and cascading waterfalls. 

The trail is well-marked and can be completed in a day, making it a perfect weekend getaway for those looking to escape the city's hustle and bustle.

  • Altitude: 1,491 m
  • Best Time to Visit: October to May
  • Duration of the Trek (including travelling): 1 day
  • Difficulty Level: Hard

7. Weiloi To Umngi Trek | 18 km

The Weiloi to Umngi Trek in Shillong is a must-do for adventure enthusiasts. 

The trek offers breathtaking views of the surrounding valleys, waterfalls, and the iconic Living Root Bridges. The trail is challenging, making it suitable for experienced trekkers. 

The trek also provides an opportunity to interact with the local Khasi tribe and learn about their culture.

  • Altitude: 340 m
  • Best Time to Visit: March to June
  • Duration of the Trek (including travelling): 1 day
  • Difficulty Level: Hard

List of Things to Carry When Trekking in Shillong

When trekking in Shillong, it's essential to pack the right gear and supplies to ensure a safe and enjoyable experience. Here's a list of things you should consider bringing:

  1. Comfortable and sturdy hiking shoes
  2. Lightweight and breathable clothing
  3. Sunscreen lotion
  4. Sunglasses and a hat
  5. Insect repellent
  6. First aid kit
  7. Water bottle and hydration system
  8. Energy bars and snacks
  9. Map and compass
  10. Portable charger and power bank
  11. Raincoat or poncho, in case of sudden rain
  12. Camera and binoculars, if you want to capture the scenic beauty

Trekking in Shillong offers a unique experience for adventure enthusiasts. The picturesque landscapes, lush greenery, and breathtaking views of the hills make it a popular destination for trekking. 

The trails vary in difficulty, from easy to moderate, providing options for all experience levels. The best time to trek in Shillong is from October to May when the weather is pleasant. 

With a rich cultural heritage, Shillong offers a perfect blend of natural beauty and tribal traditions, making it an ideal place for trekking and exploring.

FAQs about Trekking in Shillong

What is the best time to go for trekking in Shillong?

The best time to trek in Shillong is between September and May when the weather is pleasant, and the skies are clear.

Do I need a guide for trekking in Shillong?

It is highly recommended to hire a guide for trekking in Shillong, as the trails can be confusing, and the terrain can be challenging.

What should I wear while trekking in Shillong?

It is advisable to wear comfortable and breathable clothing that covers your arms and legs. Also, wear sturdy shoes with good grip to avoid slipping on the rocky terrain.

What should I carry while trekking in Shillong?

Some essential items to carry while trekking in Shillong are a backpack, water bottle, snacks, sunscreen, insect repellent, and a first-aid kit.

Is it safe to trek in Shillong?

Yes, trekking in Shillong is safe if you follow the guidelines and safety measures. Hiring a guide, carrying necessary equipment, and staying on marked trails are some ways to ensure safety while trekking.

What is the difficulty level of trekking in Shillong?

The difficulty level of trekking in Shillong varies depending on the trail. Some trails are easy and suitable for beginners, while others are moderate to strenuous and require prior experience and fitness.