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8 Best Treks in Manipur for Wanderers

The northeastern region of India provides an unforgettable trekking experience for adventure enthusiasts. 

With picturesque landscapes, verdant forests, and breathtaking waterfalls, trekking in this region is an excellent way to explore the area's natural beauty. 

Some of the most popular treks in the region offer a unique opportunity to witness the local culture and interact with the communities.

List of Best Treks in Manipur

Trek Name Difficulty Level Distance
Sangal Viewpoint Trek, Keibul - Lamjao National Park Moderate 3.5 km
Heriok River Trek, Keibul - Lamjao National Park Moderate 5.6 km
Shiroi Kashong Peak Trek, Sirohi National Park Moderate 6.6 km
Chaoba Ching Trek, Keibul - Lamjao National Park Moderate 9.3 km
Shirui Peak Trek, Sirohi National Park Moderate 12.2 km
Awang Kasom-Chingai Trek, Ukhrul North Moderate 14.3 km
Chingai Trek, Sirohi National Park Moderate 38.5 km
Mount Koubru Trek, Saitu-Gamphazol Hard 15.8 km

Top Trekking Places in Manipur

1. Sangal Viewpoint Trek | 3.5 km

The Sangal Viewpoint Trek in Manipur offers a breathtaking panoramic view of the surrounding landscape. 

The reward at the top of the summit is a stunning view of the entire valley and Loktak Lake. The trek is best done in the early morning to experience the sunrise with a cup of hot tea. 

You'll need to get the authorities' permission before you begin this adventure.

  • Altitude: 123 m
  • Best Time to Visit: January to March
  • Duration of the Trek (including travelling): 1 day
  • Difficulty Level: Moderate

2. Heriok River Trek | 5.6 km

The Heriok River Trek in Manipur is a must-do for adventure enthusiasts seeking a unique experience. 

This trek takes you through dense forests, cascading waterfalls, and stunning natural surroundings. The highlight of the trek is crossing the Heriok River, which requires some skill and nerve. 

The trek also offers glimpses into the local way of life and culture, making it a truly enriching experience.

  • Altitude: 49 m
  • Best Time to Visit: October to March
  • Duration of the Trek (including travelling): 1 day
  • Difficulty Level: Moderate

3. Shiroi Kashong Peak Trek | 6.6 km

The Shiroi Kashong Peak Trek in Manipur is a must-do for adventure enthusiasts. This short trek offers breathtaking views of Manipur's lush forests and valleys, and the peak stands at 635 meters. The trail is challenging but rewarding, and hikers will experience the unique culture of the Tangkhul tribe, who call the area home.

  • Altitude: 635 m
  • Best Time to Visit: Mid-May to August
  • Duration of the Trek (including travelling): 1 day
  • Difficulty Level: Moderate

4. Chaoba Ching Trek | 9.3 km

The Chaoba Ching Trek in Manipur is a picturesque and challenging hiking trail that takes you through dense forests, rocky terrain, waterfalls, and breathtaking valley views. 

It is a 9.3 km trek that starts from the base of Khurai Sajor Leikai and ends at the village of Chaoba Ching. 

The trek offers a glimpse into the rich culture and tradition of the Manipuri people, as well as an opportunity to experience the region's natural beauty.

  • Altitude: 276 m
  • Best Time to Visit: Throughout the Year
  • Duration of the Trek (including travelling): 1 day
  • Difficulty Level: Moderate

5. Shirui Peak Trek | 12.2 km

Shirui Peak Trek in Manipur is a must-do for adventure enthusiasts seeking stunning views and unique experiences. 

This trek will take you through the picturesque Shirui Hills, home to the rare Shirui Lily. 

The peak offers breathtaking views of the Manipur valley and is best visited during the blooming season of the lily, which is from May to June.

  • Altitude: 574 m 
  • Best Time to Visit: May to August
  • Duration of the Trek (including travelling): 1 day
  • Difficulty Level: Moderate

6. Awang Kasom-Chingai Trek | 14.3 km

The Awang Kasom-Chingai Trek in Manipur offers a thrilling adventure for nature enthusiasts. 

This trek takes you through dense forests, breathtaking mountain views, and charming villages. The trail is challenging, but the locals' beautiful scenery and warm hospitality make it all worth it. 

This is an excellent opportunity to experience the raw beauty of Manipur and immerse yourself in the local culture.

  • Altitude: 705 m 
  • Best Time to Visit: October to March
  • Duration of the Trek (including travelling): 1 day
  • Difficulty Level: Moderate

7. Chingai Trek | 38.5 km

Chingai Trek in Manipur is a hidden gem waiting to be explored by adventure enthusiasts. 

The trek takes you through lush green forests, cascading waterfalls, and beautiful meadows. The trail is challenging but offers breathtaking views of the surrounding hills and valleys. 

You'll encounter friendly locals and glimpse their unique culture along the way.

  • Altitude: 2,071 m 
  • Best Time to Visit: September to March
  • Duration of the Trek (including travelling): 3 days
  • Difficulty Level: Moderate

8. Mt. Koubru Trek | 15.8 km

Mt. Koubru Trek in Manipur is a must-visit destination for adventure enthusiasts. 

It promises a thrilling experience while trekking through the lush green forests of the region. The trek comprises steep ascents and descents, dense forests, and stunning views from the summit.

The trek also offers an opportunity to explore the local culture and interact with the friendly villagers.

  • Altitude: 1,480 m 
  • Best Time to Visit: November to February
  • Duration of the Trek (including travelling): 1 day
  • Difficulty Level: Hard

List of Essentials to Carry on Your Trek in Manipur

If you are planning to go on a trek in Manipur, here is a list of essentials that you should carry with you:

  • Comfortable backpack with padded shoulder straps and hip belt.
  • Sturdy and comfortable trekking shoes with good grip.
  • Warm and lightweight clothing, preferably in layers.
  • Raincoat or poncho to protect from rain.
  • Sunscreen lotion, sunglasses and a hat to protect from the sun.
  • Water bottles and water purification tablets.
  • High-energy snacks like energy bars, dry fruits, and nuts.
  • First-aid kit with essential medicines.
  • Insect repellent.
  • Use a Camera or smartphone to capture the beautiful scenery.

Manipur in Northeast India is a hidden gem for trekking enthusiasts. With its lush green hills, panoramic views, and vibrant culture, trekking in Manipur is an experience. The best time to trek in Manipur is between October and March when the weather is pleasant.

FAQs about Trekking in Manipur

What is the best time of the year to go trekking in Manipur?

The best time to trek in Manipur is between October and April, when the weather is relatively dry and pleasant.

What essential items should you pack for a trek in Manipur?

Some essential items to pack for a trek in Manipur include sturdy trekking shoes, warm clothing, a raincoat or poncho, a backpack, a water bottle, a first aid kit, and a torch.

Is it safe to go trekking in Manipur alone?

It is recommended to go trekking in Manipur with others. Hiring a local guide who knows the terrain and can assist you in any emergency is always better.

Can I find trekking guides easily in Manipur?

Yes, you can find trekking guides easily in Manipur. You can ask for recommendations from your hotel or check with local trekking organizers.

What are the accommodation options available for trekkers in Manipur?

Various accommodation options are available for trekkers in Manipur, including homestays, campsites, and guesthouses. You can choose the option that suits your budget and preference.