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8 Best Trekking Places in Gangtok

Gangtok, the capital city of Sikkim, offers many trekking options for adventure enthusiasts. 

The lush green forests, the stunning mountain ranges, and the breathtaking views of the valleys make trekking in Gangtok an absolute delight. The popular trekking trails in Gangtok include the Dzongri Trek and Kanchenjunga Trek, each offering a unique experience to the trekkers. 

The best time to trek in Gangtok is from March to June and September to November when the weather is pleasant, and the views are spectacular.

List of Best Treks in Gangtok

Trek Name Difficulty Level Distance
Varsey Trek Moderate 4.5 km
Enchey Monastery Trek Moderate 6.3 km
Singalila Trek Moderate 84 km
Gaikhana Trek Hard 4 km
Fambong Lho Trek Hard 8.5 km
Yuksom- Dzongri Trek Hard 50 km
Kanchenjunga Base Camp Trek Hard 90 km
Green Lake Trek Hard 92 km

Top Trekking Places in Gangtok

1. Varsey Trek | 4.5 km

Varsey Trek in Gangtok is a picturesque and adventurous trek that takes you through lush green forests, scenic tea gardens, and breathtaking views of the Himalayas. 

The trail is moderately complex, making it suitable for beginners and experienced trekkers. 

The highlight of the trek is the stunning view of Mount Kanchenjunga, the third-highest peak in the world.

  • Altitude: 3,060m
  • Best Time to Visit: April to May
  • Duration of the Trek (including travelling): 1 day
  • Difficulty Level: Moderate

2. Enchey Monastery Trek | 6.3 km

Enchey Monastery Trek is a popular activity in Gangtok, Sikkim. This short and scenic trek takes you through lush forests and offers stunning views of snow-capped mountains. 

The Enchey Monastery, a 200-year-old Buddhist monastery, is the highlight of the trek. The peaceful environment and the intricate artwork of the monastery leave visitors in awe.  

It's a perfect escape from the city's hustle and bustle and an excellent opportunity to learn about Sikkim's rich culture and traditions. 

  • Altitude: 268m
  • Best Time to Visit: March to June & September to October
  • Duration of the Trek (including travelling): 1 day
  • Difficulty Level: Moderate

3. Singalila Trek | 84 km

Singalila Trek in Gangtok is a thrilling adventure that takes you through the stunning landscapes of the Himalayas. 

The trek offers breathtaking views of the snow-capped peaks of Kanchenjunga, the third-highest mountain in the world. The trail passes through dense forests, charming villages, and beautiful rhododendron forests. 

The trek is ideal for nature lovers, adventure seekers, and those looking for a memorable experience in the lap of the mountains.

  • Altitude: 3,636m
  • Best Time to Visit: March to May & September to November
  • Duration of the Trek (including travelling): 8 days
  • Difficulty Level: Moderate

4. Gaikhana Trek | 4 km

The Gaikhana Trek in Gangtok offers nature enthusiasts a scenic and serene experience. The trek takes you through lush green forests, sparkling waterfalls, and quaint villages with stunning views of the Himalayas. 

The trail is moderately challenging and suitable for beginners and experienced trekkers alike. It's a perfect opportunity to disconnect from the hustle and bustle of city life and reconnect with nature.

  • Altitude: 155m
  • Best Time to Visit: Mid-March to June & September to November
  • Duration of the Trek (including travelling): 1 day
  • Difficulty Level: Hard

5. Fambong Lho Trek | 8.5 km

Fambong Lho Trek in Gangtok is a paradise for nature lovers. The trek offers stunning views of the Himalayas, dense forests, and beautiful landscapes. 

The trail passes through quaint villages, sparkling streams, and diverse flora and fauna. It is a challenging trek and takes around 3-4 hours to complete. 

The best time to visit is from October to April. So, if you're looking for a refreshing and adventurous getaway, Fambong Lho Trek is a must-visit destination.

  • Altitude: 637m
  • Best Time to Visit: October to April
  • Duration of the Trek (including travelling): 1 day
  • Difficulty Level: Hard

6. Yuksom- Dzongri Trek | 50 km

Embark on an unforgettable adventure with the Yuksom-Dzongri Trek in Gangtok. 

This 5-day trek takes you through lush forests, tranquil lakes, and magnificent mountain ranges, all while offering stunning views of Mount Kanchenjunga, the third highest peak in the world. 

With experienced guides leading the way, hikers will also have the chance to explore local villages and learn about the area's culture.

Altitude: 4,020m

Best Time to Visit: April to June & September to November

Duration of the Trek (including travelling): 5 days

Difficulty Level: Hard

7. Kanchenjunga Base Camp Trek | 90 km

Embark on a thrilling adventure at the Kanchenjunga Base Camp in Gangtok, where you'll be surrounded by breathtaking views of the world's third-highest mountain. 

This trek is perfect for those seeking a challenging yet rewarding experience as you'll navigate through diverse landscapes, encounter unique flora and fauna, and immerse yourself in the local culture.

  • Altitude: 5,200m
  • Best Time to Visit: April to Early-June & October to Early-December
  • Duration of the Trek (including travelling): 11 days
  • Difficulty Level: Hard

8. Green Lake Trek | 92 km

Green Lake Trek is a beautiful and challenging trek in Gangtok, Sikkim. 

The trek offers stunning views of the Kanchenjunga Mountain range and the pristine Green Lake. The trek takes you through dense forests, high-altitude meadows, and rocky terrain. Be prepared for steep ascents, freezing temperatures, and unpredictable weather conditions. 

But once you reach the summit, the breathtaking views and sense of achievement make it all worth it.

  • Altitude: 5,050m
  • Best Time to Visit: April to May & October to November
  • Duration of the Trek (including travelling): 17 days
  • Difficulty Level: Hard

List of Essential Things to Carry When Trekking in Gangtok

  1. Trekking shoes
  2. Backpack
  3. Warm clothes
  4. Water bottle
  5. Snacks
  6. First aid kit
  7. Sunglasses and sunscreen
  8. Torchlight
  9. Map and compass
  10. Camera

Gangtok, the capital city of Sikkim, is a popular destination for adventure enthusiasts seeking a trekking experience amidst the serene Himalayan ranges. 

The city offers a variety of trekking trails, ranging from beginner-friendly to challenging ones, with breathtaking views of snow-capped peaks, lush green valleys, and cascading waterfalls. 

With its pleasant weather, rich flora and fauna, and hospitable locals, Gangtok is the perfect destination for a memorable trekking experience.

FAQs about Trekking in Gangtok

What is the best time of the year to go trekking in Gangtok?

The best time to trek in Gangtok is from March to June and September to November.

What are the popular trekking routes in Gangtok?

Some popular trekking routes in Gangtok are Dzongri Trek, Singalila Trek, and Green Lake Trek.

Is it necessary to hire a guide for trekking in Gangtok?

It is recommended to hire a guide for trekking in Gangtok as they know the terrain well and can provide valuable information about the local flora and fauna.

What kind of equipment must I carry for trekking in Gangtok?

You must carry comfortable trekking shoes, warm clothes, rain gear, a backpack, a water bottle, sunscreen, sunglasses, and a first-aid kit.

Is it safe to go trekking in Gangtok?

Yes, it is safe to go trekking in Gangtok. However, it is essential to follow the guidelines provided by your guide and take necessary precautions.

What is the level of difficulty of trekking in Gangtok?

The difficulty level of trekking in Gangtok varies depending on your chosen trek. Some treks are easy, while others are moderate to difficult.

Are there any permits required for trekking in Gangtok?

Yes, you need to obtain permits from the local authorities for treks in Gangtok. Your guide will assist you with the process.