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8 Best Treks in India Perfect for Families

Going on a family trekking trip in India can be an excellent way to create long-lasting memories and strengthen relationships. With diverse routes, mild terrain and stunning scenery, India has something to offer everyone. 

You and your loved ones can explore the natural wonders of this incredible country while experiencing its rich culture and warm hospitality. From the snow-capped peaks of the Himalayas to lush valleys, India is full of breathtaking landscapes waiting to be discovered.

List of Best Family Treks in India

Trek Difficulty Level Distance
Kedarnath Trek, Uttarakhand Easy 16 km
Hemkund Sahib Trek, Uttarakhand Easy 42 km
Dodital Lake Trek, Himachal Pradesh Easy 54 km
Sham Valley Trek, Ladakh Easy 58 km
Panwali Kantha Trek, Uttarakhand Moderate 65 km
Indus Valley Trek, Ladakh Moderate 68 km
Dodital Yamunotri Trek, Uttarakhand Moderate 80 km
Thamsar Pass Trek, Himachal Pradesh Hard 98 km

Best Family Treks in India

1. Kedarnath Trek | 16 km

The Garhwal Himalayas are sacred in Hindu mythology and religion and known as the "Abode of the Gods." Gangotri marks the start of the Ganges River. 

Kedarnath is a pilgrimage site where hundreds of devotees gather. The route starts in Kedarnath and goes through forests and meadows to Lata. Tapovan, surrounded by streams and peaks, is further up. 

  • Altitude: 3,584 m 
  • Best Time to Visit: May to June & September to October
  • Duration of the Trek (including travelling): 7 days
  • Difficulty Level: Easy

2. Hemkund Sahib Trek | 42 km

Hemkund is a must-visit location for trekking enthusiasts. The valley is famous for its colourful flowers and serene surroundings. 

The trek starts from Haridwar and ends in Joshimath, with Ghangaria being the starting point for visiting Hemkund Sahib and the Valley of Flowers. Stay overnight in Ghangaria before heading to the Valley of Flowers the following day.

  • Altitude: 3,584 m
  • Best Time to Visit: May to June & September to October
  • Duration of the Trek (including travelling): 7 days
  • Difficulty Level: Easy

3. Dodital Lake Trek | 54 km

Dodital Trek is a scenic winter trek in the Garhwal Himalayan region, starting in Sangamchatti and ending in Agoda hamlet. The trail leads to Dodital, which is 3,307 meters above sea level. 

Camping at Dodital is delightful due to the natural beauty and serene freshwater lake. You can reach Bandarpunch Peak and the Swargarohini range by walking 5 km to Darwa Top. Dodital Trek is considered a moderate trek in Uttarakhand.

  • Altitude: 4,150 m
  • Best Time to Visit: March to June & September to December
  • Duration of the Trek (including travelling): 7 days
  • Difficulty Level: Easy

4. Sham Valley Trek | 58 km

Sham Valley Trek is a simple and enjoyable trek in Ladakh called "Apricot Valley." Suitable for families and beginners, it takes you through barley fields, streams, small mountain passes, and shade-giving willows to isolated settlements in the region. 

You can capture stunning scenery of diverse environments and wild wildlife through multiple pictures. The journey begins in Likir and ascends 3700 meters at Hemis Shukpachen from 3500 meters above sea level.

  • Altitude: 3,750 m
  • Best Time to Visit: May to October
  • Duration of the Trek (including travelling): 7 days
  • Difficulty Level: Easy

5. Panwali Kantha Trek | 65 km

Panwali Kantha is a year-round scenic trek starting from Sonprayag and Ghuttu and ending at Triyugi Narayan. In winter, heavy snowfall may block the routes. In monsoon, the alpine and deodar green meadows make it an ideal destination. 

The valley looks stunning in April and May, with rhododendrons blooming in pink and scarlet hues.

  • Altitude: 4,000m
  • Best Time to Visit: May to October
  • Duration of the Trek (including travelling): 8 days
  • Difficulty Level: Moderate

6. Indus Valley Trek | 68 km

Experience the prehistoric era in the birthplace of Indian culture with the Indus Valley Trek. Hike through Ladakh and witness rural villages, historic monasteries, and naturally occurring rock paintings. 

The trek starts from Leh and moves towards Likir and Yangthang, crossing the Phobe La and Charatse La passes for breathtaking views. It ends at Leh after passing through Lamayuru and Alchi.

  • Altitude: 3,800 m
  • Best Time to Visit: Mid-June to September
  • Duration of the Trek (including travelling): 8 days
  • Difficulty Level: Moderate

7. Dodital Yamunotri Trek 80 km

Dodital Yamunotri is a popular destination for nature enthusiasts and pilgrims. Surrounded by oak, deodar, rhododendron, and pine forests, it's perfect for outdoor activities such as hiking, boating, and fishing. 

The trek from Dodital to Hanuman Chatti is a two-day journey over Darwa Top ending at Yamunotri temple, offering stunning views of the Garhwal Himalayas. The best time to embark on this journey is during the summer.

  • Altitude: 4,450 m
  • Best Time to Visit: Mid-April to June & September to November
  • Duration of the Trek (including travelling): 8 days
  • Difficulty Level: Moderate

8. Thamsar Pass Trek | 98 km

Thamsar Pass trek in Himachal Pradesh offers a challenging route with stunning views of the Western Himalayas. The tour starts at Dharamshala and takes you through rivers, rocky moraines, and narrow paths. 

At Thamsar Pass, enjoy breathtaking vistas of the Kangra and Ravi valleys, snow-capped peaks, glaciers, and lakes. The journey concludes in Dharamshala, where you can learn about the local Buddhist culture and visit the Dalai Lama's residence.

  • Altitude: 4,550 m
  • Best Time to Visit: Mid-June to Mid-October
  • Duration of the Trek (including travelling): 14 days
  • Difficulty Level: Hard

Things to Keep in Mind Before Going on a Trek with Family

When planning a trekking trip with family, there are a few things to remember to ensure everyone's safety and enjoyment. 

  • Research and Plan: Conduct thorough research about the trekking destination, trail difficulty, weather conditions, and required permits. Plan your itinerary carefully, considering the fitness levels and abilities of everyone in your family.
  • Pack Smart: Pack all the essentials, such as sturdy footwear, comfortable clothing, rain gear, sunscreen, insect repellent, a first aid kit, and enough drinking water. Additionally, pack snacks, energy bars, and meals if necessary.
  • Stay Hydrated: Proper hydration is crucial during trekking. Encourage everyone in your family to drink plenty of water throughout the trek, especially in high-altitude regions. Carry reusable water bottles and refill them whenever possible.
  • Start Slow and Pace Yourself: Begin the trek comfortably, allowing everyone to acclimate to the altitude and get used to the physical exertion. Take frequent breaks, especially if you have young children, to rest, admire the scenery, and recharge.
  • Follow Safety Guidelines: Always prioritize safety. Stay on marked trails, follow your guide's instructions, and avoid risky shortcuts. Carry a whistle or other communication devices for emergencies and ensure everyone in your family knows how to use them.
  • Enjoy Nature and Wildlife: Encourage your family to appreciate the natural beauty and wildlife encounters during the trek. However, maintain a respectful distance from animals and avoid littering to preserve the environment.
  • Capture Memories: Bring a camera or smartphone to capture the beautiful moments you'll experience as a family. Take photographs, record videos, and create lasting memories of your trekking adventure together.
  • Embrace the Experience: Trekking with your family is not just about reaching the destination; it's about bonding, exploring, and enjoying quality time together. Embrace the challenges, celebrate achievements, and create a positive and supportive atmosphere throughout the journey.

It is Important to enjoy the journey and the time spent together as a family.

FAQs about Best Treks in India for Families

Can we take kids for trekking?

It is recommended that kids should be around the age of 8-10 years to go on easy treks.

Is trekking in India suitable for families?

India offers a variety of trekking options suitable for families. There are many gentle and scenic trails that cater to different fitness levels and age groups, ensuring a safe and enjoyable experience for everyone.

Can a 2-month-old go to the mountains?

Since babies don’t develop their lung strength at such a young age, it is not recommended to take babies on high altitude mountain treks.

Can we experience the local culture during the trek?

Trekking in India offers a unique opportunity to experience the rich local culture. Along the way, you might encounter remote villages, interact with friendly locals, and witness traditional customs. This cultural immersion adds a meaningful dimension to your family trekking adventure.