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Top 10 Famous Temples in Pushkar to Visit

Explore Pushkar's iconic temples, each a testament to timeless devotion and architectural grandeur. Admire intricate carvings, sacred rituals, and serene surroundings, drawing pilgrims and tourists alike.

Discover the spiritual essence of Pushkar as you immerse yourself in the sanctity of these revered temples, cherished for centuries.

List of Temples in Pushkar

Following is the list of temples in Pushkar that are easily accessible via the Pushkar Junction Railway Station, Kishangarh Airport, and the Pushkar Central Bus Station:

Temples Location
Varaha Temple Choti Basti
Old Rangji Temple Choti Basti
Apteshwar Temple Mahadev Chowk
Brahma Temple Pushkar Lake
Gayatri Temple opposite Pushkar Lake
Saraswati Temple Ratnagiri Hill top
Raghunath Temple Varah Ghat
Savitri Temple Kharekhari Rd
Mahadeva Temple Mahadev Chowk
Sri Rama Vaikunth Temple Choti Basti

10 Best Temples to Visit in Pushkar

Pushkar’s top temples: spiritual sanctuaries, architectural marvels, and serene ambiance beckons.

1. Varaha Temple | Choti Basti

Ancient sanctuaries like Varaha Temple, embody timeless spirituality and architectural grandeur. Witness divine reverence and intricate craftsmanship, offering solace and enlightenment to seekers of inner peace.

  • Best Time to Visit: October to March.
  • Temple Timings: 6:00 AM to 8:00 PM - Everyday.
  • Nearby Places: Varaha Ghat, Pushkar Heritage Museum, Pushkar Adventure Desert Camp.

2. Old Rangji Temple | Choti Basti

Experience serenity and spirituality at an ancient temple nestled in the heart of Choti Basti. Admire the intricate architecture and immerse yourself in the tranquil ambience, offering solace and enlightenment to devotees for generations.

  • Best Time to Visit: November to February.
  • Temple Timings: 5:30 AM to 7:00 PM - Everyday.
  • Nearby Places: Gau Ghat, Pushkar Camel Safari Desert Camp, Pushkar Lake Park.

3. Apteshwar Temple | Mahadev Chowk

Embrace spiritual tranquillity at a revered temple nestled in Mahadev Chowk. Admire the divine architecture and partake in sacred rituals, fostering a sense of serenity and reverence. Immerse yourself in seeking solace and enlightenment.

  • Best Time to Visit: September to April.
  • Temple Timings: 6:00 AM to 7:30 PM - Everyday.
  • Nearby Places: Brahma Ghat, Desert Hills Camel Safari, Pushkar Adventure Desert Camp.

4. Brahma Temple | Pushkar Lake

Situated near the serene Pushkar Lake, this temple offers a tranquil oasis for spiritual reflection. With its ancient architecture and sacred ambience, it beckons seekers of inner peace and divine connection, drawing pilgrims from across the globe.

  • Best Time to Visit: November to March.
  • Temple Timings: 5:00 AM to 9:00 PM - Everyday.
  • Nearby Places: Holy ghats, Ganahera, serene gardens.

5. Gayatri Temple | Opposite Pushkar Lake

Situated near Pushkar Lake, the temple offers serenity and spiritual solace. With its tranquil ambiance and sacred aura, it beckons devotees seeking divine blessings. Admire its architectural splendor and immerse in the reverent atmosphere.

  • Best Time to Visit: October to February.
  • Temple Timings: 6:30 AM to 7:00 PM - Everyday.
  • Nearby Places: Vaam Dev Road, Ganahera, Varaha Ghat.

6. Saraswati Temple | Ratnagiri Hill top

Perched atop Ratnagiri Hill, this temple is revered for its tranquil ambiance and spiritual significance. Admire the serene surroundings as you seek blessings at this sacred site, resonating with devotion and tranquillity amidst breathtaking natural beauty.

  • Best Time to Visit: November to March.
  • Temple Timings: 6:00 AM to 8:00 PM - Everyday.
  • Nearby Places: Varaha Ghat, Heritage Museum, Pushkar Adventure Desert Camp.

7. Raghunath Temple | Varah Ghat

Immerse in divine tranquillity at a historic temple nestled along the Varah Ghat. Admire the architectural grandeur and seek spiritual solace amidst serene surroundings. Reflect on timeless traditions and embrace a sense of reverence.

  • Best Time to Visit: October to February.
  • Temple Timings: 5:30 AM to 8:30 PM - Everyday.
  • Nearby Places: Panch Kud Rd, Brahma ghat, Gau ghat.

8. Savitri Temple | Kharekhari Rd

Experience tranquillity and spirituality at a revered temple nestled amidst Kharekhari Rd. Marvel at architectural brilliance and immerse in sacred ambience. A journey to this site promises serenity and connection.

  • Best Time to Visit: September to March.
  • Temple Timings: 5:00 AM to 7:00 PM - Everyday.
  • Nearby Places: Pushkar Desert, Neem Tree Farm, Savitri had.

9. Mahadeva Temple | Mahadev Chowk

Renowned for its divine aura and architectural grandeur, the temple at Mahadev Chowk beckons worshippers seeking spiritual solace. With its sacred ambience and historical significance, it stands as a testament to devotion.

  • Best Time to Visit: October to February.
  • Temple Timings: 6:00 AM to 7:30 PM - Everyday.
  • Nearby Places: Shadev Bagh, Bharma Ghat, Parikarma Marg Rd.

10. Sri Rama Vaikunth Temple | Choti Basti

Embrace tranquillity at a revered temple nestled amidst Choti Basti. Marvel at its architectural splendor and bask in spiritual serenity—a sacred haven, inviting devotees to immerse in divine blessings and seek solace in the divine presence.

  • Best Time to Visit: November to March.
  • Temple Timings: 5:30 AM to 7:30 PM - Everyday.
  • Nearby Places: RTDC Sarovar, Vaam Dev Road, spiritual ashrams.

Explore Pushkar's renowned temples, revered for their grandeur and spiritual ambience. These sacred sanctuaries offer solace and enlightenment to visitors. Admire intricate carvings, towering spires, and serene surroundings steeped in a centuries-old tradition. Immerse yourself in the divine aura of these temples, a testament to timeless devotion and reverence.

FAQs about Temples to Visit in Pushkar, India

What is the importance of Pushkar Temple?

Pushkar Temple holds great religious significance as one of the few temples dedicated to Lord Brahma, the creator in Hinduism.

What is the benefit of donation in a temple?

Donations in temples contribute to the maintenance, development, and charitable activities of the temple, supporting the community's welfare.

Can we take pets to the Temple?

Typically, pets are not allowed inside temples due to religious beliefs and hygiene considerations.

Why are men not allowed in Pushkar Temple?

Pushkar Temple follows tradition, restricting men's entry to maintain the sanctity and preserve the temple's religious practices.

What is the dress code for Pushkar Temple?

Visitors to Pushkar Temple are expected to dress modestly, covering shoulders and knees, as a sign of respect and adherence to tradition.

Is it safe to visit Pushkar?

Pushkar is generally safe for visitors, but like any tourist destination, it's advisable to take standard precautions for personal safety.

Why do foreigners come to Pushkar?

Foreigners visit Pushkar to experience its rich cultural heritage, religious significance, vibrant markets, and the annual Pushkar Camel Fair.

Which temple is situated near Pushkar Lake?

Savitri Temple is situated near Pushkar Lake, offering panoramic views of the town and its surroundings.

How many temples are there in Pushkar?

Pushkar boasts over 500 temples, each with its unique architecture, history, and religious significance, attracting pilgrims and tourists alike.

Why is Pushkar Temple famous?

Pushkar Temple is famous for being one of the few temples dedicated to Lord Brahma, the creator in Hinduism.

Is Pushkar better than Ajmer?

Pushkar and Ajmer hold their distinct charms; Pushkar is renowned for its spiritual aura and Brahma Temple, while Ajmer has historical significance.

Are photos not allowed in temples?

In many temples, photography is restricted to maintain the sanctity and respect the religious sentiments associated with the sacred spaces.

What are the benefits of visiting Pushkar Temple?

Visiting Pushkar Temple offers spiritual solace, blessings from Lord Brahma, and a chance to immerse in the town's serene ambiance.