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Go Scuba Diving in Dwarka to See Remains of the Ancient City

Present day Dwarka sits at the opening of the Gomti river on the Arabian Sea and is renowned for its notable historical and religious sites. Dwarka is one of the seven most ancient cities in the country and a major pilgrimage destination for Hindus.

The land of Dwarka, Gujarat is a symbolic destination known for its historical references in the Hindu mythology. Dwarka is the place where Lord Krishna grew up and later ruled. Hidden below its waters are the ruins of the ancient city 'Bet Dwarka', lying off the coast of Gujarat.

It is believed that when Krishna left the Earth to join the spiritual world, Dwarka and its inhabitants were submerged by the sea. After it was recently excavated, travellers now have the option to explore the hidden underwater city while swimming among gentle creatures of the ocean waters.

Let’s read all about scuba diving in Dwarka and how you can see the remnants of the lost city undersea!

Scuba Diving in Dwarka, Gujarat

You may find some of the freshly unearthed remnants of the ancient Dwarka when scuba diving around 'Bet Dwarka' and the waters off its shore. While archeologists claim that these remains do belong to the lost, submerged Dwarka of the Mahabharata, there is still much skepticism about their actual origins. 

Now, with many scuba diving operators set up in Dwarka, you have a unique opportunity to take a little tour of these submerged remains while swimming through the blue ocean waters! Along with the remains, you can see beautiful coral reefs and beautiful marine life such as dolphins, turtles, octopuses and starfish.

The world beneath the sea is exciting. It's different every time, everywhere. The visibility in the sea in this area is also conducive for scuba diving.

  • Popular Diving Spots: Bet Dwarka Island, Bluebell Beach, Sunpoint, Diving Point Jonty Tunnel and Shivrajpur Island
  • Attractions: Underwater city remains, corals, dolphins, turtles, octopus, starfish, whale shark, puffer fish, lobsters, crabs, rays, jellyfish, sea anemones, sponges.
  • Depth: 3m - 12m
  • Costs: ₹2,500 - ₹8,000

Best Time to Visit Dwarka for Scuba Diving

The best months to go scuba diving in Dwarka are from October through March as the monsoons would be over and the weather would not be too hot either.

Checklist of Items for Scuba Diving in Dwarka

Before you go scuba diving in Dwarka, be sure to carry these essential items:

  • Valid ID proof and a medical certificate stating good health is a must.
  • Swimwear, dry bag and towels
  • Hats, sunglasses and sunblock
  • First aid kit

Scuba diving operators will provide you with efficient equipment. Be sure to check your equipment before you're in the water to avoid malfunctions.

Tips to Remember Before Scuba Diving in Dwarka

  • Scuba diving is not permitted for anyone under the influence of substances or if advised against by a medical practitioner.
  • Dive only in designated areas and always pay attention to the guidelines set by your instructor.
  • Wait for at least 2 hours after eating before you go scuba diving.
  • There should be a time gap of at least 24 hours between flying and going scuba diving.
  • Avoid exercising or consuming alcohol after your dive. Drink plenty of water to stay hydrated.

There are many tourists who enjoy visiting the beautiful town of Dwarka. After exploring the history of the land, the entire trip is completed with a dive into the Arabian Sea to explore the famed submerged city.

Scuba diving in Dwarka is an exceptional adventure sport that you mustn't miss out on.

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