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Top 15 Destinations for Road Trip With Friends

A road trip with friends is an unparalleled adventure, offering endless laughter, shared memories, and the joy of exploring the unknown together. Whether it's the thrill of the journey or the excitement of the destination, a road trip with your best mates is the ultimate way to strengthen bonds and create unforgettable experiences.

List of Destinations for Road Trip With Friends

Destinations Distance (in km)
Puri to Konark 33 km
Chandigarh to Kasauli 57 km
Darjeeling to Pelling 69 km
Mumbai to Lonavala 83 km
Chennai to Pondicherry 151 km
Shimla to Manali 235 km
Bangalore to Ooty 279 km
Dehradun to Nainital  281 km
Ahmedabad to Kutch 368 km
Srinagar to Ladakh 423 km
Shimla to Spiti Valley 427 km
Guwahati to Tawang 434 km
Jaipur to Jaisalmer 558 km
Mumbai to Goa 605 km
Manali to Srinagar 685 km

Best Places for Road Trip With Friends: Within 100 km

These fifteen places offer the perfect backdrop for your adventures, each with its unique charm and attractions:

1. Puri to Konark | 33 km

The journey from the holy city of Puri to the architectural marvel of Konark is a spiritual and historical exploration. Drive along the coastline, visit the majestic Sun Temple, and enjoy the serene beaches.

  • Best Time to Visit: October to February.
  • Popularity: Popular for the Sun Temple and beautiful beaches.
  • Activities to Do: Temple visits, beach picnics, and exploring local crafts.
  • Ideal Route: Puri - Konark.

2. Chandigarh to Kasauli | 57 km

A short drive from Chandigarh to Kasauli presents a quick escape into the hills. This road trip is perfect for those looking to find solace in the mountains, with Victorian-era buildings, dense forests, and panoramic views.

  • Best Time to Visit: April to June and September to November.
  • Popularity: Serene landscapes and Victorian-era buildings.
  • Activities to do: Nature walks, bird watching, and visiting Victorian-era churches.
  • Ideal Route: Chandigarh - Kasauli.

3. Darjeeling to Pelling | 69 km

Embark on a journey from the tea gardens of Darjeeling to the serene landscapes of Pelling in Sikkim. This road trip is a nature lover's paradise, offering views of the Kanchenjunga, monasteries, and verdant valleys.

  • Best Time to Visit: September to June.
  • Popularity: Known for breathtaking sunrise views and serene landscapes.
  • Activities to Do: Monastery visits, nature walks, and exploring tea gardens.
  • Ideal Route: Darjeeling to Pelling via Nayabazar - Legship - Reshi Road.

4. Mumbai to Lonavala | 83 km

Take a short but scenic road trip from the bustling metropolis of Mumbai to the tranquil hill station of Lonavala. Nestled in the Western Ghats, Lonavala is renowned for its lush greenery, cascading waterfalls, and serene atmosphere.

  • Best Time to Visit: October to February.
  • Popularity: Scenic beauty, trekking trails, and iconic attractions like Bhushi Dam and Tiger's Leap.
  • Activities to do: Trekking, waterfall rappelling, exploring caves like Karla and Bhaja, and enjoying scenic drives.
  • Ideal Route: Mumbai - Navi Mumbai - Lonavala.

Best Places for Road Trip With Friends: Within 200 km

5. Chennai to Pondicherry | 151 km

Drive along the Bay of Bengal from the bustling city of Chennai to the French colonial town of Pondicherry. The coastal route is dotted with beautiful beaches, fishing villages, and heritage sites, offering a peaceful retreat.

  • Best Time to Visit: October to March.
  • Popularity: Famous for its colonial charm and beachside promenades.
  • Activities to Do: Beach walks, exploring French heritage, and trying local cuisine.
  • Ideal Route: Chennai - Mahabalipuram - Pondicherry.

Best Places for Road Trip With Friends: Within 300 km

6. Shimla to Manali | 235 km

Travel from the colonial charm of Shimla to the pristine beauty of Manali through winding roads, dense pine forests, and the tranquil Beas River. It's a journey through the heart of Himachal Pradesh, offering breathtaking views and cool mountain air.

  • Best Time to Visit: October to February.
  • Popularity: Adventure sports, natural landscapes, Hadimba Temple and Rohtang Pass.
  • Activities to do: Paragliding, rafting, trekking, and visiting the temple.
  • Ideal Route: Shimla - Mandi - Manali.

7. Bangalore to Ooty | 279 km

Escape the bustling city life of Bangalore and embark on a scenic journey to the hill station paradise of Ooty. Meander through winding mountain roads, tea plantations, and lush forests, immersing yourself in the tranquillity and natural beauty of the Nilgiris.

  • Best Time to Visit: October to June.
  • Popularity: Botanical gardens, toy train rides, colonial architecture and scenic beauty.
  • Activities to do: Visit the Botanical Garden and take a boat ride at Ooty Lake.
  • Ideal Route: Bangalore - Chamarajanagar  - Ooty.

8. Dehradun to Nainital | 281 km

Experience the charm of Uttarakhand as you drive from the bustling city of Dehradun to the serene hill station of Nainital. Surrounded by lush greenery and tranquil lakes, Nainital is the perfect destination for a refreshing getaway.

  • Best Time to Visit: March to June.
  • Popularity: Lakes, temples, Tibetan Market, and Mall Road.
  • Activities to Do: Boating, cable car ride, rock climbing, shopping, visit to Nainital Zoo.
  • Ideal Route: Dehradun - Kashipur - Nainital.

Best Places for Road Trip With Friends: Beyond 300 km

9. Ahmedabad to Kutch | 368 km

This road trip takes you from the vibrant city of Ahmedabad to the surreal white salt desert of Kutch. The journey is a cultural exploration, showcasing Gujarat's rich heritage, colourful crafts, and unique landscapes.

  • Best Time to Visit: August to February.
  • Popularity: Famous for the Rann Utsav and its mesmerising salt marshes.
  • Activities to Do: Desert safaris, cultural shows, handicraft shopping.
  • Ideal Route: Ahmedabad - Dhrangadhra - Bhachau - Kutch.

10. Srinagar to Ladakh | 423 km

This epic road trip takes you through some of the most breathtaking vistas in the Himalayas. Traverse high mountain passes, azure lakes, and barren landscapes as you journey from Srinagar to Ladakh.

  • Best Time to Visit: April to May.
  • Popularity: Buddhist monasteries, Tibetan culture, mountain passes and crystal clear skies.
  • Activities to Do: Monastery visits, hiking, and exploring Tibetan culture.
  • Ideal Route: Srinagar - Sonamarg - Kargil - Ladakh.

11. Shimla to Spiti Valley | 427 km

Traverse the rugged terrain of Himachal Pradesh on this exhilarating journey from the colonial charm of Shimla to the mystical Spiti Valley. Encounter dramatic landscapes, including verdant valleys, cascading waterfalls, and high-altitude monasteries.

  • Best Time to Visit: April to July and October to November.
  • Popularity: Lush valleys, remote villages, snow-capped mountains and Buddhist monasteries.
  • Activities to Do: Monastery visits, nature walks, and exploring local lanes.
  • Ideal Route: Shimla - Mandi - Dhar Dindii - Spiti Valley.

12. Guwahati to Tawang | 434 km

A journey from the bustling city of Guwahati to the serene landscapes of Tawang is a blend of adventure and spirituality. Travel through mountainous terrains, witness the majestic Sela Pass, and explore the rich Buddhist culture.

  • Best Time to Visit: March to June and September to October.
  • Popularity: Known for its scenic beauty and Buddhist monasteries.
  • Activities to Do: Monastery visits, nature walks, exploring local culture.
  • Ideal Route: Guwahati - Udalguri - Bomdila - Tawang.

13. Jaipur to Jaisalmer | 558 km

Experience the vibrant hues of Rajasthan as you journey from the Pink City of Jaipur to the golden sands of Jaisalmer. Along the way, marvel at majestic forts and ornate palaces, immersing yourself in the desert state's rich heritage.

  • Best Time to Visit: October to March.
  • Popularity: Desert festival, forts, palaces, desert and gardens.
  • Activities to Do: Explore palaces and forts, enjoy desert safari and festival.
  • Ideal Route: Jaipur - Nagaur - Pokhran - Jaisalmer.

14. Mumbai to Goa | 605 km

Embark on a coastal escapade from Mumbai to Goa with friends, soaking in the sun-kissed beaches and vibrant nightlife. This journey is the quintessential road trip in India, famed for its scenic beauty and inviting stops along the way.

  • Best Time to Visit: November to February.
  • Popularity: Famous for stunning coastal drives and beach destinations.
  • Activities to Do: Beach hopping, water sports, exploring Portuguese heritage.
  • Ideal Route: Mumbai - Chiplun - Panaji - Goa.

15. Manali to Srinagar | 685 km

This trip takes you through the breathtaking landscapes of the Himalayas, winding through lush valleys, snow-capped peaks, and charming hillside villages. You'll witness panoramic vistas as you traverse the Manali Highway and onward to Srinagar.

  • Best Time to Visit: April to October.
  • Popularity: Scenic landscapes, lakes, gardens and houseboats.
  • Activities to Do: Trekking, camping, river rafting and enjoying in houseboats.
  • Ideal Route: Manali - Mandi - Pathankot - Srinagar.

FAQs about Road Trips With Friends

How do we split costs fairly on a road trip with friends?

Estimate travel, food, and lodging costs upfront, keep receipts, split actual expenses at the destination, and settle everything equally afterwards.

What are some essential items to pack for a road trip with friends?

Some essential items to pack for a road trip with friends include snacks and drinks for energy, a road map or GPS for navigation, and a first aid kit for emergencies. Additionally, remember entertainment like music playlists, games, and chargers for electronic devices to keep everyone entertained throughout the journey.

What should I consider when planning a road trip with friends?

When planning a road trip with friends, consider everyone's preferences and interests to ensure a balanced itinerary. Also, factor in the duration, destination,  budget, and safety measures for a smooth and enjoyable journey.

Is travelling with friends fun?

Absolutely! Travelling with friends is a blast. It adds excitement, laughter, and shared memories to every journey, making it an unforgettable experience.

What do you call a road trip friend?

A road trip friend is often referred to as a "travel buddy", “fellow traveller”, or simply a "road trip companion."

How do you enjoy a trip with friends?

To enjoy a trip with friends, ensure clear communication and open discussions, plan activities together, remain flexible to accommodate spontaneous adventures and changes in plans, respect each other's boundaries and needs, cherish the shared experiences and create lasting memories with your friends.

Which is better: Travelling alone or with friends?

The answer depends on personal preferences and the type of experience one seeks. Travelling alone offers independence, self-discovery, and the freedom to explore at your own pace. On the other hand, travelling with friends can enhance enjoyment through shared experiences, companionship, and the opportunity to create lasting memories together.

What is the joy of travelling with friends?

The joy of travelling with friends is found in the shared experiences, laughter, and camaraderie that enrich every moment. It's about creating lasting memories, strengthening bonds, and experiencing new adventures together.

What is a trip friendship?

A trip friendship is a close bond formed between individuals while travelling together. It is characterised by shared experiences, mutual support, and the camaraderie that develops during the journey. These friendships are deep, transformative, intense, and sharp.

What are the most expensive places to go on a road trip with friends in India?

Some of the most expensive places to go on a road trip with friends in India include Goa, Kashmir, Kerala, Udaipur, Mumbai, and Bangalore.

Is it cheaper to travel with a friend?

Yes, travelling with a friend can often lead to cost savings as you can split expenses like accommodation, transportation, and meals.

Where should we go out with friends?

For outings with friends, consider options based on shared interests and preferences, such as parks, beaches, rivers, and outdoor adventures.